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India from 1947 to 1964

The span of 1947 to 1964 was a very important period in the history of Indian Independence. The most important event that took place was the making of the Indian Constitution.

India got Independence in the year 1947 from the rule of the Britishers. But before leaving Britishers partitioned India into two independent nations, India and Pakistan. And this partition ruined the lives of millions and thousands of people. Right after the independence the freedom fighters, citizens, and political leaders went through the process of shaping the nation. A lot of events took place from 1947 to 1964. We will discuss everything in the following parts. 

India From 1947 to 1964 

 Just after its Independence in 1947, India had witnessed a few turbulent events among them was the partition of India and Pakistan. This partition further led to the generation of Indo Pak war 1947 and thus it was a big headache for the Indian government to integrate almost 500 princely states to create a united nation. It was a very hard task to integrate Hyderabad, Junagarh, and Kashmir within the territory of India. During this time, till 1950 the Framing of the Indian Constitution was also taking place and political leaders like B.R Ambedkar, Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru ensured that the Constitution of India must be secular, socialist, democratic and sovereign in nature. Then in 1952 Jawaharlal Nehru became the Prime Minister of India, he had established many developments in the country along the Five years plan made by the planning commission which later didn’t come out as it was expected. Nehru tried to make a good relationship with China but China, according to its behavior, betrayed India. It was the time in 1962 when China suddenly attacked the Indian army and claimed a few portions of the Himalayas as theirs which were under Indian territory. 

Framing of the Indian Constitution 

In this part, we will understand the framing of the Indian Constitution in more detail.  The framing of the Indian Constitution was a big long process.  The Constitution of India was created in the constituent assembly under the cabinet mission plan of 1946. The constituent assembly involved a total of 389 members among which a few were freedom fighters, 292 people represented their provinces, 93 people represented their states, and people from all sections of society were invited to the framing Constitution. In short, the Constituent assembly was looking like a mini-India at that time. The Constituent assembly had organized 13 committees for framing the constitution. After intense discussion and debates, the drafted Constitution was established in January 1948 and the whole Constitution was finally adopted and signed by the President of the assembly in November 1949. The Constitution of India was adopted by many countries like Canada, Ireland, Australia, Soviet Union, France, and from many more countries. 

Formation of States 

Another headache for the political leaders of India was the formation of States that were initially princely states and were under the rule of some ruler. Before the Independence, there were princely states in India, and these princely states were governed and ruled by individual rulers. After independence, it was very important to include these princely states under the territory of India to have a United Nation. The political leaders like Nehru threw an offer at all rulers of princely states to either join or join Pakistan and the third option was to stay alone. So mostly all princely states decided to join India except a few. Princely states like Kashmir, Hyderabad, Junagarh, and many more were creating problems at first in the integration process but later they were included under the Indian Subcontinent. 

Planning For Development 

After all these things took place, The Prime Minister of India started focusing on the Planning of Development for the country. The Prime Minister of India established a new commission in the name of planning commission which will only deal with the development of the country’s welfare and economy. Under the planning commission, the Prime Minister of India introduced a five-year plan in 1951 but that plan didn’t come out as it was expected. Later in 2017 the name of the planning commission was changed and made Niti aayog. However slowly India made its steps towards Development by creating urban sectors, introducing new technologies, bringing better healthcare and education systems, and many more. 


This article was a brief study on India from 1947 to 1964. The article briefly explains the framing of the Indian Constitution and what processes it included and how everything was worked out. The article also briefly showed the formation of States in India and the planning of Development in India after Independence. Every event that took place from 1947 to 1964 has been explained briefly in the above parts. All the series of events that occurred in this period are shown very clearly in this article.


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