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Other Types Of Errors

Other types of errors include errors in measurements, physics, and mathematics. Go through this article to briefly describe all types of errors.

When we learn any new skill, we won’t do it perfectly for the first time? Do you know why before you even start? Not! The same thing is happening with maths. Every time you learn something, it requires practice, and creating errors is part of the approach. However, there are several types of errors. For which we have to take care of. We have to care for three types of errors:- careless errors, conceptual errors and computational errors, random errors, gross errors, and systematic errors. We have to understand the different types of errors, and to know how to overcome them well and what to learn from the error is essential.

About Measurement errors

The mistakes which happen during estimation and measurements are known as measurement errors. While doing a certain task, we have to take care of measurements and estimation. If we want everything to go well, errors must be reduced to a minimum. We will talk about types of errors in measurements: gross errors, systematic errors, and random errors. Now, we will discuss each of them very carefully.

The types of errors in measurement can be categorised into three types

The types of errors in measurement are:-

1. Gross errors

These errors usually arise due to a lack of knowledge or negligence of the observer or the selection of wrong instruments. These errors will have different values from observer to observer. 

You can reduce these errors by choosing proper instruments for measurement and noting down the readings carefully.

2. Systematic errors

These types of errors lead to a circumstance wherein the mean of many separate estimations varies greatly from the actual value.

Instrumental errors, environmental errors and observational errors are the types of systematic errors.

3. Random errors

The cause of these errors remains unknown during measurement. It is not feasible to eradicate these errors. 

These can be simply reduced by increasing the number of observations made.

About Errors in Physics

The variation between the calculated value and the actual value of any physical quantity are errors in physics. In this, we talk about types of errors in physics.  There are two types of errors in physics:- random errors and systematic errors.

Random errors occur when repeated measurements give various values while keeping the same conditions. These errors happen because of a few obscure reasons. 

Systematic errors provide constant differences in readings. These errors may happen due to taking the wrong zero error in measurement or bad and inaccurate calibration of the instrument. 

Error in maths

These types of errors occur while solving maths questions. While solving any question, we have to pay complete attention and everything carefully, from addition and division to correct logic. All need to be correct. Then only we can overcome the errors. There are three types of maths errors: careless errors, computational errors and conceptual errors. 

1. Careless errors

These errors happen completely because the person is not paying attention while solving the problems. These also happen if the person is solving in a hurry.

Some examples of careless errors are writing wrong questions, giving bad signs, entering incorrect data into their calculator, writing the wrong number in answers etc. 

These errors can be reduced by simple ways like slowing down while solving problems and solving problems with attention. Circling significant data while solving problems also reduces these types of errors. 

2. Computational errors

In these types of errors, people usually incorrectly add, subtract, multiply and divide while solving the problem. These errors are the worst because all the following answers will be wrong due to simple errors. 

There are simple ways to avoid these types of errors. Slowing down while solving problems and working with more attention will solve these errors. It is always wise to check answers while solving the problem. It helps in finding whether the solution is wrong or right. This also assists in reducing these errors.

3. Conceptual errors

These types of errors emerge due to misunderstanding. Children usually misinterpret the problem and the underlying notions behind it. Children find it most difficult because they solve problems incorrectly and think they are solving them correctly. Here, the calculations may be correct, but the answer will be wrong. You can fix these types of errors by practising more problems, using maths journals, having maths talks, and solving the same problem in many ways. 


While doing a task, errors occur most frequently. In maths, there are also several types of errors in physics. We have to take care of all types of errors. This article goes through all the careless, conceptual, random, gross, systematic, and computational errors. Computational errors occur due to incorrect addition or subtraction, whereas conceptual errors occur because of an incorrect understanding of logic. Then, mistakes start occurring. At the same time, careless errors occur because of carelessness or bad attention. It is essential to take care of all the errors. 


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