A state of Matter is nothing more or less than a solid state. Solid, liquid, and gas are the three states of Matter we were taught in elementary school. There are more things to learn as we progress from elementary to high school. When it comes to understanding the concept of solid state, we’ll cover everything from the properties of solids to their different types.
Solids are distinct from liquids and gases in that they have distinct physical properties. Many factors influence a compound’s solid state, including its atom configuration and the forces that act between them.
Physical and Chemical Properties of the Solid State
There is very little space between the constituent particles in a solid because the particles are arranged close to each other.
As the name implies, solids are impermeable. As a result, it is rigid or fixed because of a lack of space between its constituent particles.
Solids have a specific mass, volume, and shape, resulting in a well-defined arrangement of their constituent particles.
The distance between molecules is extremely short. As a result, the interaction between atoms, molecules, and ions is extremely strong.
What can vary only the mean positions of the constituent particles?
The Solid State Types
The arrangement of its constituent particles determines a solid’s state.
- Amorphous Solids
- Crystalline Solids
Solid State Crystallisation
Solids with a classic crystal structure are referred to as crystalline solids. Of that kind, solids have specific atoms, molecules, or ions arranged in a lengthy order throughout the 3-D network. Sodium Chloride, Quartz, Diamond, and so on are examples of substances.
Crystalline Solids’ Physical Properties
There is a specific temperature at which crystallised solids begin to melt and crystallise.
Crystalline solids have a predetermined shape and a well-defined arrangement of atoms.
It is possible to cut them with the edge of a sharp tool, and the freshly created surfaces are seamless and plain. They have a cleavage property.
They have a distinct fusion temperature (amount of energy needed to melt a given mass of solid at its melting point).
This means that when electrical resistance or refractive index are measured in different directions within the same crystal, they show different values because crystalline solids are anisotropic.
True solids are those that are crystallised.
Crystalline Solid Types
Crystalline solids are further subdivided into four categories based on intermolecular forces or chemical bonds.Â
There are two types of molecular solids:
- Solid ions
- Solids made of metallic materials
- Solids with a covalent bond
- Molecular solids are a solid
Condensed Matter in an Amorphous Form
These solids have some degree of rigidity and incompressibility, but only to a limited degree. They are ambiguous in terms of geometrical form or long range of order. There are numerous examples, including glass, rubber, plastic, etc.
Solids with Amorphous Structures
As the temperature increases, the amorphous solids soften, allowing them to be moulded into different shapes.
Super-cooled or pseudo-liquid amorphous solids tend to flow very slowly. Older buildings’ windows often have slightly thicker bottom-to-top glass panes attached to the panes.
In the case of amorphous solids, the arrangement of their constituent particles is undefined.
When a sharp edge tool is used to cut amorphous solids, it produces pieces with irregular surfaces.
Amorphous solids do not have a definite fusion temperature because of their random particle arrangement.
Amorphous solids are inherently isotropic, which means that the value of any physical property would be the same in any direction due to the irregular arrangement of particles.
One of the best photovoltaic materials, amorphous silicon, is used by Amorphous Solids.
Property of Solid State Chemistry
Solids have the same mass, volume, and shape regardless of how they are formed.
They are both flexible and pliant.
Because intermolecular distances are so small, they are more powerful.
The particles that make up the system are all arranged in the same orientation, so they can only oscillate in the direction of the mean.
Uses of Solid State Chemistry
The finding of high-temperature superconductors, new types of carbon, and countless other advancements in the synthesis, characterisation, and application of inorganic materials can all be traced back to solid state chemistry.
Solid states are distinct from liquids and gases in that they have distinct physical properties. Solids with a classic crystal structure are crystalline solids or amorphous solids. There is a specific temperature at which crystallised solids begin to melt and crystallise. Amorphous solids are a type of solid condensed Matter in an Amorphous Form. Solids have some degree of rigidity and incompressibility, but only to a limited degree. They are inherently isotropic, which means any physical property would be the same in any direction due to the irregular arrangement of particles.