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Powers of the State Government

In this article we will learn about powers of the state government, establish local governments, conduct elections and ratify amendments.

More authority should be provided to state governments to combat crime in society. Because each case must go through a lengthy process before reaching the federal government, the state government should be empowered to take some immediate & necessary actions to prevent crimes.

General Powers of the State Government 

The State Government has broad authorities.

  1. The State Government has the authority to provide policy directives on issues relating to electricity in the state, including general planning and coordination. The State Government shall issue all policy directions consistent with the objectives of this Act and shall not affect or interfere with the Commission’s functions and powers, including but not limited to the determination of structure of tariffs for the electricity supply to various categories of consumers.

  2. If a disagreement arises between the Commission and the State Government over whether a question is a matter of policy or whether a policy direction issued by the State Government adversely affects or interferes with the Commission’s ability to carry out its functions, the State Government shall refer the matter to a retired Supreme Court judge in consultation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, whose decision shall be final and binding.

  3. In addition to the subsidies permitted by the Commission while regulating and approving the tariff structure, the State Government shall be entitled to issue policy directions concerning the subsidies to be allowed for the supply of electricity to any class or classes of persons or in respect of any area, provided that the State Government contributes the amount to compensate such concerned body or unit affected by the grant of the subsidies by the State Government. The Commission will establish the amounts, terms and conditions, and time frame in which the State Government must pay such amounts.

  4. The State Government must consult the Commission before enacting any legislative proposals or rules affecting any policy direction, and must take the Commission’s recommendations into account.

Local Government Establishment 

Have you ever had a speeding penalty issued to you? If that’s the case, you’ve already dealt with your municipal government. You most likely appeared in or paid a fine to the city court, and the police officer was most likely a city employee.

The public administration in towns, cities, counties, and districts is known as local government. It’s worth noting that this style of government encompasses both county & municipal institutions. It can be difficult, but these organisations must work together to administer a certain geographic area. For instance, I grew up in the small town of Pryor. It’s in the state of Oklahoma, in the county of Mayes. As a result, my local government incorporated both Pryor’s administration and Mayes County’s organisation.

Local governments are organised differently depending on the state. All municipal administrations, on the other hand, derive their jurisdiction from the state in which they are situated. The state constitution of Oklahoma gives the city of Pryor and Mayes County their governmental authority.

Conduct Elections

To begin the election process, a petition and supporting documentation must be filed, ideally online, with the nearest NLRB Regional Office, demonstrating that at least 30% of employees support the petition. Agents from the National Labour Relations Board will then look into whether the Board has jurisdiction, if the union is qualified, and whether there are any existing labour contracts or recent elections that would preclude an election. The employer is required to post a Notice of Petition for Election in visible places, including those areas where notices to employees are typically displayed, shortly after the petition is submitted. 

Elections are usually held as soon as possible after just a director’s order or permission, which varies from case to case. An election may be postponed, however, if a party requests to block the petition based on allegations of conduct that would interfere with employee free choice in the election, such as an employer or a union threatening to lose jobs or benefits, or granting promotions, pay raises, or other benefits to influence the vote. Whenever an election is planned, the Employer must publish a Notice of Election to replace the Notice of Petition for Election that was previously posted.

A union which receives a majority of votes cast is recognized as the employees’ bargaining representation and is eligible to be recognised by the employer as the unit’s sole bargaining agent. It is an unfair labour practices to refuse to bargain with the union at this time.

Ratify Amendments 

While women now have greater rights than they did when the Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed in 1923 and voted out of Congress in 1972, the hard-won protections against sex discrimination are not based on any unambiguous constitutional foundation. By a simple majority vote, they can be infrequently enforced or even repealed. Courts have struggled to apply a consistent test to gender-based categories, which are neither inherently dubious or equivalent to racial or ethnic categories under equal-protection criteria.

The use of a federal Equal Rights Amendment is as pressing today as it was in 1978, when current Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg started writing in the Harvard Women’s Law Journal: “With Equal Rights Amendment, we can expect Congress and state legislatures to begin the long-overdue law revision process in earnest, systematically, and comprehensively. In the scenario of legislative failure, the courts will have an unmistakable foundation on which to apply the fundamental premise that all men and women are created equal.”


All rights not provided to a federal government are retained for the states and the people under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The executive, legislative, & judicial branches of state governments are all fashioned after the federal government. 

Counties, also called as boroughs in Alaska & parishes in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns, are the two layers of local administration. According to state constitutions, municipalities can be organised in a variety of ways and are referred to as townships, villages, boroughs, cities, or towns. Outside of the county, various types of districts perform various functions in local administration.


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