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Surface Chemistry

Surface Chemistry is the analysis of chemical and physical events that takes place under two phases of interface which consist of a solid vacuum interface, liquid-gas interface, solid-liquid interface, and solid-gas interface.

Surface Chemistry is a very important concept in chemistry. Basically, Surface Chemistry is nothing but the understanding or study of chemical or physical phenomena under the occurrence of the interface phases, those phases include solid-liquid, solid-gas, solid vacuum, and liquid-gas interface. Surface chemistry is generally understood or studied by the absorption or colloidal state which is very much vital and useful to study the chemical and physical characteristics of a substance. Some applications of surface chemistry are popularly called surface engineering. Corrosions, Colloids, absorption, catalysis, chromatography all these processes take place due to the phenomenon named surface chemistry. 

What is Surface Chemistry? 

The phenomenon named surface chemistry will be explained briefly in the following bullet points. 

  • Surface chemistry is the understanding of chemical or physical phenomena in two phases of interface which consist of solid-liquid, solid-gas, solid vacuum, and liquid-gas interface. 
  • To understand the physical and chemical characteristics of a substance very appropriately and perfectly it becomes very important to have a clean surface. 
  • In simple words, we can say that surface chemistry is the simple process to know the chemical and physical characteristics of a substance when it touches a new surface. 
  • Under a very high range of vacuum up to 10-8 or 10-9 pascals, it is currently attainable to get a clear surface of the metal. 
  • Due to their full mixable nature, they have no interface with gases
  • The surface chemistry properties are the attributes or characteristics of the outer part of substances consisting of the molecules too. 

Corrosion, Absorption, Colloids, and Emulsion all take place due to one phenomenon, and the name of the phenomenon is surface chemistry. Surface chemistry had played a couple of very important roles in the chemical processes such as corrosion, The reaction of enzymes found in the human body at the biological interface encountered in membrane and cell walls, Surface chemistry has a very important role in the electronic industry because they are used in the production of microchips that are used in computers and laptops, etc. are some vital roles played by surface chemistry.   

Surface Chemistry Questions 

Surface Chemistry is a very important Concept in UPSC examinations. Many questions from this Concept come in the examinations. Surface Chemistry Questions that come in UPSC or board examinations are as follows: – 

  • What is the Tyndall effect? 
  • What is an emulsion? 
  • Define the process of electrophoresis 
  • What is ‘shape-selective catalysis’ of reactions? 
  • What is the importance of having a clean surface for surface chemistry? 
  • What happens when gelatin is mixed with a solution of gold? 
  • Name the type of Solution formed by mixing different solutions of soap in water? 
  • Why is chemisorption considered active absorption? 

Absorption In Surface Chemistry 

Absorption is a Concept of surface chemistry in which the solid surface has the nature to retain and attract molecules of a specific phase when it comes into contact. These come in contact with the Surface and remain on the outer parts of the surface and don’t go at the bulk of the surface. The application of absorption in surface chemistry can be seen in the following processes. Gas masks, production of high vacuum, regulation of humidity, curing diseases, and chromatographic analysis are a few applications of absorption in surface chemistry. 


This article was brief on the idea of surface chemistry. The article showed the meaning of the surface chemistry phenomenon and with this, it also showed a few important surface chemistry questions for UPSC examinations. Surface Chemistry is nothing but the understanding and study of chemical and physical events that take place under two phases of interface and these consist of solid-liquid, solid-gas, solid vacuum, and liquid-gas interface.  


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What is Surface Chemistry?

Ans. Surface Chemistry is the analysis of physical and chemical phenomena occurring under two phases of interface an...Read full

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Ans. The two important roles played by Surface Chemistry in chemical processes are as follows: –  ...Read full

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