UPSC » UPSC CSE Study Materials » Indian Geography » Branches of Geography

Branches of Geography

Physical Geography, Human Geography, Biogeography, Economic Geography etc.

Geography is the scientific study of land, its features, the people who inhabit it, and the relationship between the inhabitants and the land. Under Geography Class 11: Branches of Geography, we will discuss the various branches of geography and their subsets. 

Physical Geography 

  • Geomorphology 

Geomorphology is basically the scientific study of physical features of landforms. 

  • Climatology

Climatology is the scientific study of the climate and how it evolves. 

  • Hydrology

Hydrology is the scientific study of the water on earth, its movement, distribution, and properties, along with its relationship with its surroundings. 

  • Soil Geography

Soil geography is the branch of Physical Geography concerned with the distribution of different soil variations in different geographical locations. 

Human Geography 

  • Social/Cultural Geography

Cultural geography is concerned with examining the cultural diversity and plurality in society along with people’s cultural values and practices over time. 

  • Population and Settlement Geography (Rural and Urban)

Population Geography is the study of the population in a particular terrain. The study focuses on the growth of the population and how it is distributed and composed. 

  • Economic Geography

Economic geography is a subset of Human Geography that studies economic activities and the factors that affect them.  

  • Historical Geography

Historical geography is the branch of Human Geography that studies the changes in geography over time. 

  • Political Geography

Political geography is a branch of Human Geography which deals with human governments and divides the land between different political units. 


  • Plant Geography

Plant geography is the study of different vegetation growing around the world and how the climate of those places affects the distribution of vegetation. 

  • Zoogeography

Zoogeography is a branch of Biogeography that studies the distribution of animals worldwide and the significance of those animals on the land. 

  • Ecology/Ecosystem

Ecology is a branch of Biogeography concerned with studying organisms and their interaction with the surrounding environment. 

  • Environmental Geography

Environmental geography studies aspects of the interactions between the natural world and human beings.