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Overview on Combination Formula

An Inclusive Note on the combination, formula, purpose of the combination formula, formula of permutation, and difference between permutation and combination.

A combination would be a computational technique for calculating the number of potential arrangements in a set of things when the order of the items is irrelevant. You can choose the components in any order in permutations. Permutations and combinations are often mistaken. In permutations, however, the arrangement of the selected things is critical. For example, in combinations, the configurations ab and ba are equivalent, but the configurations are distinct in permutations. Read on to learn more about the combination formula.

Definition of Combination

The different ways in which elements from a particular set might be picked are known as combinations. First, construct the subsets; it is usually done without substitution. Combinations are a method of determining the real consequences of an event in which the order of the results is irrelevant. As a result, the combination would be the various selection of a certain number of things chosen one at a time or all at once.

For instance, when we have two alphabets, A and B, there can only be one method to pick two items: we must select both. Combinations select k items from a collection of n things to generate subgroups without regard for order. Compound BA, as well as AB, would no longer be separate options. By excluding such occurrences, we are left with just ten potential groups.

The Formula Of Permutation And Combination

The combination formula for calculating the number of alternative configurations by picking only a few elements from a collection with no recurrence in mathematics is as follows:

Formula – Combination


n – total number of items in a set k – number of chosen objects (order does not matter)! – informational

A product of any positive numbers smaller or equal to the total number following the multifactorial sign is known as a multifactorial (noted as “!”). 3! = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 is an example.

It’s worth noting that the equation preceding could only be utilized when objects from such a set are chosen without being repeated.

The following formula for calculating permutations determines the amount of permutation of n items chosen r at a time:

When repetition is permitted, permutation is used.

Combination Example

You work for a modest hedge fund as an asset manager. You’ve decided to start an investment initiative that will appeal to risk-takers. Stocks of fast-growing firms with great growth potential will be included in the fund. Your team of experts discovered 20 firms with stocks that fit the description.

You’ve opted to have included five companies with equal importance in the first portfolio because it’s a new fund. After one year, you’ll examine the portfolio’s success and add more stocks if the fund’s performance is successful. You’re trying to figure out how many different portfolios you can make with the stocks your analysts have selected.

A combination issue is an instance of a financial decision. Because you will construct a portfolio whereby all stocks would be of identical weights, the ordering of the stocks listed does not affect the portfolio. The portfolios ABC and CBA, for example, would be equivalent due to the comparable weights (33.3 percent each) of every stock.

Difference between Permutation and Combination

The combination may be described as the process of picking a group by utilizing most or all of the elements of a set. When merging components of a collection, no specific sequence must be followed.

There are many various methods to make up a combination, each of which is correct; there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for figuring out a combination. As a result, this is classified as a combination. The combining formula may be used to quickly find the mixture for any setting.

Permutation vs. Combination: What’s the Difference?


  • Permutation refers to the various methods of arranging a group of things in a sequential sequence.

  • The importance of the sequence cannot be overstated.

  • It has nothing to do with the placement of items.

  • Only one combination may be produced from a single permutation.

  • Unordered sets are the simplest way to describe them.


  • The combination is one of the numerous methods for selecting items from a big group of objects without regard for their order.

  • The sequence isn’t important.

  • It refers to how items are arranged.

  • From a solitary combination, several differences can be formed.

  • They may be described as elements that are arranged in a certain sequence.

These would be the main distinctions between permutations and combinations. It’s crucial to know how they are different from one another.


The combination formula is the study of combinations; however, they are also applied in other subjects such as mathematics and finance. In our daily lives, we are confronted with several scenarios in which we must choose among various items. For example, suppose we choose three bells from the set of ten bells in any sequence. Permutation and combination can be used to calculate these. Combinations are extremely valuable in mathematics and statistics for various applications.


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