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Wcd Ministry Classified All Major Schemes Under 3 Umbrella Schemes

Empowerment of women and children, who constitute 67.7 percent of the total population of India, is something the Government of India focuses on immensely. The moral development of women and children is a must for the sustainable development of the nation. The Ministry of Women and Child Development ensures women are self-reliant and confident. The ministry ensures children are happy and well-nourished. They are providing women with an environment where they can feel secure, safe, and free from discrimination or violence. The ministry forms and promotes legislations, programmes, and policies that are specifically designed for children and women. 

3 Umbrella Schemes

To achieve the targets set by the government in the segment of women and child development, the Cabinet of India has approved three crucial Umbrella schemes and made sure that they are implemented quickly. These schemes are:

  1.  Mission Poshan 2.0
  2. Mission Shakti
  3. Mission Vatsalya. 

Mission Shakti umbrella scheme’s long term view is to provide support to women in such a way that women get empowered as they proceed to different stages of their life. The mission is to give care, protection, and safety to every woman. Mission Vatsalya umbrella scheme’s prime objective is to build a healthy childhood for every child in the nation. Children are, no doubt, supreme assets of the nation. Children from 39 per cent of the total population in India. It is very important that children get a sensitive, synchronised, and supportive ecosystem for their overall development. This umbrella scheme also assists States/UTs in the proper implementation of the laws under the Juvenile Justice Act 2015. 

Mission Poshan 2.0 umbrella scheme

This scheme is an Integrated Nutrition Support Programme. It mainly focuses on challenges related to malnutrition in children, pregnant women, adolescent girls, and lactating mothers. They facilitate a strategic shift in the content of nutrition. They create an environment that promotes and develops practices that contribute to nurturing health and immunity. Mission Poshan 2.0 will focus on the optimisation of the quality of programmes and efficient food delivery. It will also play a vital role in the development of human capital in the nation. It will take care of and manage challenges related to malnutrition and will promote the importance of a healthy diet. Under this umbrella scheme, the testing of Take Home Ration (THR) will be increased along with its quality.

It should be noted that three important programmes will be run under Mission Poshan 2.0, i.e. 1) Anganwadi Services, 2) Poshan Abhiyan, and 3) Scheme for Adolescent Girls. The scheme will focus on infant feeding norms, maternal nutrition, and the treatment of certain diseases through AYUSH. It will utilise corrective strategies, communication strategies, and health awareness strategies to meet its objectives. 


All the three umbrella schemes for women and child development will be in action from the 15th finance commission period 2021-2022 to 2025-2026. The total financial implication for Mission Poshan 2.0 is ₹ 1,81,703 crore. The total financial implication for Mission Shakti is ₹ 20,989 crore. The total financial implication for Mission Vatsalya is ₹ 10,916 crore. The strategies for efficiently addressing the malnutrition concern and women empowerment along with the protection of women and children are very crucial for any nation to grow significantly.


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