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The Implementation and Dependencies of the Sevottam Model

The phrase “sevottam,” which is derived from the Sanskrit terms “Seva” and “Uttam,” may be translated as “excellence of service.” The Sevottam model is an all-encompassing Service Quality Management System developed to improve how public services are provided.

The model is formed by resolving the flaws of previous public service delivery systems, such as Citizen Charters (CC), and is increasingly accepted by a broad range of ministries under the CG and SG’s authority in India.

Three Components of the Sevottam Model

Sevottam model is based on the following three components. They are:

  • Constitutions and Charters of Citizens

A Citizen Charter is a document that states the commitment of a public institution toward the standard, quality, and timeliness of service delivery in addition to a grievance resolution mechanism. This commitment may be found in the Citizen Charter. The Citizen Charter is where you may go to see this pledge. It is an indicator that the citizen and the service provider have agreed to the kind of services that the latter is expected to supply. This can only happen if both parties agree on the terms of the agreement.

  • A forum for the general population to air their grievances

In the machinery of any administration, the construction of a Grievance Redress Mechanism is a vital component that must be included. An administration cannot honestly claim to be user-friendly or responsive to its people if it does not have an efficient grievance resolution procedure. Both of these qualities are necessary for an effective grievance resolution. The mechanism for the redress of grievances within an organisation is the gauge used to determine whether or not the organisation is efficient and effective. The grievance redress mechanism provides significant input on the administration’s operations.

  • The readiness of the system for the delivery of services

The Service Delivery Preparedness Program (SDPP) aims to assess the level of readiness possessed by the business, compile illustrations of best practices, and determine the most significant obstacles. The fundamental concept underpinning the program is that its primary emphasis should be on assisting the performance improvement cycle. The primary responsibility of the F&EM Performance Improvement team should be to promote statewide consistency based on the results of the visits. Both of these responsibilities are in line with the fundamental idea that underpins the program. This document does not cover all of the requirements that need to be satisfied at the District, the Region, or the State level. Its sole function is to provide a synopsis of the material discussed in the sections relevant to the question.

Benefits Of The Sevottam Model Or Paradigm In One’s Work

Because of the framework, implementing organisations now can carry out a citizen-centric service delivery “gap analysis,” also known as a systematic, credible, and verified self-assessment. This research guarantees that realistic solutions are gradually and carefully incorporated into the organisation’s day-to-day operations, resulting in sustainable results. The Benefits of the Sevottam Model may be implemented by one of the following four basic approaches, which are as follows:

  • As a method for companies that are already motivated to improve the quality of services they provide to customers to use as a tool for conducting internal evaluations
  • To fulfil the prerequisites for the implementation of a benchmark assessment technique
  • To provide a rating system for businesses to recognise and praise those that are doing exceptionally well in the delivery of services

The 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) suggested to Sevottam in its report titled “Citizen-Centric Administration” that the organisation carry out the seven recommendations that were included in the study as follows:

  1. Define what you are selling and decide who your target audience will be.
  2. Determine the criteria that apply to each kind of service
  3. Determine the level of expertise necessary to meet the criteria
  4. Carry out the responsibilities assigned to you to fulfil the prerequisites.
  5. Contrast the results of the present effort with those of the objectives that have been defined.
  6. Investigate the impact of making use of a different technique
  7. Continuous improvement in light of ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the outcomes

The model is comprised of three distinct sections. In addition to this overarching objective, there are a variety of additional intermediate consequences expected from the effective fulfilment of criteria that have been precisely established for the three components of the sevottam model.

Contributions of Sevottam Model

Among the many things that SEVOTTAM has contributed are the following:

Implementation and Dependencies of the Sevottam Model-

  1. The Indian Standard IS 15700:2005 was produced by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to certify governmental bodies as having met the requirements of Sevottam. The model served as the basis for this standard. India has broken new ground by being the first country to have a standard for delivering public services written down and published.
  2. Various organisations and ministries within state and federal governments have worked together to establish more than a thousand distinct Citizens’ Charters.
  3. In 2007, a grievance redress and system monitors system known as (CPGRAMS) was established. This system was installed to strengthen the grievance redress pillar of the Sevottam model.

List of the Essential Components of Quality Management

  • The emphasis is placed on the consumer.
  • Leadership that is characterised by active participation with the populace
  • Enhancement of the Process-based Approach
  • Management of one’s connections
  • Making judgments based on evidence

The Next Logical Step

Even though it has been noticed that the current Sevottam model spends a substantial amount of attention on process standards, the 2nd ARC has proposed shifting the emphasis to the quality of service instead. Even though it has been advised to transfer the focus, this is the case. In addition, instead of waiting for changes to be implemented at higher levels, such as the headquarters, it is vital to make changes at lower levels, such as the field offices. This is because waiting for changes to be implemented at higher levels might take a long time.


The Sevottam model, a quality management framework appropriate to public services companies, has been adopted across all departments. The Benefits of the Sevottam Model apply to businesses that provide various general services. The Service Delivery Excellence Model is a framework that companies may use to analyse and enhance the quality of their services to their customers, who are referred to as citizens. The model was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


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