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India Energy Modeling Forum

A brief note on the Energy modelling forum or E.M.F. and when it was established in India, the reason behind its launch, its future work plans etc.

Energy Modelling Forum is a relatively new concept in India. And many people are still not aware of its importance. Energy Forum is an essential part of the first world and progressive countries. As a developing country, India has been working hard to level up and become one of the most advanced countries in the world since its independence in 1947.

Every year, the Indian government launches a new project or ties up with progressive and advanced countries to achieve that goal. And in  2021, the joint venture of the Indian and the U.S. government resulted in the establishment of the Indian Energy Modelling Forum, which puts India one step forward in its modernisation mission.

Energy Modelling

Energy system modelling or energy modelling is a technique that helps build computer models of energy systems so that energy systems can be analysed. These models work to analyse the scenario to investigate various assumptions about the given economical and technical conditions.

These models’ analysis factors include greenhouse gas emissions, system feasibility, use of natural resources, total financial costs and energy efficiency of the system during the investigation. And the government maintains the National energy model for energy development policy.

First Energy Modelling Forum

In 1976, the first energy modelling forum or E.M.F., was established at Stanford University, U.S.A. This forum helped to collaborate leading modelling experts, government’s important decision-makers, Universities, Industries and other research organisations. 

This forum provides an unbiased platform where any discussion on contemporary issues related to energy and the environment can take place freely.

India Energy Modelling Forum

The emergence of the India Energy Modelling Forum is quite recent. In 2018, the Strategic partnership between India and U.S. government: the first ministerial meeting was held. And in 2021, during the meeting of joint working groups of sustainable development Pillar, the India Energy Modelling forum was launched. 

The four sustainable development pillars include oil and gas, energy efficiency and power. And these sustainable pillars were co-chaired by USID and NITI Aayog.

Why is it formed?

There was no formal and systematic energy forum present in India previously. And therefore, the NITI Aayog has taken the responsibility to initially coordinate the overall activity of the India Energy model forum and finalise its structure. 

This USID and NITI Aayog chaired energy forum was established to help India work on energy efficiency and fight against the environmental crisis. This forum becomes the key platform to include the governmental decision-makers, intellectuals, industry personnel and other leading organisations to discuss and provide solutions for any recent energy and environment-related issues. 

This model is built to assess the impact of competing developmental policies that impact energy and the environment. It strives to promote Low carbon growth and security of energy. 

The NITI Aayog further tries to understand various conflicting perspectives of energy sectors and the environment and synthesise their best aspects to create a plan.

What’s Next: Future Aims of the India Energy Modelling Forum

The forum for India Energy Model is launched with some major prospects or aims to achieve. And the NITI Aayog will take responsibility for maintaining the forum and finalising the decisions of the forum depending on the different suggestions produced by different energy sectors. Here are some of the primary aims of the India Energy Modelling forum. 

  • Provide an unbiased platform to examine and discuss energy and environment-related emergency issues.
  • Inform and coordinate with the governmental decision making processes with the government.
  • Coordinates between the government, modelling experts, intellectuals, and funders efficiently.
  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas and ensure the production of high-quality research or studies.
  • Understand and address the knowledge gap between different ideas of different sectors.
  • Build more capacity for different Indian institutions. 

Advantages of Energy Models

There are various benefits of establishing an energy forum. Here we will discuss some major advantages of it below-

  • Increase energy efficiency and certification goals.
  • The redesign of projects later lowers the rate of setbacks, delays and risks of any project.
  • Different components and systems can be compared here to reach the most energy-efficient component.
  • Energy modelling in the pre-design phase helps the project to achieve 45% savings on each project comparatively from the baseline buildings.

Possible Outcomes

  • Keeping in mind environmental concerns, it tries to bring the use of renewable resources into the mainstream.
  • Reimagining the energy future of India through electric mobility.
  • Restructuring the transportation sector of India through electric mobility.
  • Bridging the gap between rural and urban energy models.


 The energy modelling forum helps the nation provide a non-biased platform to investigate and discuss different and recent issues revolving around energy and the environment. Thus, it also helps the governing body understand and take major decisions and policies to support the energy efficiency of that country.

India Energy Forum will also, therefore, help its governing body to adopt energy-efficient policies with the help of this forum.


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What do you mean by energy modelling forum?

Ans. An energy modelling forum is an unbiased platform where any discussion of contemporary issues related to energy and the environment can take p...Read full

When was the India Energy Modelling forum established?

Ans. The energy modelling forum in India results from the India- U.S.A. energy pact. In 2018, during the Strategic partnership between India and U....Read full

What is energy modelling?

Ans. Energy modelling or energy system modelling is a process that helps to build computer models of energy systems so that energy systems can be a...Read full

When and where the first energy modelling forum was established?

Ans. The first energy modelling forum, or E.M.F., was established at Stanford University, U.S.A., in 1976. This foru...Read full