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Israel-Palestine Conflict: History, Wars, and Solution

The Israel-Palestinians conflict is one of the most well-known and long-standing conflicts. It’s a situation that shows no signs of improvement. The Israel-Palestine conflict is rooted in numerous historical events dating back to the 12th century. Some claim the best option is a “two-state solution,” Gaza and most of the West Bank would be turned over to Palestine as an independent state. At the same time, Israel retains control of the remaining area. But before that, let’s look into the history of the conflict.

Who Are the Players in This Conflict?

There are many key players in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Some of the most important are: 

  • Israel – One of the more obvious players, the state of Israel, has been at the centre of this conflict since its creation. The Israel-Palestine conflict is often referred to as the Israeli-Palestinians conflict since Israel is the dominant state in the conflict. 
  • Palestine – The other major player in this conflict, Palestine, is a territory occupied by Israel since the creation of Israel. The Palestinians want to be recognised as an independent state and believe they have the right to exist. 
  • United States – The United States has always been one of the key players in the Israel-Palestine conflict. For decades, the U.S. has been Israel’s primary ally and supporter globally. As a result, it has a large influence on the policies of both Israel and Palestine.
  • United Nations – The United Nations has been involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict since 1945. It has played a major role in creating Israel, the Israeli-Arab conflict, and mediating many other conflicts and wars between Israel and Palestine.

The Balfour Declaration and the Creation of Israel

  • British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917. 
  • In it, Balfour declared that the British government supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. 
  • The Balfour Declaration was controversial from the beginning. 
  • Many Palestinians and other Arabs protested the declaration and believed it was unfair and unjust to them. 
  • The process of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine was long and difficult. It was not until 1948 that the world officially recognised the state of Israel. 
  • This process of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine has been at the root of the Israel-Palestine conflict ever since.

Wars Since 1948: Operation Joshua, Sinai, and more

The Israel-Palestine conflict has seen numerous wars and conflicts over the years. Perhaps the most significant of these was the Six-Day War in 1967. The Six-Day War was extremely violent and resulted in Israel’s occupation of parts of Palestine. The Yom Kippur War was another important conflict in the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict. This war took place in 1973 and saw the Israeli army face off against the Egyptian and Syrian armies. The Israeli army was victorious in the Yom Kippur War, but this victory came at a terrible price. The war was extremely violent and resulted in numerous deaths on both sides. Since 1948, the Israel-Palestine conflict has been marked by violence and constant fighting. There has been no settlement in sight or ceasefire between the two nations for an extended time.

2018/2019 Confrontation: Gaza and the West Bank

In recent years, there has been an escalation in violence in the Israel-Palestine conflict. This began with protests in the West Bank and Gaza. Israel responded to these protests with violent force, escalating the confrontation between its military forces and Palestinians. The situation has gotten worse in recent months. Israeli forces have killed more than 100 Palestinians and injured thousands more. This is the most violent confrontation between these two countries since the 2014 war. The situation will likely continue escalating as long as both sides refuse to negotiate a settlement in sight.


The Israel-Palestine conflict has been ongoing for nearly a century. It has been marked by violence, bloodshed, and conflict. The two nations have been unable to find common ground and negotiate a peace treaty. They have been unable to work together to improve the lives of their citizens. There are reasons that the Israel-Palestine conflict has gone unsolved for so long. Each side has its own set of beliefs that are difficult to compromise with the other side’s beliefs.

Additionally, each side is unwilling to negotiate a peace treaty. They are unwilling to sit down and find a way to live together peacefully. With this in mind, the conflict is unlikely to end anytime soon.


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