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GFS Index and Analysing Data About Food Safety

The Global Food Safety or Security, or GFS index, deals with food hygiene, affordability of edible items, and quantity of food. The GFS index lists the condition of food security among 113countries. Read to know more about it.

The GFS index, also known as the Global Food index, was planned and formed by a London-based financial expert. It was funded by a company that takes care of every measure of agricultural cleanliness and quality and analyses data about it. The company is known as Corteva Agriscience.

The GFS index estimates the underlying operator of food shield in 113countries, endorsed by the factors:

Food Safety Indicators for the GFS Index

GFS index analyses data of 58 food safety indicators, including earnings of a lower-class family to a higher-class family and monetary unevenness. It summons an understanding of systemic openings and measures that should quicken advancement toward the multinational organisation’s Sustainable Growth Objective of Zero Starvation by 2030. India has gained the 71st rank with around 57 attributes on the Global List 2021 of about 113countries.

How did the Countries Perform in the GFS index:

The first five top-ranked countries in the GFS index are Ireland, Austria, the United Kingdom, Finland, and Switzerland. India is in 71st rank on the GFS index. Other countries that performed lower than India are Pakistan’s 75th rank, Sri Lanka’s 77th rank, Nepal’s 79th position, and Bangladesh’s 84th rank. Regarding food availability, quality, safety, and biological resources for edible making, India achieved more than other nations in the subcontinent.

In the food affordability category, Pakistan has around 52 points, and Sri Lanka has 62 points, scoring more reasonably than India has 50 attributes.

But over the past ten years, India’s cumulative gains in all-around food protection scores lagged after that of Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Ireland, the United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, European nations, Switzerland, Canada, France, Japan, and the US conveyed the highest ten statuses with the general Multinational Food Security score of 78 and 80 points on the record of GFS. It illustrates that the policies significantly improved handling food insecurity within an extended period. Yet, the meal methods stay liable to monetary, atmosphere, and geopolitical astonishments. More activity is required at the lowest levels, regional, federal and non-federal, to terminate appetite and malnutrition and ensure global food guard- which could be a fundamental human right. The index indicates that to fulfil emerging and future challenges, the acquisitions in food safety have to be sustained – from the invention of climate-flexible crop gains to implanting agendas to administer the foremost weak. The 2021 GFSI indicates four arenas focusing on agrarian resiliency, food strategies virtue, intelligent tech innovation, and entrusting farmers.

The 2021 index spotlights how the latest technologies and better interconnected and responsive reserve chains can support farmsteads and enhance food protection while also enhancing the availability of chain associates and agriculturalists to ensure a trustworthy, nutritious food supply. This also brings trust to the food served by the place or cafe.

Pakistan has 52.6 points and achieved more profitability than India, which has around 50 points within the classification of food moderate price. The country was better with about 63 points on the GFS index 2021, a worldwide report from Economist Impact Cortiva Agriscience.

Concerns about Multinational Food Security

Global food safety has lowered for the second year after seven years of progress regarding the sustainable development objective of 0 for less food. Though nations have made significant progress towards addressing food insecurity in the last ten years, food systems remain prone to climatic, economic, and geopolitical shocks.

Agricultural Resilience

The 2021 GFS index shows that temperature alters and declining characteristic assets threaten coming assets. Guaranteeing long-term commitment to supportability guarantees ranchers will be prepared with the answer they have to supply what our nourishment framework and worldwide popular demand.

Smart Agriculture

The 2021 GFS index’s analysed data emphasises the principle of linking farmers to knowledge and demands. The agricultural equipment, developments, and assistance empower agriculturalists with information that may offer service to their stay. Up on essential market evolutions and way better oversee their farms.

Empowering Farmers

The 2021 GFS index demonstrates that agriculturalists face more dangers to their vocations than ever. It is essential to empower farmers to boost their jobs and operations while preserving assets and supporting the land. 


Food security differs worldwide, with some regions being far more at risk of food insecurity thanks to a lack of fertile land and capital that would procure sufficient food through imports. Much research is underway to extend the productivity of crops and thus cultivate a greater volume of food. But, unless that research extends to countries characterised by poor, high-density populations, GFS index scores are likely to decrease within the coming years, which is often further demonstrated by the fact that you. s. and Singapore consistently has the two highest Global Food Security scores, although the portion of their respective economies handling agriculture is relatively negligible.


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According to the 2019 GFS index, which country is the top?

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