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Fibonacci Rule & Sequence

The Fibonacci rule and sequence are considered one of the best formulas in pure mathematics. Learn about the genius mind behind it and how it came to be conceptualized.

The best formulae in pure mathematics are indeed the Fibonacci sequence, which is among the basic numerical series described by a continuous linear system. Each integer in the Fibonacci numbers is just the combination of those two integers preceding it; having 0 to 1 is the first 2 things in the series. The Fibonacci sequence of integers starts with 0 and continues through 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, to 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so forth. The Fibonacci rule has significance in complex math and science, as well as computer programming, commerce, and natural sciences.

History and Origin

The Fibonacci series was created by Leonardo Bigollo (1181-1249), an Italian mathematician who was known as Fibonacci in technical history.

Fibonacci grew up in a trade settlement in Northern Africa during the Medieval Era, being the grandson of an Italian merchant from Pisa. During the Medieval Era, Italians were among the most skilled businessmen in the western hemisphere, so they relied on mathematics to keep a record of their business operations. The Numerical value scheme (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, etc.) was used for complex equations, but it was difficult for merchants to execute the arithmetic, reduction, multiplication, and split required to keep account of their operations.

Fibonacci learnt the much more effective Hindu-Arabic style of simple mathematical representation (1, 2, 3, 4,…) out of an Arab instructor whilst studying up in northeast Africa. In 1202, he shared his expertise in the Liber Abaci, a well-known treatise (Abacus learning was common in that era due to its efficiency and simplicity). The Liber Abaci demonstrated the superiority of the Hindu-Arabic mathematics technique over the Roman number system, as well as how the Hindu-Arabic mathematics scheme might be used to assist Italian commerce.

The Formula for Fibonacci Series

Putting F0 = 0, F1 = 1, and subsequently applying the recursion equation Fn = Fn-1 Fn-2 to get the remainder yields the Fibonacci sequence. The following is the series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,…

Therefore, obtaining the 100th element of this series would need several intermediary computations using the recursive algorithm. Is there any other option?

The n-th term does have an exact formula! The formula is a = [Phin – (phi)n] / Sqrt[5].

The so-called golden rule is Phi = (1 Sqrt[5]) / 2, while phi = (1 – Sqrt[5]) / 2 is a related golden number, likewise equal to (-1 / Phi). This formula is credited to Binet in 1843, despite the fact that Euler knew it earlier.

The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence

Whenever the proportion of two integers equals the proportion of its total to the greater of the two integers, the golden proportion (or golden portion) is formed. So because the proportion of every two successive Fibonacci numbers becomes pretty close to the golden proportion as the Fibonacci numbers increase, the Term frequency is strongly linked to the golden proportion.

Fibonacci in Nature

There is a lot of misconception regarding where the Fibonacci rule and sequence and golden proportion may be found in the real world. Contrary to popular belief, the golden proportion was not employed to create the Giza structures, and the medusa seashell does not develop new layers depending upon that Fibonacci sequence.

However, the theoretical principles that underpin the Fibonacci and the golden ratio may be derived from natural sources in a variety of ways. The golden ratio may be found, for instance, in the spirals organisation of leaflets (called phyllotaxis) on various plants, and also in the golden spiral of pine boughs, cauliflower, and melons, as well as the distribution of the seeds in a sunflower. Furthermore, the arrangement of wings on a bloom is almost always a Fibonacci number.

The family tree of a honeybee swarm also resembles the Fibonacci formula. This is because male drones originate from an enucleated egg but have only one progenitor, whereas female honey bees have two. This leads to a drone’s genealogy having one progenitor, two grandparents, three great grandparents, five great, etc. along the Fibonacci branch.


Nature’s numerical system is the Fibonacci series. They may be found in all kinds of places in ecology, from plant leaves arrangements to flower floret patterns, pine cone bracts, and pineapple scales. Fibonacci numbers apply to the development of all living organisms, along with individual cells, a grain of wheat, a swarm of honeybees, and even the entire human race. The Fibonacci numbers are remarkably followed by nature. We, on the other hand, rarely take notice of nature’s magnificence.

Rabindranath Tagore, the Great Poet, also recognised this. If we examine the patterns of many natural substances closely, we will see that most of the things in nature around each other in everyday life resemble the Fibonacci sequence, which causes us to be perplexed.


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