Gaganyaan Mission

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning to launch the Gaganyaan mission in 2022 with the intention of sending a three-person crew into space for a period of five to seven days.

The prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, initially mentioned the space mission in his speech to the country on the occasion of India’s independence day in 2018. As part of the Gaganyaan mission, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) intends to launch two unmanned missions into space before beginning the manned trip.It had been planned that the first unmanned mission would be launched in December 2020, and the second mission would be launched in June 2021. However, because of the disruption that the coronavirus epidemic has caused in ISRO’s activities and operations, the first unmanned flight has been postponed. A low earth orbit (LEO) between 300 and 400 kilometres in altitude will be assigned to the Gaganyaan spacecraft. It is anticipated that the total cost of the initiative will be less than Rs. 10,000 crore. Gaganyaan is an important mission since it will be the first mission of its kind to be carried out entirely within India and will send astronauts into space. 

If everything goes according to plan, India will become the fourth nation in the world to send a person into space, joining the United States of America, Russia, and China. ISRO is responsible for the construction of the spacecraft, and Russia is contributing to the astronaut training programme.

Principal partners in the Gaganyaan project include the following:

  • The Armed Forces of India
  • Research and Development organisation for the Defense Department
  • Indian marine agencies – Indian Navy, Indian
  • Shipping corporation of India, the Coast Guard, and more
  • The National Institute of Oceanography, the National Institute of Oceanography
  • Oceanographic Research and Education Institute
  • The CSIR Labs of the Indian Meteorological Department
  • Academic institutes
  • Partners in business industry

Aim of Gaganyaan mission 

In the near future, the Gaganyaan Program plans to conduct a demonstration of human spaceflight to Low Earth Orbit (LEO),and in the longer term, it will establish the groundwork for an ongoing human space exploration programme in India.

The demonstration of indigenous capability to carry out human space flight missions to low-Earth orbit is the goal of the Gaganyaan programme.

The Government of India has given its approval for three missions: two unmanned missions and one human mission as a part of this programme (GoI).

During the uncrewed missions, technology will be demonstrated, safety and reliability will be verified, and the missions will be heavily instrumented so that the performance of systems may be studied in advance of crewed flight.

Gaganyaan Impact

If Gaganyaan is successful, it may pave the way for a great deal of more research involving spaceflight trips. 

In addition to that, it will make it easier for India to realise its ambition of constructing its very own space station.

Gaganyaan Human Space Flight

It is anticipated that the human mission will require around 16 minutes to achieve the desired low earth orbit.

The crew module will transport all three men into space. It will have a diameter of 3.7 metres and a height of 7 metres when it is fully assembled.

The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Thiruvananthapuram is responsible for the creation of the orange spacesuits worn by the astronauts. 

The article that you have referred to has a list of various space research centres that are located in India.

Because the suit has room for one oxygen tank, astronauts will have enough air to breathe for one hour while they are in space.

Every ninety minutes, the manned mission will complete one rotation around the globe.

In addition to doing research related to microgravity, the astronauts will have the opportunity to observe the sunrise and sunset from space, as well as to view India from a distance once every 24 hours.

The return trip will take the spacecraft around 36 hours to complete, and it will land in the Arabian Sea just off the coast of Gujarat.

ISRO has been working on essential technologies such as a crew escape system, re-entry mission capabilities, thermal protection system, crew module configuration, deceleration and flotation system, and subsystems of life support systems in order to bring this mission to completion.


A significant amount of national effort is going to be put into the Gaganyaan Program.ISRO will be responsible for carrying out the overall programme’s coordination, as well as the systems engineering and execution. In addition, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will develop the human-rated launch vehicle, crew escape mechanism, orbital module, and necessary infrastructure by employing the in-house knowledge as well as the expertise of industry, academia, and national agencies respectively. The private players in the country have cultivated great competence in specialised fields, and the project will make full use of this expertise.


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Which nations worked together to make the Gaganyaan mission a success?

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What is a Gaganyaan mission?

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