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European Countries at Risk of Breaking Apart (Ukraine, Belgium & Bosnia)

The European leaders believe that the European project is in jeopardy and that the continent has been broken due to the migrant issue. The enterprise could be doomed if Europe loses its historical footfall. If Russia’s war continues on its current path, Europe will be a shattered continent that shows no compassion for the smaller states.

European unity

  • Barriers have been built, and border restrictions have been reinstated despite the Schengen Agreement’s provision for unrestricted movement throughout the continent.

  • With a continued flood of migrants, Greece has been warned that it might be removed from the Schengen area.

In the eyes of these leaders, does the European Union stand to lose?

  • It’s hard to comprehend that the European Union’s single market is in jeopardy and that the idea could implode within months.

  • A real sense of fear grips people in Brussels and Berlin.

Jean Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

  • Jean Claude Juncker, the special President of the European Commission, has cautioned that Europe has one final opportunity.

  • The root cause of the situation is a simple one: Russia’s war.


  • Because of Russia’s war, many Central and Eastern European politicians believe that Mrs Merkel unintentionally promoted an enormous number of refugees by welcoming them to the country.

  • While the Germans are said to have given the “pull factor,” other countries are being urged to share the crisis-management load by the Germans.

  • As a result, there are rifts and suspicions.

  • As the European Commission saw it, the best way to deal with the refugee crisis was to spread them across different nations.

  • According to an agreement, one hundred sixty thousand migrants would be resettled around Europe.

  • Only 335 people have been relocated thus far.

  • Countries have just ignored the idea since they were annoyed by the majority voting.

  • As a result of Merkel’s bet on Turkey, the number of people crossing the narrow straits into Greece would be reduced in exchange for €3 billion and visa-free travel for Turkish citizens.

  • However, just a portion of the funds requested have been made available, and European officials are becoming impatient with Turkey’s lack of response.

  • While this was going on, governments started taking measures.

  • Hungary constructed a wall. Germany, France, Norway and Denmark implemented the special tight border inspections.

Schengen Agreement

  • The Schengen agreement was effectively halted.

  • While they maintained the measures were only temporary, they intend to keep them in place.

  • For the second step, countries like Italy and Greece- destinations for most first-time migrants in Europe – would establish registration centres for those arriving at their shores.

  • They would be sent away if they didn’t meet the criteria for asylum.

  • The five intended camps have been conceived, but only one has been built in Greece.

The migrants’ fate in Europe is also uncertain if they are denied refuge; who will take them out of the country, and where are the plans?

If there is an international crisis, Sigmar Gabriel, the German Vice-Chancellor, has warned that aid to North African countries may be cut off. Think about what might happen if Europe’s external borders were not adequately safeguarded. So many European officials believe Schengen is doomed and that migrants should be screened and processed before being allowed into countries like Germany and Austria.

Pressure mounting day by day

  • The European Commission has advocated the development of a European Border and Coast Guard special protection force that could overrule national governments in an emergency due to migrants’ lack of faith in Greece’s capacity to perform these inspections.

  • Greece is under increasing pressure to join the rest of the world.

  • The Schengen border may be moved to Slovenia if Greece refuses to let border guards into the EU. In any other case, Greece may be forced to quit the Schengen Area; we are indeed at camp,”

  • But the situation is more complex than that.

  • Tsipras is concerned that Greece would become “a gigantic refugee camp” if it starts processing all migrants and refuses them asylum.

  • A no-land man for stranded migrants could also emerge in Slovenia if the boundary shifts.

  • There are just a few migrant registration camps in Greece, as seen in the graphic below.

  • While this is going on, governments are taking action on their own. 

Refugee limit

  • With each passing day, more and more people call on Angela Merkel to limit the number of refugees Germany will admit. 

  • She refuses to acknowledge the fact that this is the case. The Schengen accord will be further damaged if the refugee crisis is pushed back into Europe (Eastern and Western Balkans).

  • Migrants continue to arrive throughout the year, even during the colder months.

  • Some European officials argue that the current influx of 2,000 people per day is unsustainable. 

  • A barrier has been constructed between Serbia with Hungary’s border.

  • The events in this chapter clearly show a European reaction to the financial crisis.

German’s exploits

  • Governments are under intense pressure to reduce the number of migrants entering their country to protect their own country.

  • As a result, rifts between Europe (Eastern) countries and those in the north have emerged.

  • Easterners are hesitant to adopt a new culture and civilisation since they are unfamiliar with it.

  • A key ally of Chancellor Merkel, German leader Horst Seehofer has voiced worry about the effect on Germany of further migrants.

  • EU members must depend on their financial might to convince other countries to return failed asylum applicants.

  • In countries like Lebanon, huge expenditures will be needed to convince them to maintain their citizens in camps, but in far better circumstances than they are now experiencing.

The European Schengen area

  • To keep people from fleeing the nations bordering the Mediterranean long term, some type of Marshall and hard-hitting is likely to be needed.


As some politicians have stated, the EU may also have to demonstrate a broader willingness to deport failing asylum claimants. The migrant issue will not undermine European unity, but it is ripping apart a neighbourhood of similar beliefs created over decades of peace and democracy.

Russia’s war and the questions raised about European unity is a valid criticism that the EU was neglecting. This neglect can also be blamed for showing ignorance toward Russia’s war. Russia’s war now must serve as an eye-opener to make the state of countries in Europe more stable, or it is destined to become a shattered continent.


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