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Procedure To Find The General Solution Of Trigonometric Equations

In this article, we will be discussing a step-by-step guide on how to find the general solution to trigonometric equations. We will also provide some examples to help illustrate the concepts. If you’re looking to improve your understanding of trigonometry and learn how to solve equations quickly and easily, then this is the article for you!

What Are Trigonometric Equations?

A trigonometric equation is an equation that contains one or more trigonometric ratios. The most common trigonometric equations are those that involve the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios.

There are two types of trigonometric equations: identities and conditional equations. Identities are true for all values of the variable, while conditional equations are only true for certain values of the variable.

Procedure To Find The General Solution Of Trigonometric Equations

To solve a trigonometric equation, you must first determine whether it is an identity or a conditional equation. If it is an identity, then the solution is all real numbers. If it is a conditional equation, then the solution is a set of specific values for the variable.

To solve a trigonometric equation, you must use one or more of the following methods:

-algebraic manipulation


-the use of trigonometric identities

-the use of inverse trigonometric functions

Algebraic Manipulation

The first step in solving a trigonometric equation is to simplify the equation by algebraic manipulation. This involves using the properties of equality to rearrange the equation so that the variable is isolated on one side.

For example, the equation cos(x)=0 can be simplified to x=pi/180 or x=90/pi.


The next step in solving a trigonometric equation is to factor the equation. This involves breaking down the expression into factors that can be cancelled out.

For example, the equation tan(x)=0 can be factored to x=npi+pi/180, where n is any integer.

The Use Of Trigonometric Identities

Another method that can be used to solve a trigonometric equation is the use of trigonometric identities. A trigonometric identity is an equation that is true for all values of the variable.

For example, the equation sin(x)=0 can be rewritten as x=npi, where n is an integer.

The Use Of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

The last method that can be used to solve a trigonometric equation is the use of inverse trigonometric functions. This involves taking the inverse of both sides of the equation.

For example, the equation cos(x)=0 can be rewritten as x=acos(0) or x=pi/180.

This is a step-by-step guide on how to solve trigonometric equations. Follow these steps and you will be able to solve any trigonometric equation.

Common Mistakes Made By Students

Assuming that all trigonometric equations can be solved by factoring.

Solving a trigonometric equation without first simplifying it by algebraic manipulation.

Using the wrong method to solve a trigonometric equation.

Forgetting the restrictions on the variable when solving a conditional equation.

These are some of the most common mistakes made by students when solving trigonometric equations. If you can avoid these mistakes, then you will be well on your way to becoming a master at solving these equations.

Practice Problems

Now that you know the steps involved in solving trigonometric equations, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test. Try solving the following equations:





Answers: sin(x)=npi, where n is an integer

cos(x)=acos(0) or x=pi/180

tan(x)=npi+pi/180, where n is an integer

cot(x)=npi or x=(n+0.50)pi, where n is an integer

These are just a few of the many practice problems that you can try to test your knowledge of solving trigonometric equations. If you can solve these equations, then you will be able to solve any trigonometric equation.


In this article, we have gone over the steps to find the general solution to a trigonometric equation. We started by discussing how to identify which type of equation it is and then finding its particular solution. Lastly, we showed how to find the general solution using substitution. This process can be applied to any type of trigonometric equation. If you are still having trouble understanding how to complete this procedure, or if you would like more practice problems, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help!


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