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OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

It is an inter-governmental agency of thirteen countries. Founded on 14 September 1960 in Baghdad with the aid of using the primary five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), situated in Vienna & Austria since 1965 despite the fact that Austria isn’t an OPEC member state. As of September 2018, the thirteen-member states account for an anticipated 44 per cent of world oil manufacturing and 85 per cent of the proven reserves of oil, which gives OPEC an upper hand on the impact on international oil costs that had been formerly decided with the aid of the 7-sisters group of oil companies. 


As of January 2020, OPEC has thirteen member countries: 5 in the Middle East (Western Asia), seven in Africa, and one in South America. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), OPEC’s combined price of oil production (which includes fuel line condensate) represented 44% of the world’s total in 2016, and OPEC accounted for 81.5% of the world’s “proven” oil reserves. Approval of a brand-new member United States calls for settlement by three-quarters of OPEC’s current members, including all 5 of the founders. In October 2015, Sudan officially submitted a proposal to join; however, it isn’t a member.

The member countries are 

  1. Algeria
  2. Angola 
  3. the Republic of the Congo
  4. Equatorial Guinea
  5. Gabon
  6. Iran
  7. Iraq
  8. Kuwait 
  9. Libya
  10.  Nigeria
  11.  Saudi Arabia 
  12.  UAE 
  13.  Venezuela.


During the 1960 & the 70s, OPEC restructured the worldwide device of oil manufacturing in preference of oil-generating states and far from an oligopoly of dominant Anglo-American oil firms (the Seven Sisters). Coordination amongst oil-generating states inside OPEC made it less difficult for them to nationalize oil manufacturing and shape oil expenses of their preference without incurring punishment from Western governments and firms. Prior to the introduction of OPEC, oil-generating states were punished for taking steps to adjust the governing preparations of oil manufacturing inside their borders. States have been coerced militarily (e.g., the US-UK-backed a coup towards Mohammad Mosaddegh after he nationalized Iran’s oil manufacturing) or economically (e.g., the Seven Sisters bogged down oil manufacturing in a single non-compliant country and ramped up oil manufacturing elsewhere) whilst acted opposite to the pursuits of the Seven Sisters and their governments.

The good organizational judgment that underpins OPEC is that it’s far withinside the collective hobby of its participants to restrict the arena of oil delivery so as to attain better expenses. 

Political scientist Jeff Colgan has argued that OPEC has, because the Nineteen Eighties in large part did, not obtain its goals (limits on global oil delivery, stabilized expenses, and elevating of long-time period common revenues). He unearths those participants have cheated on 96% of their commitments. The quantity that member states observe their commitments it’s far due to the fact the commitments replicate what they could do despite the fact that OPEC did now no longer exist. One massive motive for the common dishonest is that OPEC does now no longer pushes participants to non-compliance with commitments.


When OPEC was founded in 1960, its important aim became to save its concessionaires—the sector’s biggest oil producers, refiners, and marketers—from reducing the rate of oil, which they’d usually specified or “published.” OPEC participants sought to gain an advantage more manipulate over oil expenses via way of means of coordinating their manufacturing and export policies, even though every member retained last manipulate over its very own coverage. OPEC controlled to save you rate discounts at some stage in the 1960s; however, its achievement recommended will increase in manufacturing, ensuing in a slow decline in nominal expenses (now no longer adjusted for inflation) from $1. Ninety-three in keeping with the barrel in 1955 to $1.30 in keeping with the barrel in 1970. During the Seventies, the number one aim of OPEC participants became to whole steady sovereignty over their petroleum resources.

Accordingly, numerous OPEC participants nationalized their oil reserves and changed their contracts with main oil companies. OPEC raised oil expenses in 1973 via way of means of 70 per cent. In December, months after the War of Yom Kippur, expenses were raised by way of means of a further one hundred thirty per cent, and the business enterprise’s Arab participants, who had fashioned OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) in 1968, curtailed manufacturing and positioned an embargo on oil shipments to America and the Netherlands, the primary supporters of Israel at some stage in the war. The end result all throughout the West became excessive oil shortages and spiralling inflation (see oil disaster). As OPEC persisted in elevating expenses thru the relaxation of the decade (expenses improved 10-fold from 1973 to 1980), its political and monetary electricity grew. Flush with petrodollars, many OPEC participants started large-scale home monetary and social improvement applications and invested closely overseas, specially withinside the United States and Europe. OPEC additionally installed a global fund to resource growing nations

Although oil-producing nations reacted slowly to the rate will increase, ultimately, they decreased their ordinary power consumption, located different assets of oil (e.g., in Norway, the United Kingdom, and Mexico), and advanced opportunity assets of power, together with coal, herbal gas, and nuclear electricity. In response, OPEC participantsespecially Saudi Arabia and Kuwait—decreased their manufacturing degrees withinside the early Eighties in what proved to be a futile attempt to shield their published expenses. Production and expenses persisted in falling withinside the Eighties. Although the brunt of the manufacturing cuts has been borne via way of means of Saudi Arabia, whose oil sales shrank via way of means of a few four-fifths via way of means of 1986, the sales of all producers, together with non-OPEC nations, fell via way of means of a few -thirds withinside the identical duration because the rate of oil dropped to much less than $10 in keeping with the barrel. 


OPEC is a company that controls petroleum production, supplies, and costs withinside the worldwide market. The institution became hooked up in 1960 and is made of thirteen unique oil-generating nations. It holds a full-size effect withinside the market and is frequently criticized for inflating oil costs to the advantage of its members. But it isn’t always resistant to challenges, considerably geopolitical tensions, oversupply and drops in demand, and the adoption of new, inexperienced technologies.


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What does OPEC stand for?

Ans: OPEC stands for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries....Read full

What is OPEC?

Ans:  The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is an intergovernmental agency of thirteen internationa...Read full

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