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Implications of US Embassy in Jerusalem

Recently, US President Donald Trump's plan to designate Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has sparked debate around the globe.

When the new U.S. embassy opened in Jerusalem on May 14, 2018, it was a source of great pride for many Israelis and a powerful symbol of support and recognition for Israel’s capital city. For Palestinians, however, the event was a sobering reminder that Israel is steadily taking more and more control of their historic land with little regard for their future as a people or nation. 

The decision by the Trump administration to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has triggered widespread criticism from Arab and Muslim countries and European allies. The implications of this move are far-reaching and will change the dynamic not only within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but also in international relations around the world.

Potential End Result: Changes to the Borders of Jerusalem

The city of Jerusalem is the most contested area in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For Israelis, the city holds immense religious significance as their capital city. For Palestinians, the city is their historic capital and the place where their culture, language, and identity were formed. As a result, even the smallest changes to the borders of Jerusalem have huge implications. 

The Israeli government has already begun to suggest a change in the border of Jerusalem. In late March, Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan called for the annexation of some settlements in the West Bank. Israel’s Education Minister Naftali Bennett, who heads the far-right Jewish Home party, has also called for the annexation of both settlements in the West Bank and Israeli neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem, most notably the predominantly Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan.

Why is the Embassy Move Such a Big Deal?

Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem is a very controversial and significant decision. The embassy has always been a symbolic piece of statecraft, but this move is particularly significant because it displays U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the legitimate capital of Israel. While the status of Jerusalem is a contentious issue that has been debated for decades, it has been one of the main sticking points in negotiations toward a two-state solution. Recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital could have the effect of freezing any progress towards a two-state solution because it would likely prevent Palestinians from ever being able to establish a capital of their own in the city. This is a problem because the two-state solution is the only plan on the table right now that offers a peaceful long-term solution to the conflict.

What Does Recognising Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital Mean?

While the status of Jerusalem has been debated since Israel declared independence in 1948, the city has not held the same political and symbolic importance as it does today. Israel’s creation was accompanied by the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, and war also accompanied it fought mainly in the territory that would become Israel. 

For the first ten years of its existence, Israel controlled only a few cities and towns in the area, and Jerusalem was not one of them. In June 1967, Israel waged war against several Arab neighbours and, as a result, gained control of territories that had been under the sovereignty of Jordan, Egypt, and Syria. The largest part of this conquest was East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Israel has continued to control this area, which it calls the “territories,” ever since.

What Happens To The Palestinians Who Live In Jerusalem?

The Palestinian residents of Jerusalem were granted Israeli citizenship in the 1950s and have since been allowed to vote in municipal elections. There are currently more than 300,000 Palestinians living in Jerusalem, with around 150,000 of them residing in the eastern part of the city that was annexed by Israel in 1967 and is now considered an “integral part” of the country. 

Whether these Palestinians will be allowed to stay in Jerusalem after the U.S. embassy moves to the city remains unclear. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised that “no one will be expelled” but that Palestinians will be able to apply for Israeli citizenship.

What Does Recognising Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital Mean For The Peace Process?

The peace process, which was already on life support before the U.S. embassy move, is almost certainly dead. The embassy move has enraged the Palestinian people, who see it as a slap, and it is a reminder that no matter their concessions, they will never be treated as equals to Israeli Jews. 

Palestinian leaders have already threatened to walk away from the peace process, and some have even suggested taking more extreme measures, such as ending security cooperation with Israel.

Is There Any Good News For Arabs And Muslims From This Decision?

There are a few aspects of the embassy move that Arabs and Muslims can take solace in. For example, the U.S. government has promised to keep its consulate in East Jerusalem open and staffed with diplomats, so there will still be an American presence in the city. The State Department has also said that it will continue to refer to the city as “Jerusalem, Israel,” a nod that the city’s status is still up in the air. 

The embassy move also appears to have affected Israeli Arabs, some of whom have started calling for an “intifada in Jerusalem.” One poll has even shown that most Israeli Arabs support an armed uprising against the Israeli government. And as the embassy move appears to have energised both sides, there is a possibility that this could lead to a new peace process.


The embassy move clarifies that the Trump administration has no interest in pursuing a two-state solution, which has been the only viable path toward a peaceful and long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Instead, it has signalled to the Israelis to turn a blind eye toward Israeli efforts to extend its control over the West Bank, including building settlements in the territory. While all signs point to a continued stalemate in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there is still hope that this change in U.S. policy will create a crisis that will force Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table.


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