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Details on How the Civil War Created a Nation

In this article we will cover that How the Civil War Created a Nation in Its Wake. A state is considered to be sovereign when it is completely independent in all of its affairs and throughout its entire territory

In a great number of these endeavours, the federal government participated as a willing and instrumental enabler. A series of bills, which were all approved by a Congress controlled by Republicans, brought about a fundamental shift in the economic landscape of the country. The ineffectiveness of the Democratic minority in the north and the defection of lawmakers from the south made it possible for Republicans to pass a legislative agenda that significantly expanded the role and financial reach of the government. This contributed to the development of a national economy that was significantly larger and more prosperous than its predecessor.

History and Background

Written by David Goldfield, The story of how a new nation was forged in the fires of conflict. While riding the train from Washington, DC to New York City in November 1863, Walt Whitman was able to get a glimpse of the new nation that was being created as a result of the Civil War. When Walt Whitman first arrived in Manhattan and stepped off the train, he was almost immediately overcome by the hectic pace of the city. The loss of the cotton trade, the Southerners had predicted, would leave New York in a state of abject poverty. The city hardly skipped a beat despite the disruption. Shipyards experienced a boom as they constructed vessels to aid in the naval blockade. The army received supplies from the various local contractors and manufacturers. A contract to provide 12,000 blue uniforms for the state’s soldiers at a cost of $19.20 each and in four sizes was awarded to the Manhattan-based clothing retailer Brooks Brothers, which was already well-known for its ready-made clothing. Elias Howe and Isaac Singer are credited with being the inventors of the sewing machine, which helped to mechanise the garment industry. Shoemaking machines enabled manufacturers to produce several hundred pairs of shoes per day, as opposed to the handful that could be completed by hand.

The railroad companies based in the city managed record-breaking shipments of grain coming from the Western states while also sending manufactured goods in the opposite direction. A thriving grain trade was sparked in Europe as a result of crop failures in Europe and the need to feed one million soldiers. After oil was discovered in Titusville, Pennsylvania, in 1859, New York quickly became the centre of the export industry for petroleum, which was a brand-new industry at the time. During the war, thousands of northern families opted to light their homes with kerosene lamps rather than other forms of illumination such as candles or whale oil. This was a significant improvement over the alternatives. In the beginning of 1865, the New York Sun made the bold claim, “There never was a time in the history of New York when business prosperity was more general than it is today.”

If Whitman had travelled to Chicago, he would have witnessed the western equivalent of the energy found in New York. A construction boom was caused by a crop bonanza, the requirement to provide food for a large army (which was the beginning of the city’s reputation as the “hog butcher of the world”), and the line of boxcars heading east. In 1862, Chicago sent eastward twice the quantity of grain and meat that it had done so in 1860. According to an article that was published in the Chicago Tribune, “On every street and avenue one sees new building going up: enormous stone, brick, and iron business blocks, marble palaces, and new residences everywhere.” Everywhere you look, there is undeniable evidence of bustling and successful commercial activity. Overnight, men amassed vast fortunes. Young entrepreneur Philip Armour was able to amass a million dollar fortune by peddling pork to the armed forces.

The discovery of gold and silver in the Far West sparked an economic expansion in that region. In 1859, many people rushed to Colorado in search of gold at Pike’s Peak. Two years later, in 1876, Congress approved Colorado’s application for territorial status. By that time, Denver had already become the nation’s newest instant city, a rowdy boomtown in which every fifth building housed a saloon. The discovery of silver at the Comstock lode in 1859 prompted yet another wave of migration to the state of Nevada. In 1864, Nevada was admitted to the union as a state. By that time, silver mines had contributed $43 million to the Treasury of the United States. The flow of gold from states such as Montana, Idaho, and the Dakotas was of great assistance to the Union cause.


The first century of the United States’ existence had come to an end, marking the conclusion of the truly challenging work of constructing a nation. The United States of America had suffered through a bloody civil war and then struggled to readjust to life after the war had ended. And now that the country is a united republic, it can concentrate on expanding its continental empire, providing more opportunities for its enterprising citizens, and making their lives better through the application of science and industry. This will all be done under the watchful eye of the country’s generous government. The American people were trying to make sense of the urban and industrial behemoth that was emerging in their midst, and the giant Corliss steam engine, which served as the centrepiece of the Exhibition, was an appropriate metaphor for this phenomenon. A new nation had emerged from the crucible of war. The newly formed country was like a powerful machine, driving economic growth and opening doors of opportunity for anyone who could tap into its resources. The United States of America, living up to the potential of its inception, ushers in a century of unfettered advancement.


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