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Problems On Trigonometry

Let's look at Topic An Explanation on Problem on Trigonometry, where we'll try Solving trigonometric equations and work on trigonometry word problems and trigonometry practice problems.

Trigonometry is a subfield of maths that studies relationships between angles and side lengths of triangles. The field was carried out during the Hellenistic world around the period of the 3rd century BC as a result of applications of geometry and astronomical studies. The Greeks concentrated on how to calculate chords, and then Indian mathematicians created the first table of trigonometric ratios as sine for solving trigonometric equations.

Trigonometry is a popular subject due to its numerous identities. Trigonometric identities are often employed to write trigonometric formulas to simplify an expression, find the most efficient way of expression, or resolve a problem.

Ratios and Formulas for Trigonometry practice problems

The trigonometric ratios represent the proportions of the edges of a right triangle. These ratios can be calculated by the following trigonometric formulas of the known angle A where a, B and c are dimensions of sides:

  • The sine function (sin)- is defined as the ratio of the opposite side of that angle from the hypotenuse.

Sin A= opposite/ hypotenuse => ac

  • The Cosine function (cos) -is defined as equal to the adjacent side (the part of the triangle that joins the angle with that right angle) towards the hypotenuse.

Cos A = adjacent/hypotenuse => bc

  • Tangent function (tan)- is defined as the ratio of the side opposite to the adjacent side.

Tan A = opposite/ adjacent = a/b => sin Acos A

the hypotenuse is the opposite side from the angle of 90 degrees of the right triangle. It is the longest of the triangle and one of two sides next to the angle. The leg that is adjacent to it is the opposite side, which is directly next to the angle. On the other hand, there is one opposite to angle A. The terms perpendicular or base are often used to describe the sides that are opposite and adjacent and vice versa.

Since two right triangles with identical angles A are alike, the significance of a trigonometric proportion depends solely on angle A.

The reciprocals of these functions are referred to as the cosecant (Csc), secant (sec) and the cotangent (cot) and cotangent (cot)

Csc A = 1Sin A = hypotenuse/ opposite 

Sec A= 1cos A = hypotenuse/ adjacent

Cot A =1tan A = adjacent / opposite

Calculating Trigonometry Function

The trigonometric function was among the first applications of mathematical tables. These tables were used in mathematics textbooks which taught students how to find values and interpolate between values given to achieve greater accuracy. Slide rules were unique scales that were designed explicitly for trigonometric functions. The scales were specially designed for trigonometric functions.

Scientific calculators include buttons for calculating the primary trigonometric formulas. Most of them provide a range of measurement methods for angles, including degrees, radians, and occasionally Gradians. A majority of computer programs have function libraries that incorporate trigonometric calculations. The floating-point unit part of the microprocessor chips used in most personal computers includes instructions for solving trigonometric equations.

Tips for Solving Trigonometric Equations

Always start with the more complex side.

To establish a trigonometric identification and for trigonometry word problems, We always begin at either the right-hand side (RHS) or the left-hand side (LHS) and then apply the identities step-by-step until we are on the opposite side. But, the most intelligent students always start on the more complicated side. It is simpler to remove terms to make a complicated task easier than to figure out ways to introduce concepts to make an easy task more complicated.

Combine Terms into a Single Fraction

If there are two-term terms on the one side and a term on the other, take the side that has two terms into one fraction after making their denominators identical.

Utilise Pythagorean Identity to transform between cos2x and sin2x

Pay particular attention to the adding squared trigonometry terms. Use your Pythagorean identities when required. Particularly, sin2x+cos2x=1 as all other Trig terms are transformed to sines and cosines. This type of identity can be used to convert to and reverse. It is also possible to eliminate both by turning them into one.

Be aware of when to apply Double Angle Formula (DAF)

Take note of every trigonometric phrase in the following question. Are there terms with angles that are twice as big as one another? You should be prepared to utilise DAF to convert these into identical angles.

Be aware of when to apply to the Formula (AF)

Examine the angles of the trigonometric equations. Are there summations between 2 different terms in the same trigonometric term? If yes, then apply the addition formula (AF)


The process of solving trigonometry equations requires a lot of skill. There are a variety of methods to reach the solution. Naturally, some strategies are more sophisticated and efficient while others are sloppy, large, and ugly. A few students will sit for a long time looking at the problem and try to find the entire solution with the Pentium 9999 processor. Unfortunately, they tend to have a memory problem and quit before completing the question. Students with the most experience will find a balance between both. They would have a bit of time to find their way and confidently start their journey.


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