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Brief Overview on Government Schemes

From 2021 to 2025, this project would survey about 6.62 lakh villages across the country, employing a variety of technology, including drones, to collect property data.

SchemesThe Indian government, at all levels, publishes welfare schemes for a diverse group of people on a regular basis. These schemes could be federal, state-specific, or a cooperative effort between the federal government and the states.

Svamitva Scheme (Survey of Villages Abadi and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Area) is a property survey programme that was launched on April 24, 2020, by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a central-sector scheme to promote socio-economic empowerment and a more self-reliant rural India. 

From 2021 to 2025, this project would survey about 6.62 lakh villages across the country, employing a variety of technology, including drones, to collect property data. The scheme’s initial phase was implemented in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and Rajasthan in 2020-21.

By providing precise land records and increasing financial liquidity, the plan aims to eliminate property conflicts. The project attempts to simplify planning and revenue collection while also ensuring that individuals in rural regions are aware of their property rights.The NITI Aayog, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India are among the government bodies that conduct assessments and audits.

Schemes launched by central and state governments

On June 1, 2011, the Indian government announced the Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK). Pregnant women who use government health facilities for their delivery will benefit from the programme. It will also encourage those who still want to deliver at home to switch to institutional delivery. The scheme has been implemented in all the states and UTs.Pregnant women and their families face significant out-of-pocket expenses in the form of medicines, user fees, diagnostic tests, and food for C-sections in the event of institutional deliveries.

The New Approach

In light of the difficulties that pregnant women and parents of unwell newborns experience, as well as the significant out-of-pocket expenses they pay for delivery and care of sick-newborns.The Governor has been pleased to introduce a new scheme of House Building Loan to State Government Employees named “AKANKSHA” with a provision of 100 crore rupees, in recognition of the difficulties faced by State Government employees in constructing their own houses/flats for their own accommodation. The government would grant suitable land to the Housing Department free of charge for the construction of flats, which will be identified by the West Bengal Land and Land Reforms Department.

What is alleviation of poverty?

Poverty alleviation projects in India are classified according to whether they are aimed at rural or urban sections of the country.Because rural poverty is so prevalent, the majority of the initiatives are aimed at helping people in rural regions. Poverty reduction is also difficult in rural areas due to a variety of topographical and infrastructure constraints. 

Programs aimed towards reducing poverty in cities programs for employment in India are known as Skill India.Immediately after independence, the five-year plans attempted to focus on poverty eradication through sectoral programmes.

This plan sought to provide housing to everyone. It all started in 1985. It sought to build 20 lakh housing units, 13 lakh of which would be in rural areas. This initiative would also provide people with low-interest financing to build dwellings. It began in the years 1999–2000. This project received 1438.39 crore in 1999–2000, and around 7.98 lakh units were produced. This scheme had a federal outlay of 1710.00 crores in 2000-01. It enhanced the health, primary education, drinking water, housing, and road conditions in rural communities.To increase the number of people working for a living wage by utilising demand and securing particular guaranteed salary jobs.

What is general welfare?

Any act or item that improves, benefits, or contributes to the public’s safety or well-being, or benefits the residents of the watershed district, is referred to as “general welfare.” 

The terms “general welfare” and “public welfare” or “public benefit” should be used interchangeably.The successful tenderer (Licensee) must follow the DTIDC’s rules, regulations, orders, and instructions for the care, protection, and administration of the bus terminal, as well as the general welfare and comfort of passengers, employees, agents, and other connected persons, as they may be amended from time to time. 

Prior to acceptance by the local unit, amendments must be presented to the Cabinet for Economic and General Welfare for approval.The General Welfare Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution gives Congress the ability to adopt this legislation.From the time the appeal is received, the Committee on General Welfare has 10 academic working days to make a decision.


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