Interim Budget

The meaning of Interim budget is the budget that is analogous to the union budget. When a government is either in the middle of a period of transition or its last year in power before having general elections, it is normal for the government to issue an interim budget.

Every year, the Union Budget presentation falls on the shoulders of the individual who is now filling the role of Finance Minister and is responsible for doing so in February. This paper acts as a guide for the next fiscal year’s revenue and expenditures for the government. On the other side, there are times when the government will provide what is known as an “interim budget” rather than a full budget.

This is done in preparation for the holding of elections. It is customary for the administration that is presently in power to be unable to provide the whole Union Budget in the year that an election is taking place. Instead, the Minister of Finance will present an Interim Budget during the joint sitting of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha in Parliament.

Present Administration Seeks A VOA From Parliament

The VOA is seeking to make money from the Consolidated Fund of India to pay its Budget expenditures before the end of the current fiscal year, which will occur on March 31. This is done with the use of an Interim Budget. It is a time-honoured tradition carried out in the days preceding up to every general election, and it takes place.

Following the completion of the elections for the Lok Sabha, it is the responsibility of the newly elected government to provide the entire Union Budget. In recent years, interim budgets have become an essential instrument for the administrations in power, enabling them to showcase their successes and appeal to voters’ support. This trend will be expected to continue in the years to come.

Other Budget Possibilities For The People In India

The budget that is analogous to what is known as a union budget is the meaning of Interim budget. In the document known as the Interim Budget, the government that is presently in power will offer an estimate of its expenditures, revenues, fiscal deficit, and financial performance. Additionally, the interim budget will provide forecasts for the next fiscal year. So, when is the interim budget applicable? It is needed that the government in power publish an interim budget at the end of its time in office. This budget should be sufficient to meet the financial requirements of the nation for the next three to four months. Should the present government be re-elected, the major purpose of the interim budget may be to spell out the economic strategy it plans to undertake over the next five years. This would be the case if the current administration were to win another term in office.

Even if large new tax policies are not suggested, the government in power may nevertheless opt to enact a few populist measures to win favour with the public. Even if no big new tax policies are presented, this might be the case.

What Is It That The Interim Budget Cannot Do?

It does not disclose any major policy changes that may create a considerable financial burden on the successive government responsible for presenting the full Union Budget while it is presenting the Interim Budget. According to the Code of Conduct for the Election Commission, the ruling administration cannot include any significant projects in the Interim Budget since doing so may influence the voters. This is because including such initiatives would violate the prohibition. The Economic Survey that is typically provided in connection with the introduction of the Interim Budget is not being provided by the current government.

When is the Interim Budget Applicable? 

So, when is the interim budget applicable? To put it another way, it only allows the government the power to spend money up to that certain day. Suppose the government cannot produce a comprehensive budget before the end of the fiscal year. In that case, it is required to receive approval from the relevant parliamentary committees before it can begin incurring costs at the beginning of the following fiscal year and must continue doing so until a new budget is approved. This holds even if the government cannot produce a budget before the end of the current fiscal year. Because of this, we refer to this period as the “interim.”

Difference Between The Interim Budget and the VOA

Now, what is the difference between the Interim Budget and the Vote on Account? Technically speaking, an interim budget is the same as the entire budget; the primary difference is that an interim budget is only utilised for a certain length of time. Like the budget of the Union, it consists of an exhaustive collection of accounts that provides specifics about both spending and income. In addition, the predictions, much like the overall budget, are broken down into each month of the year. Nevertheless, the federal government will typically refrain from introducing major tax adjustments or schemes in the interim budget during election years, even though the Constitution does not expressly prohibit it. On the other hand, a vote-on-account is just concerned with the expenditure. There is no formal discussion during the voting in Parliament, which results in a unanimous vote.

Steps To Gain Approval Of Budget In India For The Interim Period

Parliament clears the government’s vote-on-account following the Interim Budget, enabling the government to continue meeting its financial obligations until the following Parliament reviews and approves a total Budget for the remaining fiscal year. Until then, the government cannot continue meeting its financial obligations. The government is authorised under the Constitution to make adjustments to the tax code following the Interim Budget.


Regarding the future, it can only provide recommendations for possible expenditures in the months leading up to the election (which should not be more than 6 months). It is a standard practice for the administration that is now in power to refrain from making any big pronouncements about tax policies that may leave the next administration under considerable financial duress. They need to practice extraordinary prudence as they go forward in their time since they will be accountable for spending and revenue collection in the coming months. There is a possibility that significant policy adjustments or tax changes may be advantageous to the government in the next elections. Still, there is also the possibility that they will not be.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation.

Who presented India's first interim budget?

Answer. R K Shanmukham Chetty presented the first interim budget.

When is the interim budget used?

Answer. The governing government presents an interim budget before every five-year Lok Sabha election.

Do the two budgets(interim and Union) have anything in common?

Answer. The Central Government presents an interim budget before general elections. The Central Government presents ...Read full