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Vitamins and Minerals

Brief note on vitamins and minerals with their definition, usage, types and advantages and conditions with the deficiency of specific vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals are natural substances found in various food items and some other natural places. Primarily, the food humans consume in their everyday diet is the most incredible resource of vitamins and minerals. There can be different vitamins and minerals, and all of them are important for the human body. From different substances and different places, you can get vitamins and minerals. 

All of those vitamins and minerals have different needs in the human body. Some of them are to make our bones hard, and some are to increase visibility. Some of the vitamins and minerals help to cure many diseases.

Vitamins and Minerals

The micronutrients required by the human body and help carry out the range of standard functions are known as Vitamins and minerals.

The most important thing about those is that they can not get produced inside the human body and need to be obtained from external sources, primarily foods.

What are Vitamins

The organic micronutrients we consume along with our everyday food mention the fact of what vitamins are. Those can be classified into two, fat-soluble vitamins or water-soluble vitamins. Both kinds has different properties and works differently for the human body.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

These types of vitamins get dissolved in the body fat, which is why they have a chance to accumulate in the human body. Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K are fat-soluble vitamins.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

Unlike fat-soluble vitamins from the name itself, it can be derived that these types of vitamins are soluble in water, which is why these vitamins don’t get stored in the human body. If there are any new water-soluble vitamins, those get passed through urine from the human body. Vitamin C, vitamin B-complex like Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and folate are some water-soluble vitamins.


The inorganic micronutrients the human body needs to keep it healthy are minerals. The minerals are present only in water and soil. Humans and all other plants and animals absorb the minerals from this water and soil. Some of those minerals are sodium, potassium, and calcium. There are some other minerals as well. Trace minerals are one like others. Some of the trace minerals are zinc, copper, and Iodine. However, the other types of minerals are required for less quantity.

Importance of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are the nutrients that have a standard requirement for the human body. A minimal amount of these micronutrients helps the bodywork properly and stay healthy and state what vitamins are. And as these are in everyday diet, there is no need to take any supplements.

There are 13 different types of vitamins, and each one has some sources of everyday food, along with some others, like vitamin D can be formed due to sunlight. Each of the vitamins is responsible for different diseases if some deficiency is there. Also, too much of the vitamins can create some issues as well. Some of the examples of the deficiency diseases and food sources of some vitamins are,

● The deficiency of Vitamin A can cause night blindness, which can get from fish, dairy products, carrots, oranges

● The deficiency of Vitamin B6 causes anaemia. Meat, vegetables, and bananas are good sources of Vitamin B6

● The deficiency of Vitamin C can cause scurvy, but this can be cured with the help of varieties of fruit, vegetables, and liver

● The deficiency of Vitamin K causes bleeding diathesis. Spinach, egg yolks, and liver are good sources of Vitamin K

There are some other vitamins and diseases due to lack of those sources, but all sources are primarily the daily food habit. The most famous sources of minerals are water and salt.

But those are not only the ones; you can get minerals from your daily food habit. For deficiency of minerals also you can have some diseases like Iodine is the mineral which is required for thyroid synthesis, and this can be found in regular salt. Like this, all the vitamins and minerals needed by the human body daily can be found in a regular diet.


Vitamins and minerals are the two daily needed micronutrients needed to block the human body to have many diseases and can cure many of them. These micronutrients can be found in a regular diet, like vegetables, fruits, meat, liver, water, salt, etc. If one consumes a balanced diet every day, that person will never have any vitamin or mineral deficiency or diseases.


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