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Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great ruled a huge kingdom that stretched from the Balkans to modern-day Pakistan between 336 BC and 323 BC.

Alexander the Great’s reign forever changed people’s lives and will continue for years to come. Alexander was like a bird that flew out of nowhere and conquered countless nations and territories at an unbelievable pace.

Know About Alexander the Great

  • It’s possible that Alexander the Great’s military skills didn’t win him universal esteem, according to retired Collège de France history professor Pierre Briant’s argument. 

  • Alexander the Great was born in Pella, the administrative capital of ancient Macedonia, in 356 BC.

  • He was very kind and supportive because he was King Philip II’s son. 

  • Since he was a small child, Olympias, with different sports, had been taught to be descended from heroes and gods.

  •  According to a classics professor at Wellesley College, the determination was not deterred by whatever was accomplished on the battlefield.

Alexander’s Relationship With His Father

  • Alexander’s father was often away from him since he was involved in the conquest and suppression of uprisings in neighbouring provinces. According to Abernethy, Macedonian King Philip II influenced Alexander the Great and gave him the moral support and the idols required.

  • The best possible start in life was given to Alexander by Philip. Thanks to Aristotle, Alexander gained knowledge from the great philosopher.

  •  He was particularly drawn to the humanities because of his formal education. Aristotle’s teachings guided and helped him verbally as Alexander the Great as he conquered and occupied nations worldwide.

  • His father’s ability to win election after election astounded Alexander as a boy. As a scholar, Ian Worthington investigates Philip’s efforts to transform the Macedonian army from an unwieldy band of citizen warriors to a well-coordinated military force (Yale University Press, 2010). 

  • Worthington claimed that Philip was seriously injured during the scuffle, losing an eyeball and suffering a broken shoulder and leg.

  • Alexander the Great by Cartledge (opens in new tab) claims that Philip left Macedonia to care for his 16-year-old son while he was off campaigning for Alexander (Overlook Press, 2004).

  •  After his victory over the Maedi, Alexander began construction on the city he dubbed “Alexandroupolis.”

Personality Development of Alexander

Alexian’s development as an individual required him to oppose his father’s authority and outdo him in whatever way possible. In the “Lives” of Plutarch, it is stated that Alexander and Philip fell out when he was a youngster. According to Abernethy, the repeated marriages of his father were a challenge to his father’s authority in Alexander’s eyes. At the time of Olympia’s exile in Epirus, Greece, she was forced to return to her native country.

Cleopatra’s marriage to Philip in 336 BC marked the end of Philip’s reign as king (not the famous Egyptian pharaoh). Pausanias, Philip’s ex-girlfriend, is said to have stabbed him in the back. Specifically, Justin was alluding to Cleitarchus’ account, in which the latter claimed Pausanias was part of a greater conspiracy to kill Alexander and his mother.

Conquering of Greece

  • There were multiple efforts to conquer Greece by the Achaemenid Empire, which controlled from the Balkans to modern-day Pakistan. 

  • When Philip died, he had his sights set on the Achaemenid Empire. According to Abernethy, Alexandra’s mother, Olympic, acted as an intermediary between Philip’s imagination and Alex’s.

  •  It wasn’t until she instilled in him an intense desire to rule Persia that she had her ultimate purpose.

  • Alexander’s father died, and the corporation was immediately transferred to Alexander’s control. 

  • Faced with the Macedonian army, Philip’s captured Greek cities submitted to him. In Greece, Alexander of Macedonia shifted his attention to the city of Thebes, which was located in the Balkans and Thrace. When he acquired control of it in 335 BC, it was demolished.

Alexander of Macedonia

  • Alexander of Macedonia was prepared to take on the Persians once the Greeks and Balkans had been routed. Following the conquest of Iran, the Persian Empire was established.

  •  With Darius III, Alexander encountered many Greek mercenaries, and they were an ongoing problem. 

  • The Spartans, according to Siculus, were just as hostile to Alexander as they had been to the Persians despite losing their king and 300 warriors at Thermopylae. When the Spartans tried to overthrow him, they turned to the Persians for assistance.

  • It was a tremendous victory for Alexander of Macedonia over Persia. The Battle of Granicus, which took place in modern-day Turkey close to Troy, was his first major victory against Persians and was a great one.

  • According to the ancient Greek writer Arrian, Alexander of Macedonia the Great wiped out a Persian army of 20,000 horses and 20,000 footmen.

  • He conquered cities and cut off the Persian navy’s supplies as he marched down the west Turkish coast.

  • He gained a footing in the region with his victory at the Battle of Issus in modern-day Turkey and Syria in 333 BC.

  • Perhaps the most meaningful triumph of his life. During the battle, it was Darius III of Persia who led the charge.

  • By a factor of six hundred thousand, Arrian miscalculated the size of Darius’s army. His ability to amass an army over such a large expanse of open land may have initially worked in Alexander of Macedonia’s favour.


His mother, wife, son-in-law, and two additional daughters were all left behind due to Darius’ hasty departure. Arrian wrote that people who followed Alexander’s orders were to be “honoured and revered as royalty,” Arrian wrote. Immediately following the conflict, Darius and Alexander, the great spouse’s family, arranged a contract in which Darius would marry Alexander the great spouse off as reparation. Alexander was killed in the war during his great exploits and ended the great era of conquering by Alexander the Great.


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How did Alexander the Great die?

Ans. Alexander the great died due to the planning and the assassination.

What happened to the empire of Alexander the Great?

Ans. Alexander the Great’s kingdom was broken into forty years of the war.

What did Alexander the great wish for when he died to be done after Alexander the great death?

Ans. Alexander the Great wanted the way to be covered by the treasure as a symbolic meaning to represent that the tr...Read full

How was Alexander the great buried?

Ans. Alexander the Great was buried with his hands out so everyone could see.