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W-Arly-Pendjari Complex

The W-Arly-Pendjari complex preserves the Sahelian and Sudanian domains mammal populations. 85% of this includes savanna elephants. It has the largest elephant population.

W-Arly-Pendjari complex with vegetation types include grasslands, extensive gallery forests and shrublands. In 1996, it was etched on the List of UNESCO’s world heritage sites.

This complex constitutes a wide range of ecosystems, especially the semi-aquatic and terrestrial ones in the West African savannah belt. This is a home to highly threatened wildlife species that have disappeared to some other regions in West Africa. The largest population of elephants reside here in the W-Arly-Pendjari complex.

Animals such as lion, cheetah, leopard and African Manatees, among various large mammals, are found here. This is a forested Guinean region and constitutes the largest continuum of terrestrial ecosystems.

A Brief on the W-Arly-Pendjari Complex

  • This   WAP Complex is situated between three major West African regions: the Republic of Benin and Niger and Burkina Faso. This is said to be located in the centre or heart of an extremely protective area in Savanna Biogeographical Province or the West African Woodlands
  • This constitutes a variety of ecosystems being situated in the evolution zone between the Guinean region, which is hugely forested and the Sudanese region’s savannas. These partly aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are found along the belt of the most popular  West African savanna belt
  • It is a nine invulnerable region mosaic encompassing 1,714,831 ha. There is a complex belonging to three nations, namely, W Regional Park, located between Burkina Faso and popular countries Niger and Benin. These three, along with a few others like hunting zones of the famous Koakrana and zones named Kourtiagou, Arly National Park and Pendjari National Park
  • The most important ones in West Africa are the ecosystems in its belt that make it the most important continuum of terrestrial
  • It comprises a system in vibrant nature where a rich variation of plants and connected fauna is created within the Volta River basin. This is where seasons with shifting wet and dry seasons, the ebb and flow of water create such richness
  • There are very different and diverse types of vegetation located within Pendjari National Park. Along with these, there exists a wooded savannah, extensive gallery, shrubs, riparian forests and grasslands in the Sudano-Sahelian savanna expanse in the complex
  • This is also home to some of the unusual forests located mainly in Bondjagou, which are partly deciduous
  • The 50,000 years of occupation by humans caused long-term effects. They shaped the properties of generations, and that affected the vegetation types. The continuous use of this has become traditional and now upholds the vegetation’s variety of types. The wildlife habitat characteristics are provided.

The Integrity of Transboundary Natural UNESCO World Heritage Site

  • Among various protected areas in the nation of West Africa, the system’s good overall integrity in The W-Arly-Pendjari complex had the proper size to allow the ecological functions unhindered
  • Through Anthropogenic pressures, lots of the regions have gone through degradation. They suffered due to their severe impact on these regions
  • This tri-national property is in good condition, encircling in comparison a vast expanse of 1,714,831 ha. They constitute a symbolic Sudano-Sahelian ecosystem suit
  • Large populations of mammal species among an enormous mixture of environments survive here to support their species. Most commonly found animals are lions and elephants across wide territories
  • The Arly-Pendjari Regional Park networks and the National Park have hunting reserves four in number, all of which are mainly. This connectivity allows the animals residing there to roam without any hindrance
  • There is powerful management of hunting within hunting reserves. There is an enhanced resilience since the systems of the Arly-Pendjari Regional park are natural, and the environment is to the quality of those we find within the park’s walls tagged as national. There is no negative impact considering that it is identical to Category VI of IUCN


The threats have to be addressed properly in the areas of the WAP complex. With boundaries clearly defined, the WAP Complex is surrounded by a population and is regularly regulated. The threats vary from farming soil encroaches, poaching and illegal grazing. Many awareness campaigns are held along with some incentives in the areas closely related to agricultural development sectors. 

The hierarchy of monitored transhumance activities has a long-term use in nature, and raising awareness has already started. This ensures the population that this is endurable about the property’s extraordinary widespread significance.


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Where is the WAP Complex located?

Answer. The W-Arly-Pendjari ecological complex consists of two core areas: Arl...Read full

What are the security and supervision requirements of the WAP complex?

Answer. Five of the protected areas of the property benefit from legal securit...Read full

What funding is required for the WAP complex?

Answer. To ensure sustainability, there is a fund named (FSOA) The West Africa...Read full

How is the WAP complex managed?

Answer. This WAP complex is managed under the same regime as national parks. I...Read full