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Albert Einstein’s Inventions and History

We will learn about the most influential physicist of all time, Albert Einstein. Also, have insight into Albert Einstein's inventions and Albert Einstein biography.

Albert Einstein is a German-born physicist known for devising the Theory of Relativity. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution to theoretical physics and the discovery of the photoelectric effect. His theories and discoveries are the pillars of modern physics. He is considered one of the greatest thinkers and physicists of all time. Space scientists use Albert Einstein’s inventions and theories to study and understand the universe and its elements. The quantum theory of light, general theory of relativity, special theory of relativity, photoelectric effect, and wave-particle duality are some of the essential theories discovered by him. Let us read more about Albert Einstein’s inventions, facts, and Albert Einstein’s biography.

Albert Einstein’s Inventions

These are some of the popular theories and inventions of Albert Einstein that have a significant influence on modern physics:

Quantum Theory of Light 

In this theory, Einstein explained that light travels in packets of energy and each packet are known as a photon. He also stated that these particles have wave-like properties. He also outlined the process of emission of electrons from the surface of a metal when it is hit by lightning. This is known as the photoelectric effect, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921.

Avogadro’s Number 

Einstein suggested the existence of indistinguishable particles known as atoms in molecules or elements. The scientists used this theory to calculate the Avogadro’s.’s number. Avogadro’s number is the number of atoms in one mole of molecule or element.

Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein’s theories of general and special relativity developed as an essential tool for studying astronomical objects and phenomena. The mass-energy equivalence formula, which we generally know in the form of an equation, E=mc2 changed the perception that energy and mass are completely distinct and unrelated. These theories are used by scientists in studying space and the universe.

Albert Einstein’s Biography

Elbert Einstein was born on 14th March 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He moved to Switzerland in 1895. He enrolled in the Mathematics and Physics diploma program at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School at the age of 17 and completed his graduation in 1900. Furthermore, he took Swiss Citizenship in 1901. The year 1905 was an important year of his life when he published four revolutionary papers. These papers included the theory of the photoelectric effect, the Brownian motion, mass-energy equivalence and the special relativity theory. This year, he was also awarded PhD by the University of Zurich. Einstein served as the President of the German Physical Society from 1916 to 1918. In 1922, he received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution to Theoretical Physics and discovery of the Law of Photoelectric Effect.

He then visited New York City, and from 1922 to 1932, Einstein was a member of the Internation Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations in Geneva, which was a body formed to promote intellectual exchange among scientists, researchers and intellectuals. In 1933, with the rise of the power of Nazis under the German chancellor Adolf Hitler, the Jews were barred from holding any position in the German Universities, and Einstein’s works were targeted by the German Student Union. He could not return to Germany. In 1935, he applied for permanent citizenship in the United States.  Einstein joined the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People at Princeton and campaigned for the rights of African-Americans.

He was awarded an honorary degree by Lincoln University in 1946. During his lifetime, Einstein published hundreds of books and articles and numerous scientific and non-scientific papers. Einstein died on 18th April 1955 in Princeton at the age of 76. His personal archives, library and intellectual assets were passed to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel.  

Interesting Facts About Albert Einstein 

  • Alberts Einstein was good at Maths and Science from a very young age, but he struggled with subjects related to language and grammar.
  • He was interested in physics, but his interest deepened when he received a compass as a gift and was surprised to see how magnets moved inside it.
  • The 12-year-old Einstein taught himself Algebra and geometry over a single summer and independently discovered his original proof of the Pythagorean theorem.
  • The famous equation, E=mc2, the general theory of relativity, helped scientists to understand how the universe works. These theories were a breakthrough in his career and made him world-famous.


Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists in history. His discoveries and theories of relativity help scientists understand how the universe works. He also made significant contributions to quantum mechanics. Albert Einstein’s work in the world of physics gave a new dimension to the previous incomplete theories. His theories about gravity, mass, energy, light, and motion still form the basis of major scientific discoveries and projects. He not only contributed to the world of science but also makes his presence to non-scientific issues and causes. He was a great thinker and had a curious mind. Einstein’s achievements and his extraordinary intelligence made him a synonym for ‘genius’.


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What are the major contributions of Einstein in the world of physics?

Answer. Einstein’s theory of relativity and his contribution to quantum mechanics are the major pillars of mod...Read full

When did Albert Einstein receive the Nobel Prize?

Answer. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics in the year 1922 for his services and important contribution to ...Read full

What are the four popular scientific papers published by Einstein?

Answer. At the age of 26, Einstein published four innovative papers that included the photoelectric effect, the Brow...Read full

What are the practical applications of the photoelectric effect?

Answer. It is used in solar panels, telecommunication networks, dish antennas, imaging and other devices....Read full

What is the most famous equation of the theory of relativity?

Answer. The famous equation of the theory of relativity is E=mc2...Read full