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Weapons of Mass Destruction: Nuclear Weapons and Biological Weapons

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon that can cause death to people at a mass scale and destroy artificial structures, natural resources and the environment in general. The term WMD has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically than technically. Nuclear weapons have been used twice in military conflicts – at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people. The explosion of atomic bombs would spread radioactivity by blast and fire. This article will learn about chemical weapons, biological weapons, and nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction that have the potential to cause incredible damage. Nuclear weapons are the most destructive. They are so powerful that they can destroy entire cities. They work by splitting atoms to release energy in an explosion. This energy is released in four forms: electromagnetic radiation, blast waves, thermal radiation and ionising radiation. These forms of energy are extremely dangerous and can kill people instantly or cause long-term effects like cancer or radiation poisoning. Although nuclear bombs may sound like something out of science fiction, they are real and have been used multiple times since 1945. In secret research, the U.S. military developed the first NMD in 1945 to end World War II.

The U.S., Russia, China and France are the only countries that have used nuclear weapons in war. Other countries like India, Pakistan and North Korea have developed their nuclear weapons program but have not used them yet. Nuclear weapons are created by fission or fusion reactions, which result in massive explosions. The explosion is often referred to as either a nuclear detonation or an atomic bomb explosion. An atomic bomb typically causes a nuclear detonation. However, an atomic bomb can also be used to create a nuclear detonation.

Chemical Weapons

Chemical weapons have been used because they are easy to make and cheap compared to conventional weapons such as bullets or bombs. They include nerve agents like sarin gas, which disrupts the chemical reactions that occur when nerves send their messages through neurons in the body. Blister agents like mustard gas cause blisters on the skin, blood agents like hydrogen cyanide, which prevents oxygen from reaching tissues, and choking agents like phosgene. 

Chemical weapons of mass destruction are chemical substances used in warfare to kill or harm humans, animals and plants. Since ancient times, chemical weapons have been used, but they were first regulated by international law during the Hague Convention of 1899. The Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibited using toxic gases and bacteriological methods of warfare.

The use of chemical weapons is strictly controlled under international law today, but there are still about 100 countries that have not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Chemical weapons have been used in various ways throughout history, from poisoning water supplies to burning down houses. These weapons can cause severe burns and respiratory problems when inhaled or ingested. They also have a lingering effect on the environment and can contaminate food sources for years after deployment.

Biological Weapon

Biological weapons are biological agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi and toxins) that can be used to kill or incapacitate humans. They are a type of weapon of mass destruction.

Biological weapons can’t be used because of international law. The most recent treaty banning bioweapons is the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which came into force in 1975. More than 170 nations are party to this treaty, which prohibits the development, production and stockpiling of biological agents and their transfer or threat of use. There is no universally accepted definition of bioterrorism. It generally refers to using microorganisms or toxins (natural or genetically engineered) to cause illness or death in humans, animals or plants for political purposes.

A variety can deliver biological weapons, including aerosol spray attacks, injection with needles and syringes, exposure to infected animals or insects such as ticks and fleas, and ingestion through food or water supplies contaminated with bacteria and viruses. The effects could range from mild illnesses such as headaches and nausea to more severe consequences such as haemorrhaging from every opening in the body, blindness, paralysis and death.


Weapons of mass destruction are military weapons that can kill and injure many people. These weapons include nuclear bombs and biological, chemical, and radiological weapons. Nuclear bombs are one of the most powerful weapons ever created. They destroy on a massive scale by using the energy released when atoms of radioactive material are split. Biological, chemical, and radiological weapons can be used to cause illness or death in people or animals. The WMD can also destroy the growth of modern human science and create a huge crisis that can’t fill up. They may also be used to contaminate food or water supplies. In this article, you learned details about weapons of mass destruction, chemical weapons, biological weapons and nuclear weapons.


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