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Understanding Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is a principle or an effective instruction followed by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to maintain equality by not charging any extra price to sites, apps, or websites used. All internet traffic should be equally treated under all circumstances.

Net neutrality, also known as Internet neutrality, is a basic principle that the internet service provider (ISP) must follow. In this, they must treat all internet traffic or communications equally and not rate or charge the different users’ amounts based on the platform, application, content, and website they are using. This can also include emails, different methods of communication, source address, destination address and types of equipment. 


The term “net neutrality” was coined by Professor Tim Wu of Columbia University media law in 2003. This was an extended theory of the concept of a common carrier. This was mainly used to describe telephone communication systems, which Professor Wu did. At that time, many internet service providers blocked some websites to promote other websites. Instead, this had become a business then. 

They also banned internet users from accessing various VPNs. This net neutrality prohibits internet service providers from preventing customers from connecting their devices to different internet connections or blocking the legal relationship. 

Net neutrality allows the ISP to not intentionally slow down, block or charge extra money to visit any specific type of website or any content online. Without this net neutrality, the ISP could have possibly charged extra money or could’ve blocked websites according to the traffic. Some of the internet service providers are Verizon and Comcast. They have to treat all internet content equally. They do not have the permission to slow down your Netflix, Hulu, Dailymotion or any other type of website. In short, they cannot prioritise any website over others. 

Net neutrality also believes that keeping the internet open is crucial. If ISPs started picking out favourites, then the lower and the new website, content, or app won’t ever get the chance to grow and develop. All internet service providers must provide the same speed of access and data to all internet users. Internet Service Providers are not allowed to make up or create any special type of relationship or arrangements with the websites or service providers to speed up their particular website or in case to improve their Network access. 

Why Is Net Neutrality Important?

There are various aspects of the motive to believe why net neutrality is important, some of them being more obvious than others. There are reasons why net neutrality is such an important factor to be given proper notice, like being done to maintain healthy competition among all different types of websites, apps and service providers. Blocking or slowing the traffic of some sites will increase the reach of other websites. 

This isn’t a fair way to do business. This will never give a chance to any newcomers to launch their website and achieve success in it, to come and compete with the established businesses. 

If the net neutrality system didn’t exist, the larger corporations would have paid much more bucks to the ISPs to eliminate competition. Net neutrality ensures an open Internet to access whatever the users want. This can be advantageous as to reaching out on petitions or a disadvantage as there is no access to take down the demeaning things.

Benefits Of Net Neutrality:

There are several benefits of net neutrality. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • The first and the foremost advantage of net neutrality has to be the freedom of innovation and fair competition. If all the ISPs were paid, then newly launched sites, apps or even websites wouldn’t be able to grow and develop, and there would be no striving competition and no room for them to succeed in business.

  • If the ISPs weren’t given such special instructions, all the wealthy setups would’ve paid the internet service providers to put their contents in the fast lanes to directly show up in the SEO ( search engine optimisation) content. Net neutrality was against the system of paying ISPs to publish websites and content with greater reach. 

  • Another important benefit of net neutrality is the absolute freedom of speech. Net neutrality allows equality in all aspects. They prevent the ISPs from determining and controlling what their user wants and does not want to read. This way, users can choose what content they want to refer to.


Net neutrality is a very important way by which internet service providers can stop their partiality, and they must treat all the websites, apps, mail programs, and other content equally. There are various benefits of net neutrality, as well as why net neutrality is important, which are questions that are answered above. 


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