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Korean Conflict | Genesis to the Conflict

From 1950 to 1953, South and North Korea fought the Korean War (also known by other names). Read on to learn all there is to know about the genesis to the conflict.

The genesis to the conflict escalated when the Korean War began on June 25, 1950, after five years of heated tensions in Korea. The Northern Korean People’s Army, in a synchronised general attack, invaded South Korea over several strategic positions along the 38th parallel, the line separating communist North Korea from the noncommunist Republic of Korea in the south. North Korea desired to capture South Korea militarily and thus unify Korea under North Korean communist rule. Worried that the Soviet Union and Communist China may have assisted the invasion, President Harry S. Truman pledged US air, naval, and ground forces to unite with the United Nations forces to help the Republic of Korea for its defence.

The Korean People’s Army was Formed

The North quickly fell under the influence of the Soviet Union, while the South relied on American help. In February 1948, the Korean People’s Army (KPA) was formed in North Korea from Korean communist guerrillas who had previously served with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army but were “guided” by Soviet personnel. By mid-1950, the KPA had ten infantry divisions and additional formations totalling 223,000 soldiers.

Seeds of the Conflict: By USSR and USA – On the day the Japanese left, the Soviet Union invaded Korea. The Soviet Union colonised the north, while the United States conquered the south, separated by the 38th parallel. This aided and abetted in dividing the country into two halves driving east to west along 38 degrees north.

The Escalation of the Conflict

  • In 1950, North Korea, aided by the USSR, launched an invasion of South Korea, capturing the majority of the country
  • In response to the attack, a United Nations force commanded by the United States attacked with ruthless force, altering the war’s dynamics
  • The most turbulent time was from 1950 to 1951
  • The US soldiers, under Douglas MacArthur, wanted to take advantage of the chance and crossed the 38th parallel. However, their hostility prompted China to intervene in support of North Korea
  • Sensing the deepening of the crisis, President Truman dismissed Douglas MacArthur in 1951, and peace talks began
  • Despite acts of hostility on both sides, the period from mid-1951 to 1953 was mostly quiet.

Seeds of the Conflict: By the USSR and the United States

  • At the Yalta Conference in 1945, the Allied forces of World War II agreed to establish a “four-power custodianship over Korea”
  • Before a specific plan could be developed, the USSR attacked Korea, and Japan surrendered within a week. As a result, the north of Korea was controlled by the USSR Meanwhile, the south was controlled by the rest of the allies, mainly the United States
  • A combined Soviet-American panel was constituted in December 1945 at the Moscow Conference to work on the Trusteeship Issue of Korea
  • The trusteeship idea failed due to the fear of communism spreading and mutual distrust between the USSR and the US.

Recent Difficulties in the Korean Conflict

  • North Korea conducted two nuclear tests in 2016 (its fourth and fifth tests). It also launched medium and long-range missiles successfully
  • Despite global censure and warnings, it maintained its endeavours and launched four ballistic missiles in March 2017
  • In an offensive move, the United States began deploying THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defence) systems in South Korea in March 2017
  • Unfazed by the threats, North Korea claimed on July 4, 2017, that it successfully launched an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capable of reaching Alaska, USA.

Resolution of the Korean Conflict

  • War is not a solution; it is rather a source of conflict. Only absolute annihilation of a party involved can bring peace after conflict, and even that is subject to the whims of the conquerors. As a result, it will not consider warring a feasible solution
  • Breaking North Korea’s economic lifeline with China’s assistance
  • A cyber-attack on North Korea’s missile and nuclear weapon systems
  • Conciliation is based on South Korea’s initiative.


North Korea is the source of strength divergence. The US is the adversary, and China is the strategist. Both directly and covertly, China’s ongoing backing for North Korea validates this approach.

If China does not back a settlement to the Korean conflict, it will be either short-lived or severely damaging. The Korean situation is a litmus test for realpolitik, and using force simply demonstrates a lack of intelligence. In an ideal world, we could all work together to bring about peace. But pragmatism dictates that we wait and watch because, for the time being, peace is not beneficial to those who are capable of bringing it.


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