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Learn About Quadratic Function Videos

The quadratic functions form an integral part of mathematics. This article will discuss the quadratic function definition, its domain, formulas, and real-life application.

Quadratic Function definition and concepts are a crucial part of Mathematics that represent a polynomial function that has more variables, given that the highest exponent has the variable of two. A polynomial function including one or more variables wherein the largest exponent of the given variable is two is called a quadratic function. The polynomial of degree 2 is named after the greatest degree term in a given quadratic function, which is of the second degree. A second-degree term is the smallest term in a quadratic function. It’s a mathematical function.

Quadratic Function- Range and Domain

A quadratic function’s domain is the set of all x-values that define the function. Its range is the given set of y-values that the given quadratic function definition produces when different x-values are substituted.

  • Quadratic Function Domain

A quadratic function specified for all rational values of x is a polynomial function. The set of real numbers, or R, is the domain of a quadratic function. The domain of every quadratic function is (-,) in interval notation.

  • Quadratic Function Range

The opening side and the vertex of the graph determine the quadratic function’s range. To identify the range of the quadratic function, search for the lowest and highest f(x) values on the graph of the function.

The formula for Quadratic Functions

A quadratic function definition can always be factored in; however, the factorisation procedure may be problematic if the expression’s zeroes are non-real numbers. In such instances, the quadratic function formula can be used to find the expression’s zeroes. f(x) = ax2 + bx + c is the generic form of a quadratic function, where a, b, and c are real integers with a 0. The roots of the given quadratic function f(x) may be found by utilising the quadratic function formula using the quadratic function example : 

x = [ -b ± √(b2 – 4ac) ] / 2a

Quadratics and Linear Functions: What’s the Difference?

In a few fundamental aspects, quadratic equations differ from linear functions.

Linear functions always drop (given that they have a negative slope) or keep on increasing (if they have a positive slope) (given that they have a positive slope). Quadratic functions rise and decrease in the same way. Every input produces a different result (taking the output, which is not a given constant). Except for the vertex, a quadratic function produces the same dependent variable when two unique independent variables are used. But as compared to the slope of a linear function, a quadratic function’s slope is constantly changing.

Quadratic Functions- Real-Life Application

Quadratic Functions are commonly utilised in everyday life, such as while computation of areas, calculating a product’s profit, or estimating an object’s speed. Here is a list of quadratic functions example from real life-

  • Room Area Calculation

Calculating the size of rooms, crates, or land plots is a common task. Building a rectangular box with one side twice the length of the opposite side is a good illustration. For example, if you only have 4 square feet of wood to utilise for the box’s bottom, you may use this information to calculate the area of the box by dividing the two sides by their ratio. 

  • Calculating Profit

When computing a business profit, it’s sometimes necessary to use a quadratic function. If you want to sell something, even something as basic as lemonade, you must first figure out how many units you need to earn a profit.

  • Quadratics in Sports

Quadratic equations are extremely beneficial in sports events that require throwing items such as the shot put, balls, or javelin.

  • Choosing a Pace

Speeds can also be calculated using quadratic equations. For example, experienced kayakers employ quadratic equations to predict their speed when travelling up and down a river.


We understood the quadratic function definition, range, and domain. However, this presents just a small clip of the quadratics world. Quadratics can play a crucial role in the determination of a mathematical career. 


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