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Influenza Pandemic and The Illness

During a pandemic, especially in the 20th century, a Global virus spreads. Pandemic influenza Viruses arise that can infect people rapidly and spread efficiently. Follow this article to know more.

Influenza pandemics are epidemics caused by new influenza viruses like influenza A virus and Hong Kong influenza that spread easily from person to person. An influenza pandemic may occur when a new flu virus strains jump from another animal species and infect humans. There have been three influenza pandemics in the last 200 years, even in the 20th century. 

It first occurred in 1816, the second in 1889, and the third after the Great Depression of the 1930s in the 20th century. If this continues to happen every 100-110 years, we may soon be due for another. It’s important to understand what might cause an influenza pandemic to protect yourself better should one occur again. This article provides information about Influenza Pandemics and their prevention.

What is an Influenza Pandemic?

An influenza pandemic is an infectious disease that occurs when a new strain of flu virus is transmitted globally, infecting humans in many different countries simultaneously. It was a threat even in the 20th century. 

Influenza pandemics are marked by the illness and death of many globally. An influenza pandemic occurs when a new virus emerges that is different from other flu viruses circulating in human populations, so our immune system cannot fight the new virus. When a new virus emerges and spreads globally, it is called a pandemic. Pandemics can happen when a new virus appears in animals like pigs or birds.

Causes of an Influenza Pandemic?

An influenza pandemic occurs when a new virus emerges and infects humans across the globe. This can happen for several reasons:

  • Influenza-like the Hong Kong influenza virus can mutate and acquire the ability to infect humans, like the influenza A virus.
  • A new type of influenza virus can emerge by reassigning genes between two different viruses.
  • The virus can be acquired from another animal species and transmitted to humans. Different strains can emerge when a new virus starts to spread in humans. 
  • In the past, pandemics have been associated with a change in the surface proteins of the virus that allow it to bind to human lung cells. 
  • When a pandemic virus emerges, it can quickly spread around the world.

3 Steps to an Influenza Pandemic

There are three steps to a pandemic occurring:

  • Viral Emergence – A novel virus emerges in humans through mutation of an existing virus or the introduction of a new virus from an animal species. 
  • Global Infection – The pandemic virus infects humans across the globe.
  • Global Pandemic – The pandemic virus infects many countries with a large percentage of the human population. A pandemic can occur anytime, but we are most at risk when the flu virus changes. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitors the flu virus and recommends actions when a new virus emerges.

Who’s at Risk?

The risk of contracting influenza is highest among people in their late teens, twenties, and thirties. However, anyone can get the flu, including children, pregnant women, the elderly, and immunosuppressed individuals. People are generally at risk for contracting the flu when they are near infected people:

  • Health care workers in hospitals who care for patients with weakened immune systems and who may not have access to protective equipment are especially at risk.
  • Children and adults too young to be fully vaccinated and immunosuppressed individuals who cannot receive the vaccine are at risk for severe illness.
  • Individuals travelling outside of the U.S. come into close contact with people in other countries where the flu virus is endemic.

Symptoms of the Flu During a Pandemic

During a pandemic, flu symptoms can range from mild to severe illness and even death. During a pandemic, individuals at high risk for complications are pregnant, have underlying chronic medical conditions, and are aged 65 and older. Some of the flu symptoms during a pandemic may include:

  • Headaches
  • Sore muscles
  • Fever 
  • Fatigue 
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Shortness of breath.

Some rarer but more severe flu symptoms during a pandemic were seen in the 20th century.

  • Ear infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Gastrointestinal illnesses
  • Heart attacks 
  • Stroke

Some flu symptoms are similar to other diseases, such as a common cold.

Protection against Flu During a Pandemic

You can do some things to protect yourself from the flu during a pandemic. You can: – Vaccinate – Get vaccinated against the flu as soon as the vaccine becomes available. – Stay home if you are sick – Stay home from work or school if you are sick. – Cover your cough – Cover your cough with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. – Wash your hands often – This is especially important when caring for children, older adults, and individuals with weakened immune systems. – Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth – This will help lower the risk of transmitting your germs to others. – Stay home if you have travelled to a country with an outbreak of the flu – Stay home from work or school if you have travelled to a country with an outbreak of the flu. – Avoid close contact with sick people – This will help lower the risk of transmitting your germs to others. 

Duration of Flu Pandemics 

A flu pandemic can last anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 years. It is difficult to predict how long a flu pandemic will last because we do not know how many people will be infected. A pandemic is declared over when the number of cases declines and the disease is no longer transmitted in the community.


The influenza pandemic is an imminent threat to the whole world. In the absence of effective measures, it can cause the death of millions of people. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide die from influenza. The best way to protect people from the flu is vaccination. A pandemic may occur when a new virus emerges and infects humans across the globe. There are three steps to a pandemic: viral emergence, global infection, and global pandemic. Some flu symptoms during a pandemic include headache, fever, cough, and sore throat. The best way to protect yourself from the flu during a pandemic is to get vaccinated, stay home if you are sick, cover your cough, wash your hands often, stay home if you have travelled to a country with an outbreak of the flu, and avoid close contact with people who are sick.


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