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Frequently Asked Questions on Quadratic Equation

Notions of polynomial equations date back to the past catering to the Hindu, Babylonian as well as Arabic mathematicians as they intend to solve geometrical problems.

Catering to the topic of frequently asked questions associated with the quadratic questions, it is noticed that in earlier times it was quite difficult to find solutions to several cubic and quadratic solutions. This study will further help in providing a distinction between what can be termed linear equations and as well quadratic equations. Gradually afterwards the mathematicians developed a notable formula in order to resolve the problems associated with several polynomial equations. Moreover, an effective analysis has been conducted associated with the formula of quadratic equations.

An Overview of Quadratic Equation

Delving into the study, it needs to be noted that equations refer to quite a broader prospect in the field of algebra and define several concepts associated with it. However, major focus is catered to the sequences that are noticed in implementing and effectively solving the quadratic equations. Moreover, the concepts associated with the linear equations are distinctly segregated from the quadratic equations. It is also interesting to know that in making the description of the pathway of rockets in space quadratic equations are made use of. There lies another term that demoted quadratic equation that is known as “univariate”. 

Linear Equations

Linear equations can be termed as polynomials that seem to have the power that is highest and has variables that are always stated by 1. These kinds of equations are also known to represent equations of one degree. On conducting graphical representation it can be understood that these linear equations seem to represent a straight line, therefore, they are known to be linear. These equations cater to one and more than one variable. With one variable the linear equation can be represented as “ax+b=0” and if the equation is presented as “ax+by=c”, then it would be said to represent two variables. 

Quadratic Equation

Defining quadratic equations in simpler terms can be termed as algebraic expressions that display a second degree that is denoted by x within the equation. The representation of the quadratic equation is, “ax2 + bx + c = 0″, a and b are denoted as coefficients and the constant trend is displayed by c. Within the equation, x is denoted as the variable caters to second degree. The roots can be easily evaluated by the equation with the help of solving them by the usage of methods of factoring and as well as quadratic formulas.

Formula for Quadratic Equations

In the year 1594, amateur mathematician Simon Stevin was responsible for discovering the formula for quadratic equations. In general the quadratic equation can be displayed with polynomials of second degree and has one variable is, “f(x) = ax2 + bx + c”. In this equation second degree, where, “a, b” is termed as coefficients; although a, is sometimes termed as leading coefficient. “c” is referred to as the absolute constant and it also needs to be noted that a can never be zero. It also needs to be understood that values that are associated with x need to be satisfying the roots within the quadratic equation. Moreover, it also needs to be taken into consideration that it always has roots that are two in number. 

Finding Roots of Quadratic Equations

Roots within a quadratic equation are easy to evaluate, first variables need to satisfy the equation. Then the equation is equated with zero on one side and the value of x can be determined. However, it needs to be noted that the value of roots can be easy to detect by making use of the formula associated with simplifying quadratics. 

Solving of Quadratic Equation

Four necessary and significant methods can be applied that have catered to providing proper solutions to quadratic equations. These methods are as follows.

  • Factoring 
  • Making usage of quadratic formula
  • Making usage of squaring of the roots
  • Effectively completing the squares associated with the equations
  • Conduction of graphical representation also helps in resolving questions associated with quadratic equations


Intensive exploration has been conducted on the concepts associated with the polynomial equations. The study with the subtropics has been effective in providing a wider scope to the notions associated with the frequently asked questions that evolve in the equations about quadratic. It needs to be noted that the term quadratic equations are being derived from the Latin word “quadratum” that determines the word for square. Moreover, the term is majorly used by the using the concert of the area of square and thereby the formula was obtained by Simon Stevin.


Frequently asked questions

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When was the quadratic equation first discovered?

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Where can quadratic equations be made use of?

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When there lies the need for introducing the quadratic equations?

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Mention the places where the quadratic equations are used for?

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