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All about How can we Restore Earth’s Nutrient Cycles

The two principal biological nutrients that move through Earth’s ecosystems are nitrogen and phosphorus. Both elements are required for the formation of proteins and essential organic molecules in every living life on Earth. Both are necessary for our genetic DNA to function. Proteins, enzymes, and other organic substances required for life require nitrogen and phosphorus.Animal dung and synthetic fertilizers are commonly used to provide nitrogen and phosphorus to our gardens and farms. Human activity, on the other hand, has severely altered Earth’s natural nutrient cycles, resulting in soil degradation and aquatic dead zones.


Human influences:


Humanity’s disturbance of nutrient cycles began with the fast extinction of huge terrestrial mammals. Early farming cultures and civilizations, such as the Maya and Mesopotamians, fell as their soils were depleted. Farmers learnt about manure, compost, biochar, and crop rotation to help maintain soils, but global population increase eventually degraded soils. To nourish their exhausted soils, European nations mined potassium nitrate (KNO3) and imported bird and bat guano from Pacific islands during the nineteenth century. Scientists looked for strategies to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia as these nitrogen sources became scarce. Fritz Haber proved successful in Germany, and by 1913, the BASF chemical business was generating 20 tonnes of ammonia per day.

However, as we all know from ecology, there are always unintended effects. Fertilizer use adds additional sources of nitrogen and phosphorus into the ecosystem, concentrating these nutrients within specific watersheds. We usually conceive of “nutrients” as beneficial. Things develop because of nutrients. However, ecology is never so straightforward. We have overloaded specific watersheds by removing nitrogen and phosphate from the environment and concentrating them in agriculture and residential septic run-off. The yearly phosphorus and nitrogen input is now around 8.5 million tonnes and 54 million tonnes, respectively. If the local plant community is unable to absorb the additional fertilizer load, the nutrients are transported to lakes and seas via groundwater, ditches, and streams.The alteration of the Earth’s nitrogen cycles is just as critical as global warming and biodiversity loss. We must first understand the natural nutrient cycles of a healthy environment in order to come up with remedies.


Nitrogen cycle:


Our atmosphere contains roughly 78 percent nitrogen gas, but it is not readily available for organic usage. Certain bacteria found in Earth’s soils may take nitrogen and convert it to ammonia, or NH3, which they utilise for their own growth and reproduction while leaving some for plants to absorb.Some plants, such as beans, peas, clover, and alfalfa, have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots. These plants supply a home and carbohydrates to the bacteria in a typical symbiosis. The bacteria convert nitrogen to useful ammonia in exchange. Any remaining ammonia is available to other plants in the soil.

 The one probable positive consequence of nitrogen fertiliser concentration is that it may help trap some carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Human disruption of the nitrogen cycle, according to a study by Peter Vitousek and colleagues titled “Human change of the global nitrogen cycle,” has:

  • Nitrogen input into terrestrial ecosystems has been doubled.

  • Increased global levels of the greenhouse gas N2O, contributing to photochemical fog.

  • Calcium and potassium deficiency in soils, compromising long-term soil fertility.

  • Acidification of soils, streams, and lakes was a result of this.

  • Eutrophication of lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coastal oceans has increased.

  • Biological diversity has decreased.

  • Coastal marine fisheries have been reduced.

Visualization of the Nitrogen cycle from the US Geological Survey

The atmosphere is the world’s greatest nitrogen reserve, with a million times more nitrogen than all living things combined. Nitrogen makes up 78 percent of the atmosphere.

Fixation of nitrogen: Nitrogen as a gas (N2) is extremely stable, and converting it to nitrate requires a lot of energy, such as from volcanic eruptions or lightning strikes. Some bacteria, on the other hand, can break the bonds between the two nitrogen atoms and mix them with hydrogen to produce ammonia (NH3 or NH4+). The bacteria use the enzyme nitrogenase, which only works when there is no oxygen present, which is commonly found beneath layers of dirt. Rice growing in marshes has a mucus around its roots that microorganisms thrive in.

Nitrification is a two-step process that involves several bacteria. The ammonia will first be turned to nitrites, which will then be transformed to nitrates by bacteria. Because nitrates and nitrites are significantly more mobile in soils and more quickly taken by plants than ammonia, this is a crucial phase in the nitrogen cycle.

Assimilation Ammonia and nitrates are taken up by plants’ roots and used to produce amino acids. These are then utilised to create plant proteins, which aid in their growth.

Organic matter is broken down either in the digestive tract of animals in the form of faeces or in the soil after they die. Microorganisms (decomposers) convert organic resources into amino acids, DNA, or chlorophyll before returning to ammonia. This nitrogen can then be taken up by plants again, or it can go through the denitrification process.

Denitrification: Denitrifying bacteria convert ammonia to nitrogen gas, which is then discharged into the atmosphere. Denitrification occurs exclusively in soils with low oxygen levels, such as damp soil and wetlands.

All of the activities outlined above constitute one huge cycle that keeps roughly the same amount of nitrogen in each reservoir. The soil emits as much nitrogen into the atmosphere as it absorbs. Plants consume as much soil as they return to it after decay. However, people are interfering with and altering the cycle, primarily by burning fossil fuels and utilising enormous amounts of nitrogen for agricultural uses.




The magnitude of human business remains a fundamental driver in practically all ecological concerns. After a moderate agricultural harvest, soils may naturally replace nutrients, but not after an endlessly growing harvest. Watershed ecosystems can handle a certain amount of nutrient flow, but not an unlimited supply. Bacteria, fungi, and plants are used in biological processes to remove or digest nutrients and contaminants. Bioremediation takes place naturally in healthy ecosystems and can be aided by design. Native plants, particularly those with high nitrogen uptake, such as cattails, should be replanted on disturbed shorelines (typha species). Garden Giant (Stropharia rugosoannulata) is a beneficial mushroom that can absorb nutrients and digest toxins.We have the ability to reverse the trend of expanding marine dead zones and eutrophic lakes. To do so, however, we must embrace the fact that nature’s abundance has limits.


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