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Sports Term of Bridge

Contract bridge, sometimes known as bridge, is a trick-taking card game played with a regular 52-card deck. It is played by four players in two competitive partnerships, with partners sitting opposite one other around a table in its basic arrangement.

Contract bridge, sometimes known as bridge, is a trick-taking card game played with a regular 52-card deck. It is played by four players in two competing partnerships , with partners sitting opposite each other around a table. [a] Bridge is one of the world’s most popular card games, especially among seniors, with millions of people playing it in clubs, competitions, online, and with friends at home.  The World Bridge Federation (WBF) is the international competitive bridge governing body, with numerous additional bodies governing bridge at the regional level.

1.Advance-: Make an overcall or takeout double bid after your partner enters the auction.

2.Advancer-: A player’s partner who makes an overcall or a takeout double.

3.Alert-: A strategy for drawing opponents’ attention to a traditional partnership arrangement.

4.Announcement-: A term or phrase that informs opponents of the significance of the partner’s call. It is necessary in ACBL games after a 1NT opening (e.g., “15 to 17”), a transfer bid to hearts or spades (“transfer”), a forced or semi-forcing 1NT response (e.g., “forcing”), and a minor opening of fewer than three cards (“may be short”).

5.Asses the Situation-: The first stage of the declarer’s strategy. It is divided into three steps: 1) Objective. The amount of tricks needed to complete the contract. 2) Certain Tricks. Determine the winners (or losers). 3) Additional Tricks Are Required. Compare the desired tricks to the accessible tricks.

6.Attitude Signal-: A defensive carding gesture used to inform your partner whether you want a specific suit lead. A high card represents an encouraging indication, whereas a bad card represents a depressing signal.

7.Auction-: The procedure for awarding a contract through a series of bids.

8.The Auction Bridge-: An early version of the game that included bidding to establish the contract’s denomination.

9.Avoidance-: A play designed to keep a certain opponent from taking the lead

10.Balanced  Distribution (Hand)-: A hand that contains no voids, singletons, or more than one doubleton.

11.Balancing Overcall -: In the balancing position, an overcall was made. A balancing overcall with fewer values than in the direct position is possible.

12.Balancing  Position (Hand)-: When the opponents are winning the auction, the player in a position to make the final decision. The auction is over if the player in the balancing position passes.

13. Bath Coupling

Holding up with the Ace and Jack when the left-hand opponent leads the King

14.Blocked-: A litigation in which the winners are unable to be taken promptly due to entrance issues.

15.Board-: A transaction; the mechanical keeper of a transaction.

16.Board-a-Match-: In team play, each deal is worth 1 point for a victory, 1/2 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss.

17.Bonus-: Points are awarded for completing a part score, game, or slam or defeating the opponent’s contract.

18.Book-: Declarer takes the first six tricks.

19.Standard World Bridge -: A consensus bidding method based on North American experts’ preferences.

Consider the Sequence

20.The third stage in the declarer’s strategy. The order in which tricks are played might be essential while developing and taking tricks. Declarer must think about drawing trumps, losing necessary tricks early, and being in the correct hand at the right time.

21.Constructive Raise -: A single raise of the opener’s major suit demonstrates the upper end of the minimal range, around 8-10 points.


The pledge by the declarer’s side to win at least a certain number of tricks in a certain denomination, as defined by the auction’s final offer.

23.Bridge Contract

The current version of the game in which bonuses are awarded for bidding and making contracts.


A grip that prohibits opponents from taking the first two tricks in a suit. A first-round control is an ace or void; a second-round control is a king or a singleton.

25.Control-Exercising (Bid)

When the partnership is interested in slam, a bid that displays a control—ace, king, singleton, or void.


A bid that conveys a message that is not generally associated with it.

27.Double Collaboration

A double that displays values and leaves it up to the partner to decide whether to pass for a penalty or bid further.

28.Cuebid corresponding

In a two-cuebid auction, the greater cuebid correlates to the partnership’s higher-ranking suit, while the lower cuebid corresponds to the partnership’s lower-ranking suit.

29.Count Signal 

A defensive signal in which an odd or even number of cards in a suit are displayed. A high-low signal indicates an even number of cards, while a low-high signal indicates an odd number.

30.Cover an Honour 

When declarer or dummy leads an honour and you have a greater honour, a common defensive strategy is to hide (play) your honour. The goal is for declarer to employ two honours to capture one of yours.


We conclude that the several advantages of playing bridge are: meaningful social engagement.

1.Improving communication and teamwork abilities.

2.Maintaining mental acuity.

3.Increasing immunity in order to avoid sickness


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Who can claim honours in bridge?

Answer. Honors may be declared and scored at any time after the auction but f...Read full

Who bids first in bridge?

Answer. The dealer A bridge deal ...Read full

How many tricks are there in bridge?

Answer. Thirteen tricks Bridge is...Read full

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