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Ten Potential New Countries

Many people probably agree with the idea that making new nations can empower people. Let’s discover how Bougainvillea, New Caledonia and Chuck made it to the top ten potential new countries list.

Can the world be in an ideally better situation if it had more or fewer countries? Are the nations worldwide fulfilling the world’s requirements and that of their residents? And would it be advisable for us to commend or be worried about the arrangement of the new nations like Bougainville? Customary nations appear stale, buried in issues, with maturing agendas that don’t function admirably in the current culture. However, few countries have worked their way out and struggled to become independent nations. 

Top Ten New Countries in the World

Many countries have gone through major struggles and developments to get the recognition they deserve in today’s world. Here’s a list of the 10 potential new countries that made a mark on the world map and declared their independence. 


This little region is a part of Papua New Guinea; it has been taking a stab at freedom for quite a while now. In 2019, 98% of the occupants decided to favour this opportunity; however, the Covid-19 pandemic halted their endeavours. In any case, the area of Bougainville perceived itself as a unique and free area of Papua New Guinea. Future recuperation from the pandemic will frame this proposed nation’s future.

Donetsk People’s Republic

This little region in Ukraine, for the most part, works as a free state for now, despite the fact that there is huge unrest and struggle nearby. If the little locale of Donetsk People’s Republic doesn’t acquire total freedom as another country, it might decide to join the Russian Federation towards the west.

New Caledonia

This little region has a place with France; however, that may have been long before. This little region, New Caledonia, has for quite some time been battling for autonomy. A 2018 decision favouring freedom was crushed, and a new 2020 decision favouring autonomy was lost by only a little edge. Another vote for freedom is planned for 2022.


It is a part of Syria, and this little district has long been battling the Syrians and ISIS. Involved in strife, Rojava might be the nearest the world has seen to a really revolutionary state. With its flighty political style, Rojava is ready to be a leader for change and administration. This proposed nation will be an interesting topic of discussion and conversation as the inhabitants keep battling for freedom.

West and East Libya

The United States later attacked Libya endeavouring to spread the majority rule. Endeavours have fizzled and have brought about a parted nation split between a Western and an Eastern side. The most probable result is that the nation will part into two adversary and contending countries. Numerous political experts anticipate that Libya will look the same as Somalia, with two unmistakable and controversial regions.


One of the four countries that make up Micronesia Chuuk is by a long shot the best. However, the profoundly rich and productive have been advocating autonomy for some time. In any case, acquiring freedom might be precarious. This small island is still, in fact, an American province, so arriving at a vote might be weighed down with formality. There are plans to have an autonomy vote soon if the United States doesn’t intercede.

Flemish Republic

The Flemish autonomy development followed its underlying foundations to the eighteenth century when Austria governed Flanders as a component of the Southern Netherlands. Flanders was retained into free Belgium in the mid-nineteenth century. However, it was only after 2014 that the New Flemish Alliance became the biggest party in Belgium’s decision alliance, and a Flemish nonconformist party controlled the Belgian government.


One more likely Middle Eastern newbie in the international club is a free Kurdistan, binding together Kurdish domains in Iraq, Iran, Northern Syria, and Turkey. At the very least, a free Kurdish state might emerge in Northern Iraq. Yet, the connection between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the region’s Christian people group is undoubtedly convoluted. Yezidis are one more captivating strict group in the district. Kurdish populaces in Syria, Turkey, and Iran face their own different difficulties.


Iran is “in danger of inward collapse”, with Azeri taking the northwestern piece of the nation, possibly fragmenting off and getting together with currently autonomous Azerbaijan. Azeris on the two sides of the boundary are ethnic Turks communicating in a Turkic language. There has been some rapprochement between Iran and Azerbaijan as of late. In any case, Iran’s Azeris do not give many indications of looking for independence, considerably less freedom or association with Azerbaijan.


Circumstances and conditions continue to change, yet clashes seldom end. At times, or for the most part, war prompts the division of lines. There are districts and nationalities that accept that there are means to get by. Some can, some can’t. In any case, the battle for freedom has been continuous for quite a while in many regions of the planet. Though the territories declare themselves independent countries, they are recognised as world countries only after being recognised by global territories. Thus, the world discovers countries like Bougainvillea and Chuck, making it to the top ten potential new countries list.


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