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Human Impact on Ecosystems Review

this article gives you a brief note on human impact on ecosystems review (article), effects of human activities on ecosystem, human impacts on the ecosystem, human impact on ecosystems examples.

The atmosphere is like a quilt that covers us from head to toe. We don’t just mean plants and animals when we say environment. All living and nonliving things on the planet are included in the environment. Human-environment interaction has existed since the beginning of human evolution on the planet. Humans have a major environmental influence.

The impact of human activities on the environment can be answered in a variety of ways. Human actions have both positive and negative environmental consequences. Humans have an impact on the biosphere, biodiversity, and other resources, as well as the environment’s operating mechanisms. The environment has changed due to a variety of variables. 

 Effects of human activities on ecosystem are as follows :

  • Biodiversity is being lost:  Biodiversity depletion is one of the biggest repercussions of human activity on the environment. The diversity of species that live in an ecosystem is referred to as biodiversity. Biodiversity increases when the quantity of biodiversity variability increases. One of the most serious environmental consequences of human activities is the loss of biodiversity. The variety of creatures found in an environment is referred to as biodiversity. When the amount of biodiversity variability increases, so does biodiversity.

  • Pollution: Today, pollution is a significant problem. Pollution is caused by humans’ disregard for their surroundings. Improper rubbish dumping on roadways and in waterways pollutes the land and water. Human-made factories emit toxic emissions into the atmosphere, resulting in air pollution. It’s heartbreaking to watch how the advancements developed to help us are slowly diminishing our environment. And that is how humans influence their surroundings.

  • Climate Change: Deforestation is one of the most major human influences on the environment. Significant changes in meteorological conditions occur as a result of deforestation and pollution. When these changes take place in a long chain, the result is climate change. The arrival of rainfall and the cleansing of the air are delayed as a result of deforestation. The amount of hazardous substances in the atmosphere continues to rise as human populations and industrialization expand.

  • Misuse of Natural Resources: Natural resource misuse or overexploitation has an ecological footprint. The environment is put under a lot of stress when these natural resources are recreated. Natural resources cannot all be recreated. Petroleum, for example, takes millions of years to refill.

  • Erosion : Erosion is another significant human environmental impact. The soil becomes more prone to landslides as a result of deforestation and trash. The soil develops loose as a result of tree uprooting and is readily taken away by the wind or floods. To some extent, erosion is tied to climate change. 

Human impacts on the ecosystem 

The human species is mostly to blame for human environmental damage. The issue of how the human population impacts the environment is a long-standing one. Changes in the biosphere are directly caused by the human population. The consequences of human actions on the environment are determined by a number of elements. The human species is mostly to blame for human environmental damage. The issue of how the human population impacts the environment is a long-standing one. Changes in the ecology are directly caused by the human population. The consequences of human actions on the environment are determined by a number of elements.

Overcrowding occurs as the human population grows. As the population grows, so does the need for area, food, resources, and employment. As a result, forest clearing or deforestation occurs. People’s employment requirements drive an expansion in industry. Deforestation is a byproduct of industrialization. Pollution occurs when industrial pollutants are deposited in streams and rivers or blown into the atmosphere. 

Examples of Human impact on ecosystems 

Humans have a variety of beneficial and bad effects on the environment. Acid rain, ozone depletion, and genetic modification have all been major consequences of the rise and development of industries. Humans have implications for water bodies in a variety of ways. The following are some of the environmental effects caused by people.

Water Pollution : 

Countless plastic fragments infiltrate aquatic bodies such as the ocean, sea, and lake. They float on the surface of the water and finally settle on the bed, degrading the water’s quality. Water pollution is primarily caused by sewage and industrial waste. Furthermore, radioactive and oil-based pollutants pollute the water supply. Agriculture is important because fertilizers and pesticides get washed away by rain and end up in water bodies. It also contaminates groundwater quality. In 2015, water pollution claimed the lives of 1.8 million people and caused sickness in humans and animals.

Acid Rain 

Acid rain is any type of precipitation that contains high quantities of nitric and sulfuric acids. They fall to the ground in the form of precipitation, snow, and dry materials. Acid deposition has a pH of 4.3, whereas pure water has a pH of 7. The mix of gases changes as the number of industries grows and different chemical components are released into the air. Acid rain is caused by the emissions of fossil fuels such as coal, nitrogen oxides, and sulphur dioxide from automobiles.

After dropping on the ground, acid rain spread for miles. Toxic compounds infiltrate the water body and contaminate the water, causing harm to aquatic species. Acid rain also has an effect on trees, slowing their growth and even causing them to perish. Acid rain’s effects also have an impact on the food chain. Reduced emissions, cleaner power plants, and a reduction in the quantity of pollutants can all help to minimize acid rain. Despite great efforts to eliminate acid rain, it has an impact on wetlands and aquatic life. Acid rain has impacted over 95,000 lakes across North America. Acid rain has also caused damage to monuments, sculptures, and structures.

Global Warming 

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere have increased as a result of the industrial revolution. The pH of upper ocean water decreased as a result of this. Carbon dioxide is a gas that is widespread in the environment and dissolves in seawater. Carbonic acid is formed when water and carbon dioxide react to generate a relatively weaker acid than hydrogen ions (H+) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3) ions of bicarbonate (HCO3). The amount of atmospheric CO2 has risen from human activity, and thus more carbon dioxide is dissolved, lowering the pH level of ocean water.

Ocean acidification poses a serious threat to aquatic organisms and reduces coral production. Coral growth restrictions have an impact on coral animal habitat. The increased acidity of water will potentially pose a risk to larger aquatic animals. It affects aquatic animals’ respiratory systems. Marine biologists are concerned because these effects are altering ocean chemistry quicker than creatures can adapt.


Recycling, as well as the creation of wildlife parks and preserves, can possess a good impact on the ecology. Reducing automobile use and moving to public transportation can help reduce hazardous gas emissions in the atmosphere. Reducing and reusing whenever feasible, as well as planting trees and eating less meat, can all help the environment. The environment is a highly sensitive topic in today’s world. Human activities are physically upsetting the ecosystem’s balance, having a significant negative impact. To recover from impending calamities, we are researching several facets of human actions, such as waste, and their effect on the environment.


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