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State function Volume In Thermodynamics

This article explains about the volume state function of thermodynamics. Further, this article will also explain its significance in a detailed manner.

Volume refers to the amount of three-dimensional space enclosed by a closed surface, such as the space occupied or contained by a substance or shape. A graduated cylinder, also known as a measuring cylinder or a mixing cylinder, is a piece of scientific equipment used to determine the volume of a liquid. A system’s volume is an important comprehensive parameter for defining its thermodynamic state in thermodynamics. The volume of the system per unit of mass is known as its specific volume, which is an intense feature. Volume is a state function that interacts with other thermodynamic characteristics like pressure and temperature. The ideal gas law, for example, connects the volume of an ideal gas to its pressure and temperature. A system’s physical volume may or may not correspond to the control volume used to analyse it.

Volume in thermodynamics

A thermodynamic system’s volume often refers to the volume of the working fluid, such as the fluid inside a piston. Changes to this book can be made through the application of work or by the production of work. However, because an isochoric process operates at a constant volume, no work can be created. A change in volume is the outcome of many other thermodynamic processes. A polytropic process. A polytropic process will be comparable to a constant-property process for specified polytropic indices.

Because gases can be compressed, their volumes (and specific volumes) can change during thermodynamic processes. Liquids, on the other hand, are nearly incompressible. Therefore their volumes are frequently assumed to be constant. Compressibility is defined as the change in the relative volume of a fluid or solid as a function of pressure, and it can be measured for substances in any phase. Thermal expansion, on the other hand, is the tendency of matter to alter volume in reaction to temperature changes.

Many thermodynamic cycles are made up of different processes, some of which keep the volume constant and others which don’t.The refrigerant fluid transfers between the liquid and vapour states of matter in a vapour-compression refrigeration cycle, for example.

Mechanical work on a working fluid results in a change in the system’s mechanical restrictions; in other words, work requires a change in volume. As a result, volume is a key metric in describing many thermodynamic processes that involve the exchange of energy in the form of work. Volume is one of two conjugate variables, with pressure being the other. The product, like other conjugate pairings, is a kind of energy. The energy lost to a system owing to mechanical work is represented by the product pV. Enthalpy H is made up of several terms, one of which is this product.

The second law of thermodynamics imposes limits on how much useful work may be derived from a thermodynamic system. The Helmholtz free energy is the measure of “useful” work attainable in thermodynamic systems where the temperature and volume are kept constant; the Gibbs free energy is the measure of useful work attainable in systems where the volume is not kept constant.

Similarly, the optimum heat capacity value for a given process is determined by whether or not the process results in a volume change. The quantity of heat added to a system determines the heat capacity. In a constant-volume process, all of the heat has an impact on the system’s internal energy (i.e., there is no pV-work, and all the heat affects the temperature).In a process without a constant volume, however, the heat addition affects both the internal energy and the work (i.e., the enthalpy); hence, the temperature changes by a different amount than in the constant-volume case, requiring a different heat capacity number.

Specific volume

The volume occupied by a unit of mass of a material is known as its specific volume. In many circumstances, the specific volume is a helpful quantity to determine since, as an intensive feature, it may be utilised in conjunction with another independent intensive variable to identify the whole state of a system. The particular volume also allows systems to be examined without having to refer to an exact operating volume, which may or may not be known (or significant) at some points throughout the research. A substance’s specific volume is equal to the reciprocal of its mass density. It is also known as molar volume.

Volume state function

Volume is a state function since it is determined solely by the final and beginning values, not by the path taken to get at those values.


In engineering and thermodynamics calculations for physics and chemistry, specific volume is most commonly utilised. It’s used to forecast how gases would behave under different settings. By reducing total volume (V) by the mass of the system, n = V/m, total volume (V) can be converted to specific volume (V), which is an intense feature. An intense property is any specified property (specific volume, specific enthalpy, specific entropy).


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