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Banking on Real Estate

The two most important sub-types of real estate property are known as commercial real estate and residential real estate.

The two most important sub-types of real estate property are known as commercial real estate and residential real estate. Structures that are not used for commercial or industrial purposes are not considered residential properties because they are not meant for human residence. Commercial real estate is property that is used for commercial purposes, as its name suggests. Landlords are considered to be engaging in commercial activity when they own multi-unit rental properties that also provide housing for tenants.

Commercial Leases

There are certain companies that actually own the facilities that they operate out of. On the other hand, renting out the business property is by far the most common arrangement. Typically, a single owner or a group of investors will own the building and collect rent from the several businesses that are housed within it. The price to occupy a space for a specified period of time is typically referred to as the commercial lease rate, and it is typically represented in annual rental dollars per square foot. On the other hand, residential real estate rates are typically quoted either as a yearly total or a monthly rent.

The duration of a commercial lease can normally range from one year to ten years or even more; however, the average length of a lease for office and retail space is between five and ten years. This can be compared with residential leases that are either month-to-month or have a shorter term commitment of one year.

Managing Commercial Real Estate

Full and continuing management on the part of the owner is required for the ownership and maintenance of leased commercial real estate. It is possible for property owners to benefit from working with a commercial real estate management company, which can assist them in locating, managing, and retaining tenants, overseeing leases and financing choices, and coordinating property maintenance and marketability. Due to the fact that the rules and regulations that govern commercial property differ depending on the state, county, municipality, industry, and size of the property, the specific knowledge of a commercial real estate management business is helpful.

Investing in Commercial Real Estate

It is possible to generate significant profits through investing in commercial real estate, which also acts as a buffer against the volatile nature of the stock market. Investors can make a profit from the appreciation of their properties when they sell them, but rents provide the majority of their profits.

Direct Investment

Direct investments allow investors to take on the role of landlord by acquiring ownership of the physical property in which their investment is located. People who either have a significant amount of information about the commercial real estate market themselves or who have the ability to engage firms that do have an advantage when it comes to making direct investments in this sector. An investment in commercial real estate comes with a high potential payoff but also a high level of potential risk. Due to the fact that investing in CRE necessitates a sizable quantity of capital, this type of investor is most likely to have a significant amount of wealth.

The ideal piece of real estate is located in a region that has a limited supply of CRE and a high demand for it; this will result in favourable rental rates. The value of the real estate investment you make is also impacted by the robustness of the economy in the surrounding area.

Indirect investment

Investors also have the option of investing in the commercial market indirectly by purchasing a variety of market securities, such as real estate investment trusts (REITs) or exchange traded funds (ETFs) that invest in stocks related to commercial property, or by investing in businesses that cater to the commercial real estate market, such as banks and realtors.

Cyclical Industry

A form of industry that is sensitive to the business cycle is known as a cyclical industry. In this type of industry, revenues are often higher during times of economic prosperity and expansion, and revenues are generally lower during times of economic downturn and contraction.

Understanding Cyclical Industry

Because cyclical businesses are particularly susceptible to the ups and downs of the business cycle, consumers are compelled to prioritise their spending and, if necessary, cut back on items that are not absolutely necessary. Because of this, businesses that specialise in non-essential goods are at the greatest danger of experiencing a drop in revenue if and when the economy begins to collapse. On the other hand, sectors such as utilities have a tendency to weather economic storms considerably better because the majority of people will always find a way to pay their light bill, regardless of how difficult times are.

The Business Cycle 

The business cycle can be broken down into four distinct parts or phases. Productivity increases, the rate of unemployment falls, and stock markets often go up while the economy is in an expansionary phase. Because more people are working during this phase and their investment portfolios are rising, they have more cash available to spend at their discretion and are less hesitant to do so. The expansionary phase is then followed by the peak. The expansion of the economy has come to an end at this moment, and it will now transition into the contractionary phase of the business cycle.

During a period of economic contraction, individuals have less discretionary money due to the higher unemployment rate and decreased production. Although not every time of contraction leads to a recession, recessions do occur during the contractionary phase of the business cycle. The most prevalent sign that the economy is entering a recession in the United States is when the gross domestic product (GDP) drops for two consecutive quarters in a row. The bottom of the business cycle is represented by the trough phase. It is during this phase that the economy reaches its lowest point before beginning the cycle all over again and moving into another contractionary phase.


There are certain companies that actually own the facilities that they operate out of. On the other hand, renting out the business property is by far the most common arrangement.Full and continuing management on the part of the owner is required for the ownership and maintenance of leased commercial real estate. It is possible for property owners to benefit from working with a commercial real estate management company, which can assist them in locating, managing, and retaining tenants, overseeing leases and financing choices, and coordinating property maintenance and marketability.The business cycle can be broken down into four distinct parts or phases. Productivity increases, the rate of unemployment falls, and stock markets often go up while the economy is in an expansionary phase.


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