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Early Composition Of The British Raj

Analysing the opportunities and highly traded value in India, The Europeans got attracted to establish their colonialism in India and rule until independence.

Britishers are known as the best traders across the globe since ancient times. In this study, the significance of the British rule in India for over 190 years. During this long period, the Britishers took advantage of the geographic location of India for trade. The concept of British governance in India caused different wars as Indians were seeking freedom. In this assignment, the negative impacts of the British Raj are going to be examined in brief.

About the British Raj in India

The important part of the collapse of the Mughal Empire has the most significant drawback in Indian ancient history. As the intention of the Britishers was to rule in the trade and dominate the market of India, which was not remained successful due to the entrance of the Portuguese. During the breakdown of the Mogul Empire, this had the power to control most parts of India from 1526, until the demise of Aurangzeb in 1707. The war between the Maratha, and Persians began after the empire of the Mughal dissolved. At this stage, the Britishers started to take the advantage of the conflicts of wars in the different states of India.

Establishment and Initial Composition of British Governance

The initial notion of the Britishers was not to invade India rather they came to India as a trader with the desire to make a monopoly in the trading industry worldwide. In 1600, the East India Company was formed to trade in India and the primary competition of these traders was Portuguese and French. The battle of Plassey was fought due to Nawab Sriraj’s annoyance with the licence of the East Indian Company to trade in Bengal, the eastern part of India. This battle was the first battle fought by the East Indian Company and made them rule the eastern part of India.

Negative Impact of British Rule in India

As the East India Company took the ruling power in India by defeating different Indian dynasties, Indians started to suffer from malnutrition, poverty, political disadvantages, diseases, and financial exploitation. The rulers of British governance in India demolished India via heavy taxation and the exportation of different raw materials and jewels from India to Britain. This results in bad economic circumstances in India. Draining the Indian wealth was considered a robbery in India by the Britishers. The East Indian Company made the exportation of Kohinoor diamond from India and different valuable things after defeating the kings in India.

The First War of Independence in India

The Indian troops announced the war due to the desire for nationhood and to get relief from cruel behaviour and forced farmers to grow crops. This situation arrived due to the licence passed by the Mughal Empire to trade in India. With the emotions of nationhood, the rebellion made widespread in the battle against the Britishers. Although this battle was unsuccessful in Indian history, however, this battle makes the seed of nationhood among Indians. This war resulted in the construction of different other wars of independence in India fought by the freedom fighters.

History of Independence in India

  • The movement for independence in India began during the period of World War I and it was led by the Indian freedom fighter Mohandas K. Gandhi
  • Mangal Pandey is known as the first freedom fighter in India who influenced the 1857 revolt against the British
  • Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, one of the greatest freedom fighters of India, went to Germany to make friends with Adloff Hitler and make a successful movement by defeating the British
  • Netaji constructed Azad Hind Fauj to fight against Britishers


Due to the fall of the Mughal dynasty, the Britishers got the chance to take advantage of the conflicts between the Indian rulers. Different regional kings in India were busy taking the dynasty of Delhi which let the Britishers establish their colonialism in India. The successors of the British Raj in India led by the British East India Company. The desires of trading in India made the empires of the Mughals fall into the traps of the East India Company and make them allow trading.


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