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Border Management Importance

When the Second World War divided the entire globe into two halves - Allied and Axis power, the UN stepped in to restore peace and balance. Even though the concept of inter-state and international relationships and communications was broadly accepted in 1919 or during the 1st World War, its implementation followed through after the Allied power defeated Germany and Italy in 1945.

What is the role of a “border” in international management? 

Borders play a crucial role in international relationship management because these establishments decide the total land under the country’s control. Besides, they are meant to secure the countries and prevent any neighbour countries’ attachments and invasions. According to the principles and amendments made by the UN, every nation must maintain its borders and make sure that every area is well protected. 

Borders are divided into two types –

  1. Natural borders: They exist between two countries so that one can easily differentiate them. For example, Niagara Falls is considered a natural border between the US and Canada. Similarly, the Siachen glacier is one of India’s natural borders with China. 
  2. Artificial borders: These are artificial, and are usually present between lands. Here, several security systems are added to ensure that both nations are secure and well-protected. 

How are border areas managed, and why? 

Border management is required for a wide range of purposes, starting from maintaining security to following international relations protocols properly. Here are some of the reasons why border control and management are considered high priority:

  1. Proper border establishment will ensure that the countries never go to war. 
  2. If there are no proper boundaries, countries will start claiming each other’s land. 
  3. Political conflict can be kept at bay only due to border management. 

Types of international borders in India

In India, several types of international borders help the country secure its interest and its citizens. The main Indian borders are: 

  1. India-Bangladesh border
  2. Indo-China border
  3. India-Pakistan border
  4. India-Myanmar border
  5. India-Bhutan border 

What are the challenges that can be encountered at international borders? 

When we are talking about international borders, it is imperative to consider the challenges one faces in these locations. Unless and until these issues can be identified, it will be almost impossible for both nations to draw proper strategies for developing the security measures. Therefore, in this below section, we have talked about issues with borders that countries usually have to deal with. 

  • Terrorism

The first challenge that almost every country needs to deal with at the border locations is terrorism. Be it the India-Pakistan border or the China-Pakistan border, these areas are prone to direct entry for the terrorists because no nation can construct a full-scale border.

  • Hostility 

Another major problem that one can face is the increased hostility between the nations if the borders aren’t maintained and managed in the best possible manner. These uprisings aren’t that frequent, and hence, most countries allow their militaries to suppress the conditions. However, with no action in solving the hostility, the situation can soon escalate to war. 

  • Remote location

Most international borders are located in far-off places from the nearest civilization. Almost all the countries take this particular measure to ensure that the citizens can feel more secure. However, due to such a considerable distance, one cannot post too much military power, which is why a surveillance system can’t be made very efficient.

  • Inaccessible areas 

If you look at the international borders, you will realize that several places have natural borders like fast-flowing rivers, snow-capped mountains, and more. These places can’t be easily accessed, which is why complete protection is almost impossible to achieve. 


Border management is the responsibility of both states or countries sharing the boundary. Only then can conflict between nations be reduced easily without affecting international peace and decorum. Besides, if both countries are responsible, the expenses spent on managing securities and military forces at the borders can be reduced. That particular finance can be used for development purposes. Introducing changes is not easy, and that can’t be achieved overnight. But, if different countries come together to find a pliable solution, hostility and aggression at the borders can be suppressed quickly. Furthermore, with proper maintenance of international relations, another World War can be prevented because the last two wars have left an unforgettable impact on the world. 


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