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Details on Biodiversity and Biogeochemical Cycles

In this article We all know about Biodiversity and Biogeochemical Cycles like Biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity as key drivers of ecosystem and Environment, Types of biogeochemical cycles and The relationship between biogeochemical cycles and life.

Biogeochemical cycles, like life itself, are far from thermodynamic equilibrium, have evolved over hundreds of millions of years, and are interdependent, resulting in biogeochemical systems with numerous feedback controls (Schlesinger, 1997). Specific metabolic pathways are required for biogeochemical cycles, and they have developed together. As a result, biogeochemical cycles rely on metabolic (i.e., biological) diversity and act as a selection force. Biogeochemical cycles change the chemistry of the ocean, atmosphere, and terrestrial ecosystems over geological time, and rate-limiting reactions within important cycles change the speed and manner of evolution. We look at some of the most important biogeochemical cycles in terms of their evolution and biological diversity.

Biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity as key drivers of ecosystem and Environment

Soils are important players in key global biogeochemical cycles (carbon, nutrient, and water), as well as the home to the greatest diversity of life on land. As a result, soils provide essential ecosystem services, and changing a soil process to enhance one ecosystem service might either improve other ecosystem services or result in trade-offs. We provide the current state of knowledge about biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity in soil, as well as how they relate to the providing, regulating, supporting, and cultural ecosystem services that they underpin, in this critical assessment. We then go over important knowledge gaps and research obstacles before making management recommendations to ensure that soils continue to provide ecosystem services.Soil scientists have a propensity to focus on the complexity and knowledge gaps rather than on what we do know and how that information might be applied to improve ecosystem service delivery. Finding effective ways to convey knowledge among soil managers and policymakers so that best management practices may be applied is a big challenge. Raising awareness of the ecosystem services backed by soils, and hence the natural capital they supply, must be a crucial component of this knowledge sharing. We have enough information to get started on the right path while we conduct research to fill in the gaps in our understanding. Soil scientists should collaborate with policymakers and land managers to put soils at the centre of environmental policy and land management choices as a lasting legacy of the International Year of Soils in 2015.

Types of biogeochemical cycles

Chemical components in the biosphere tend to cycle in predictable patterns from the environment to organisms and back to the environment.The Biogeochemical cycles are these more or less circular routes of chemical components.Chemical elements circulate through biological beings and their geological surroundings. As a result, they are referred to as biogeochemical. “Bio” refers to live organisms, whereas “geo” refers to the earth’s rocks, soil, air, and water (Odum, 1963).

Two compartments or pools can be identified for each cycle. These are (a) the nutrient pool or reservoir pool, which is the big, slow-moving, non-biological component; and (b) the exchange or cycling pool, which is a smaller but more active fraction that is exchanged (i.e., moved back and forth). Biogeochemical cycles can be divided into three categories.

Gaseous type – In this type of biogeochemical cycle, the atmosphere serves as a significant reservoir for the elements present in gaseous form. These cycles demonstrate little or no permanent change in the element’s distribution and abundance. The Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen cycles are all biogeochemical cycles having a significant gaseous phase.

Sedimentary type – The lithosphere is the principal reservoir in the sedimentary type of cycle, from which the elements are released by weathering. The Phosphorus, Sulphur, and Iodine cycles are the best examples of sedimentary types. A small percentage of the supply may be lost in these cycles, as in deep ocean sediments, and therefore become unavailable to life and continuous cycling.

Cycle of Water – Odum includes the hydrologic (water) cycle among the gaseous types of cycles (1963). However, Kormondy (1969) considers it to be a separate main cycle, as it involves the movement of a compound rather than elements.

The relationship between biogeochemical cycles and life

The biogeochemical cycles on Earth form continuous loops that support life by connecting the planet’s energy and chemicals. Water, oxygen, carbon, sulphur, nitrogen, and phosphorus, which are the essential building components of life, are continually recycled and returned to their respective cycles. These building blocks are also stored in biogeochemical cycles, such as water in lakes and seas and sulphur in rocks and minerals.

Biogeochemical cycles have existed on Earth for billions of years, and the elements that make up a modern-day human (or anything else on the planet) have previously been found in a variety of other species and non-living substances.The ultimate source of all the materials that make up the universe was the process known as nucleosynthesis, which occurred during and after the Big Bang. The lighter elements hydrogen and helium, for example, formed within minutes of the Big Bang and went on to aid in the formation of the earliest stars. These elements were integrated into other cycles, processes, stars, and planets in the universe once the stars grew old and eventually burst. Aside from recycling atoms and molecules, star explosions also produce new materials such as metals, which are ejected into space and form part of the overall process.


Although there are still knowledge gaps and fundamental research is needed to better understand the links between different aspects of soils and the diversity of ecosystem services they underlie, we conclude that enough is known to implement best practices now. Soil scientists have a propensity to focus on the complexity and knowledge gaps rather than on what we do know and how that information might be applied to improve ecosystem service delivery. Finding effective ways to convey knowledge among soil managers and policymakers so that best management practices may be applied is a big challenge.


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