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Solar Energy Storage and Use

Solar energy is solar radiation that can produce heat, cause chemical processes, or generate electricity. The overall amount of solar energy incident on Earth exceeds the world's current and projected energy needs by a large margin. This highly distributed source has the ability to meet all future energy needs if successfully utilized.

In one hour, more energy from the sun falls on the earth than is utilized by everyone on the planet in a year. Sunlight is converted into useful energy for buildings using a variety of ways. Solar photovoltaics for electricity, passive solar design for space heating and cooling, and solar water heating are the most often used solar technologies for homes and businesses.

Although, solar panels have one drawback that even the most ardent solar evangelists can agree on the notion that they only produce electricity when the sun is shining. Solar panels, on the other hand, frequently produce enough energy during low-demand hours when the sun is shining to fulfill peak demand later in the day. This means that effective solar energy storage can provide a plethora of benefits to both individuals and businesses.

Solar energy

Solar energy is the energy from the sun or the energy from the Sun’s radiation. The Sun’s energy is derived from a deep-in-the-sun nuclear fusion reaction. Hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium nuclei. The sun’s energy is sent into space as a result of these processes.  Solar energy is essential for all life on the planet. Photosynthesis is the process through which green plants produce nourishment. This process cannot take place without the presence of light. The sun is usually the source of this light. Plants provide food for animals, while animals that eat plants provide food for other creatures. Heat is also required for the survival of plants and animals. As a result, plants serve as solar energy storage units.

Benefits of Solar energy storage

1. To balance Electricity loads- Energy storage permits an energy reservoir to be charged when demand is low and generation is high, then released when demand increases and generation decreases.

2. It firms solar generation- Short-term solar energy storage ensures a steady flow of energy during generator outages, such as passing clouds or routine maintenance.

3. Resilience- By decentralizing where we acquire our energy, solar energy storage offers a protective bubble during disruptive events.

Solar Collectors

A solar collector is a device that collects and/or concentrates the Sun’s solar radiation. These devices are known to be used for active solar heating and heating of water by absorption of solar radiation and converting it into heat or electricity. These collectors are usually located on the roof and must be extremely durable because they are exposed to a variety of weather conditions.

A large number of these collectors can be assembled in an array and utilized to generate electricity in solar thermal power plants, as well as in-home settings.

Types of solar collectors

In solar collectors generally, certain material is used to gather and focus solar energy so that it can be used to heat water. The most basic of these systems uses a black substance to enclose water-flowing pipes. Other types of collectors are mentioned below:

1. Flat-Plate Collectors- This type of solar collector are simply metal boxes with a dark-colored absorber plate and some kind of translucent glazing on top. These plates are often constructed of a conductivity metal, such as copper or aluminum. Special coatings, which absorb and hold heat better than standard black paint, are sometimes applied to these plates.

2. Evacuated tube collectors- Solar collectors that use evacuated tubes to heat water for usage are known as evacuated tube collectors. These tubes capture the sun’s energy while reducing heat loss to the environment. They have an inner metal tube that works as an absorber plate and is connected to a heat pipe that transports the solar heat.

3. Line focus collectors- High-powered parabolic troughs are often used to create steam for solar thermal power plants and are not suitable for home use. These troughs, especially those that can pivot and track the Sun in the sky to ensure optimal sunlight gathering, can be incredibly efficient at generating heat from the Sun.

4. Point focus collectors- Solar collectors with a point focus can concentrate solar energy for use in concentrated photovoltaics. Large parabolic dishes made of reflective material focus the Sun’s energy onto a single point in these collectors. Stirling engines commonly utilize the heat from these collectors.

Uses of solar collectors

Laundries, car washes, military laundry facilities, and food restaurants are examples of commercial uses. If the building is off-grid or if utility power is frequently down, the technique can also be used for space heating. Solar water heating systems are most likely to be cost-effective for establishments with expensive water heating systems or operations that demand significant amounts of hot water, such as laundries or kitchens.


In this article, we came to know about solar energy, its importance, storage done by solar collectors for different uses, etc. Thus, we can summarize it by saying, solar energy has the potential to be a plentiful renewable energy source (electrical and thermal). Solar energy storage, on the other hand, will become crucial when solar energy provides a large fraction of total energy, due to its unpredictability.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation.

What is the advantage of storing solar energy?

Ans. It balances electrical load, firms solar generation, and provides resilience.

Which type of resource is solar energy?

Ans. Renewable source.

State concentrating solar collector?

Ans. Parabolic Trough Collector

What is Solar water heating?

Ans. A blackened flat plate metal collector with related metal tubing towards the general direction of the sun makes...Read full