Specific conductivity, also known as conductivity, is the measuring ability of a material to conduct electricity. The conductance of material, due to which it will allow the flow of ions through itself and therefore will conduct electricity. It is the reciprocal of specific resistance. Conductivity measurements are usually used in industrial and environmental applications as it is a fast process and inexpensive. It is also a very reliable process. Sometimes, conductivity measurements are associated with different methods to enhance the sensitivity of specific types of ions. Conductivity measurements are good ways to find the presence or absence of conductive ions in a solution.Â
What is Specific conductance?Â
The specific conductance is the property of a material that allows the electricity to pass through it. The ability of a material to conduct electricity is known as specific conductance. The specific amount of conductance that flows from a material is specific conductance. It is also known as the reciprocal resistance of that material. The conductance of a material also depends on its nature and type. The number of valence cells and the temperature of the environment also affect the conductance of the material. Metals are very good conductors of electricity because of their valence shells. The conductance of material counts on the temperature, the conductivity of a material decreases with the increase in temperature. Water in its purest form has very low conductance because of hydroxyl ions. The conductance of electricity in a solution by the ions is called electrolytic conductance.Â
Application of conductivity measurements.Â
Testing the electrical conductivity of water provides practical information about the solution. The specific conductivity is important and useful; it also calculates the total dissolved solids in the water.Â
Some applications of the specific conductivity are as follows:-
- Specific conductivity in natural water, aquaculture, and environmental application.
In natural conditions, water conductivity is used to calculate the concentration of dissolved salts in the water. In summers, the conductivity of the water may increase because of evapotranspiration. In places with a lot of pollution, the water can be examined for change in conductivity which may indicate contamination of water by spill and leak. In marine ecosystems where there is an existence of marine life, the conductivity of the water can be calculated. It can be estimated if the water body is convenient for marine life.Â
2. Water treatment and industrial application.Â
Water treatment is used to make the water safe to drink. Conductivity can also be used to make the water used for industrial use. In many industries, corrosion can be a big concern. Specific conductance can be used to determine the dissolved mineral in the water and also detect the impurities. After the conductance is used, the water can be remineralised and used for various purposes. If drinking water is saline, conductivity is used to treat the water and make the water drinkable. In many industries where the water is stored, it might have leakage from where the heat exchange occurs. Through conductivity, leaks can be determined because the conductivity will always be higher when there is an exchange of heat. Specific conductivity can also determine the pH of the solution.Â
Specific conductance in agriculture.Â
For irrigation, the salt content in water, known as salinity, is important. If the salinity is high in the water, salt will be deposited on the bed of soil when the water evaporates from the ground. This will lead to the degradation of the soil quality and damage the crops. To find the salinity of the water-specific conductance methods can be carried out. If the specific conductance is more, more will be salinity, and the water will not be ideal for irrigation purposes.Â
Unit of specific conductance.Â
The unit for specific conductance is siemens per metre (S/m)
Specific conductivity is the measuring ability of a material that can conduct electricity. The conductance is due to the ion flow from the material. Conductivity is a simple and fast process that is convenient and easy to use. It is used to determine the conductance of any solution. Conductance depends on temperature, material, environment, and type of solution. It also depends on the valence shell of an electron. Specific conductance is also used in industrial, agricultural, and environmental applications.