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Iran Shoots Down US Spy Drone

In this article, you will be learning briefly about the incident when Iran shot down a US Spy Drone, majorly focusing on the recovery of the drone by Iran, capturing the drone and how Iran shot down the US drone.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard destroyed a US drone on 20th June 2019 in the Strait of Hormuz, denoting whenever the Islamic Republic straightforwardly went after the American military amid pressures over Tehran’s unwinding atomic arrangement with world powers.

Iran guaranteed that a US Reaper and Global Hawk drone moved toward Iran’s airspace during a new drill and that Iran turned on its current air protections to caution the drones not to forge ahead with their flight way, as indicated by Iran’s Fars News, which by and large addresses the system, the occurrence occurred as Iran was completing its Zulfiqar armed force drill. A MQ-9 Reaper and MQ-4 Global Hawk were seen by Iranian radar, evidently entering the “air protection identification proof region.” The two nations questioned the conditions paving the way to an Iranian surface-to-air rocket cutting down the US Naval force RQ-4A Global Hawk.

Iran Recovered US Drone

Iran allegedly recuperated vast areas of a US Flying corps RQ-4A Global Hawk drone. The drone arrived in the Persian Gulf, where it was subsequently rescued. While Iran could gain proficiency with certain things about the drone’s plan, development, and locally available sensors, it will most likely be unable to construct a decent duplicate of the automated aeroplane.

The RQ-4 Global Hawk drone was shot down on 20th June 2019 by an Iranian surface-to-air rocket. The assault sent the Global Hawk plunging towards the waters of the Persian Gulf’s sea bed, an occasion seen by US military powers. A shiny new Global Hawk costs roughly $123 million each.

As per Forbes, Iran recuperated pieces of the drone together. Iranian state media uncovered pictures of the drone in a, to some degree, collected setup. Iran’s administration asserts that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Navy (IRGC-N) recuperated the drone parts from the lower part of the Persian Gulf. The IRGC is a paramilitary association under Iran’s mullahs and is answerable for Iranian military activities inside the Persian Gulf.

Experts were dubious that the drone was recuperated from the ocean bottom, noticing that the IRGC-N does not keep a profound water rescue ability. Heavier parts, including sensors, aeronautics, and different things, may, in any case, be on the lower part of the sea. The parts in plain view, including portions of the fuselage and wings, logically drifted in the wake of arriving in the Gulf and were recuperated by boat.

How Iran Captured an American Drone

Nicknamed the “Monster of Kandahar” after being first seen in 2009 on an air terminal runway in Kandahar, Afghanistan, the drone was used to screen Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan undetected before the strike to kill the Al Qaeda pioneer.

The Iranian video shows Hajizadeh and another Guard official looking at the art with its radar-dodging bends and wingspan, which looks like the giant B-2 top-secret plane. It was put on a stage with pennants concealing the underside and landing gear. The flags – fixed to one wing with clear pressing tape – read: “The US cannot screw with us,” and “We will squash America underneath.”

It was not satisfactory the way that Iran obtained the drone flawlessly. As Iran claims, a few US specialists excuse the likelihood that Iran could hack and afterwards take over the drone’s controls. However, comparative disturbances have demonstrated conceivable in different war zones, prominently with the Iran-moved Hezbollah civilian army in Lebanon and drones from Israel.

Frequently flying at 50,000-foot height, the RQ-170 would have had brutal handling, some say. However, the Iranian video shows minimal noticeable harm. Then again, the wings seem to have been reattached, and there was a little imprint on the front edge of the left-wing.

The RQ-4A Global Hawk is an enormous UAV with a specific 40 meters wingspan. It is additionally a sluggish UAV with a journey speed of 575 km/h, yet this does not imply an obvious objective was flying at a high elevation. The way it was shot somewhere around the Iranian assembled framework called the third of Khordad (part of the RAAD systems)and in particular that it was gained and designated by Iranian made radars gives credit to Iranian innovation. This shows that Iranian weapons and innovation are not as awful as US media shows.


Let us take a look at the nations in question. In one corner, we have Iran, which is not the miscreant it is accepted to be despite the world’s media’s visible presence and best endeavours. It is one of the more “western” countries in the Middle East. Indeed they get hauled into the mosh pit that is Middle Eastern legislative issues occasionally, yet they have accomplished other things to attempt to get away from it than anybody. 

In the other corner, we have the US. Oneself broadcasted world police. They have acquired a standing for taking a liberal view towards lines and airspace limits. Frequently flying government operative aeroplanes or even strike aeroplanes into different nations airspace without counter. One critical nature of the US international strategy is that they will descend like Mjolnir on the foe, assuming they have been violated.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation.

Does Iran have armed drones?

Ans. In April 2021, in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, a US official noted that the small and medium armed drones proliferat...Read full

Which US drone was destroyed?

Ans. RQ-4A Global Hawk BAMS-D

At which place was the US drone shot down?

Ans. A US military surveillance drone has been shot down by Iranian forces while flying over the Strait of Hormuz.