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Overview On The Different Ways To Solve A Quadratic Equation

Quadratic equations are two-dimensional algebraic expressions. They belong to the category of higher-order equations. The topic frequently appears in all competitive exams and necessitates extensive practice from young students. The word quadratic equations come from the Latin word quadratus, which means “square.” As a result, we identify quadratic equations like equations with a second-degree variable.

If the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 forms a quadratic equation, the value of x can be calculated using the following formula-

The formula for a Quadratic Equation


Simply enter the values for a, b, and c, and the calculations will be performed. The discriminant, or D, is the number in the square root.

Factoring, using quadratic formulas, or completing the square are the three basic methods of solving quadratic equations.

1. Factoring

By factoring in a quadratic equation, you can solve it.

  1. All terms should be kept on one side of the equal sign, with zero on the other.
  2. Factor.
  3. Set the value of each factor to zero.
  4. All of these equations must be solved.
  5. Check your answer by entering it into the original equation.

2. The formula for quadratic equations

Factoring cannot solve many quadratic equations. When the roots are not rational numbers, this is usually the case. The following formula can be used to solve quadratic equations in a second way: (-b±√b2-4ac)/2a

The letters a, b, and c come out from a quadratic equation in the general form that is  ax2 + bx + c = 0. where a is the number that precedes x2, b is just the number that precedes x, and the left c is the number that precedes x without a variable.

The three possibilities while using the quadratic formula. The discriminant, which is a part of the formula, distinguishes these three possibilities. The discriminant is b2 – 4ac, which is the value underneath the radical sign. The following is an example of a quadratic equation of real numbers as coefficients:

  1. There are two different real roots if the quadratic formula b2 – 4ac is a positive value.
  2. If the discriminant b2 – 4ac equals 0, there is only one real root.
  3. There is no real root if the discriminant b2 – 4ac is negative.

3. Finishing the square

Completing the square is a third methods in solving quadratic equation, and it works with both real and imaginary roots.

  1. ax2 + bx = – c is the form of the equation.
  2. Check that a = 1 (if an is less than 1, multiply the equation by 1/a before continuing).
  3. Add (b/2)2 to both the sides of the quadratic equation to frame a perfect square upon that left side of the quadratic equation using the significance of b from this equation.
  4. Calculate both sides of the equation’s square root.
  5. Solve the equation that results.

Forms of quadratic functions

Each quadratic form has a distinct appearance, allowing different questions to be answered more easily in one manner than another. Each type of quadratic equation has its own set of benefits. Recognising the advantages of each form could make it much easier to comprehend and resolve various situations. 3 forms of quadratic functions are as follows:

1. Standard Form

2. Factored Structure

3. Vertex Shape

Equations and formulas are written well with the highest degree in standard mathematical notation. The exponent is referred to by the degree. Since the highest exponent in quadratic equations is two, the degree is two.

Quadratic Equation Standard Form


The standard form has the advantage of quickly identifying a function’s end behaviour as well as the value of a, b, and c.

The top coefficient or the degree of an equation identifies the function’s end behaviour. A quadratic equation’s degree is always two. When organised in standard form, the top coefficient of an equation is often the term a.

We factor the formula from the standard form to get to the factored form, exactly as it sounds.

Quadratic Equation in Factored Form

y=a(x-r 1)(x-r 2)

We can also use the value of aa to determine end behaviour in a factored form of a quadratic, even though the degree isn’t easily recognisable.

The vertex is the point on the parabola in which the axis of symmetry intersects. It’s also the lowest value of an opening parabola or the highest peak of an opening parabola.

Quadratic Equation Vertex Form

y=a(x-h)2+ky=a(x-h) 2 +k=a(x-h)

The main advantage of vertex form, as you might expect, is the ease with which the vertex can be identified. A parabola’s vertex, or the vertex of the quadratic equation, can be written as (h,k), where h is the x-coordinate and k is the y-coordinate.


The quadratic formula is the obvious choice whenever the quadratic equation cannot be factored in. Solving by formula, on the other hand, feels tedious and repetitive. In addition, the school maths curriculum encourages students to learn a few other problem-solving methods in addition to the formula. This is why so many quadratic equations in problems, tests, and exams are purposefully designed so that students must solve them using other methods.


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