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Problems of Photoelectric Effect

What do we understand about the concept of the photoelectric effect? What do we know about the photoelectric effect example? What do we understand about the photoelectric effect experiment viva questions? We will be shedding light on all these topics over here in an insightful and interesting way.

The renowned scientist Albert Einstein was the one who contributed a lot to understanding the photoelectric effect in a complete manner and also received the Nobel Prize for the same. To understand the concept of the photoelectric effect one can explain it as the process wherein the electrons get discharged from that matter which has absorbed electromagnetic radiation. As we move forward, we shall study the photoelectric effect in detail along with topics such as photoelectric effect examples, photoelectric effect questions and photoelectric effect experiment viva questions.

Photoelectric Effect

The first individual who observed the photoelectric effect was from Germany – Heinrich Hertz in the year 1887. The packets which make up light can be called quanta as per Einstein. These were later termed photons. The scientific phenomenon according to which the electrically charged particles get emitted within or from a material while it is absorbing the electromagnetic radiation can be termed the photoelectric effect. 

There are various applications of the photoelectric effect which can help in understanding the photoelectric effect example as well. Firstly, it should be noted that those devices which are built as per the photoelectric effect possess a lot of attractive characteristics such as the production of current which is directly relative to the intensity of light and a very quick time in terms of response. Coming to understand the photoelectric effect example, one can view a photoelectric cell. Initially, it was a phototube that later got its replacement through the means of semiconductor-based photodiodes which have the ability for detecting light and measuring the intensity and conversion of light into energy which is electrical. Such devices can be useful as they have the ability to work at less voltage, in comparison to the band gaps. Further, these devices can also be extremely useful when it comes to the control of the industrial process, monitoring of pollution, imaging, solar cells and several other significant applications. 

Thus, with this, a common photoelectric effect question can be answered regarding the photoelectric effect example. It can be noted that a common photoelectric effect example is when one can observe a light shining on a plate of cathode and there is the emission of electrons from this plate which lead to hitting the anode and creation of current. Thus, it may be inferred that a solar panel can be formed by linking all these with one another. 

As observed, various photoelectric effect viva questions can be found in the above topics such as the application of the photoelectric effect, the history of this effect and its uses in today’s world. With the awareness of this concept, the learner can better understand the photoelectric effect viva questions. 


As observed from the above sections, various concepts regarding the photoelectric effect can now be clearly understood. These concepts can include diverse topics such as who first found this effect and how it came to being, the photoelectric effect examples and the photoelectric effect experiment via questions. It can be concluded that the concept was first observed by the German scientist – Heinrich Hertz and later developed by Albert Einstein who also received a Nobel Prize for the same. 


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What do we understand about the photoelectric effect experiment?

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