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Gravitational Waves

Check out this article to learn what gravitational waves are, how they were discovered, their significance, and Einstein's prediction about gravitational waves.

Albert Einstein predicted the presence of gravitational waves nearly 100 years ago. He imagined that these waves are like waves in space, formed by some of the strong processes in space. He said that these waves are observable, but they are smaller than the size of an atom. Now, let’s see, what are gravitational waves? When you throw a rock in the water, it strikes the water’s surface and forms ripples or waves. These are known as gravitational waves. These waves stretch and contract space and time as they pass through the space. When they reach the Earth, they expand and shrink the planet as it moves.

What Are Gravitational Waves?

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time produced by a few of the universe’s largest and most dynamic processes. They are invisible; however, they move incredibly fast. They move at the speed of light. These waves shrink and expand anything in their way as they pass by. They were detected by the Laser-Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the observed waves were caused by the merger of two black holes at a distance of more than a billion light-years from Earth.

The Causes of Gravitational Waves

The strongest gravitational wave is produced when objects move at greater speeds. Few examples of instances where a gravitational wave can take place are:

  • When a star bursts asymmetrically.

  • When two huge stars orbit each other.

  • When two black holes go around each other and unite.

The Discovery of Gravitational Waves

In 2015, scientists discovered gravitational waves for the first time by using a very tactful instrument known as Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). These waves were caused when two black holes crashed against one another and occurred 1.3 million years ago. However, these ripples weren’t found on Earth till 2015. The discovery of gravitational waves is one of the major discoveries of modern science.

When a gravitational wave moves through the Earth, it shrinks and expands space. LIGO can find out this shrinking and expanding. Each LIGO has two arms measuring more than 4 km (2 miles) long. It is a billion-dollar project and has 2 L-shaped observatories. One is in Louisiana, and the other is in Washington state. A moving gravitational wave causes the arms to change ever so slightly in length. The LIGO uses mirrors, lasers, and tiny instruments to discover these small changes. 

Einstein’s Prediction about Gravitational Waves

Albert Einstein claimed in his General Theory of Relativity in 1916 that gravitational waves were an actual phenomenon. He explained that huge accelerating bodies, namely, neutron stars or black holes orbiting each other, would disturb space-time so that waves of oscillating space-time would travel in all directions apart from the source. These cosmic waves travel at the speed of light, carrying information about their origin and hints about the nature of gravity itself. Einstein’s prediction about gravitational waves was that these waves appear as undulations in the space-time continuum and that they were formed by huge accelerating bodies like black holes that orbit one another. Space scientists are more excited to observe and characterise these waves to study the sources creating them more.

The Importance of the Discovery of Gravitational Waves

  • Gravitational waves can manipulate space-time near other objects, including Earth. 

  • It also gives a clear picture of black holes.

  • The discovery of gravitational waves gives rise to millions of discoveries.

  • It also confirms one of Einstein’s strangest assumptions suggested in his general theory of relativity 100 years ago. 

  • It helps us to view the development of black holes and stars easily.

  • The approach also allows us to understand the beginnings and formation of the universe and many other strange parts.

The Reason Why Einstein Was Right

The discovery of gravitational waves was the most important event in science. Before this, we knew everything about the universe by studying light waves. Now, we have another way to explore the universe, i.e. by analysing the waves of gravity. We can conclude that Einstein’s prediction about gravitational waves was right.


The discovery of gravitational waves can reveal a lot about the history of our universe. It gives information about the motion of objects in the universe. The gravitational waves allow us to observe further back into the universe’s history. It helps to improve Einstein’s theory of relativity. These waves help find the origin of dark matter and new celestial objects. It provides a lot of information for astronomers and scientists to explore new wonders.


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What are gravitational waves?

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