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Polymerization Chemical Reaction

In organic chem­istry, poly­mer­iza­tion re­ac­tions are widely utilized for the synthe­sis of new sub­stances. The top­ic of poly­mer­iza­tion is es­pe­cial­ly im­por­tant because the poly­mers ob­tained in the poly­mer­iza­tion re­ac­tion have enor­mous sig­nif­i­cance.

A polymer is made up of molecules structured in lengthy sequences of one or more species of atoms or groups of atoms joined together by covalent bonds. Because of their large molecular mass, polymers are classified as macromolecules. Monomers are groups of atoms or molecules that interact to form a polymer. Monomers are the fundamental building units of polymers. 

Understanding polymerization chemical reaction

It’s a reaction in which an organic molecule combines to generate a high-molecular-weight compound made up of the original compound’s repeating units. Copolymerization or heteropolymerization is a process that involves two or more monomers. Polymerization is distinguished from other processes by creating stable covalent chemical bonds between the monomers.

The ability of monomers to establish bonds with other monomer molecules is a basic need for polymerization. In polymer synthesis, various chemical processes are used to create polymers. All of these reaction types can be divided into two groups.

Step-growth Polymerization: Step polymerization occurs when sets of reactants of any size fuse or merge at each step to produce a longer polymer molecule. The degree of polymerization grows gradually throughout the reaction as each monomer molecule is changed into a dimer, then a trimer, and so on, until the polymeric macromolecules are created. As a result of the loss of some alcohol and water molecules, a condensation polymer with a high molecular mass is formed.

Chain-growth Polymerization: Because a chain reaction happens when a unit of chain extension is added to a monomer in a growing chain with an active center such as a free radical, this polymerization is called Chain-growth polymerization. Double bonds, triple bonds, and aromatic rings are common among the monomers employed in chain polymerization. Anionic processes, cationic mechanisms, free radical mechanisms, and coordination mechanisms can all be used to carry out these reactions. The chemical properties of the monomer and initiator utilized dictate the type of mechanism.


Steps in polymerization chemical reaction

 1st step

Initiation:  As the name implies, the initial step in the additional polymerization reaction is initiation. To create the polymer chain, an active center is formed during this stage. Two sub-steps are included in the initiation process:


  1. The starting molecules produce radicals (one or two).
  2. The radicals produced are transmitted from the starting molecules to the monomer units present. 

2nd step

Propagation: It is the process of a solid body’s numbers or extension rising. As a result, this phase in the addition polymerization process involves the expansion/enlargement of chain length. The propagation process begins with the radical initiator attacking the monomer and continues until all monomers have been consumed. 

3rd step

Termination: Termination is the third and last stage in the additional polymerization process. The insertion of a terminating free radical or the combination of two chains can bring the reaction to a halt.


Cationic and anionic polymerization


A carbocationic species is formed when a proton is added to an alkene bond, and it is a powerful electrophile. Carbocations of this type are very reactive and react fast with accessible nucleophiles. In hydrogen chloride addition, the carbocations react with the nucleophile, the chloride ion, to produce an alkyl halide as the addition product. When there is no nucleophile present, and the solvent is even mildly nucleophilic (water, alcohols, etc.), the carbocation combines with the nucleophiles in the solvent to produce an alcohol or ether.


When the intermediate anionic species is substantially stable, anionic polymerization is more efficient than cationic polymerization. Alkenes are not polymerized efficiently by the anionic technique because alkyl groups are donor groups. 

 How to measure a Polymerization Reaction?

To advance research, it is critical to comprehend the chemistry of polymerization completely. This comprehension is based on many elements, including:

  •     Conversion of reactions.
  •     Overall polymer structure to meet the requirements of the application.
  •     The relationship between reaction parameters, molecular weight, distribution, and influence.
  •     Conversion rates and reactivity ratios of monomers.
  •     In-depth knowledge of reaction mechanisms at the initiation, propagation, and termination stages. 

Measuring the individual polymerization reaction rates of the different monomers in more complex polymerizations, such as multi-polymer, ensures the physical qualities of the final product. 

The significance of in­di­ca­tors

Polymerization directly impacts the quality of the materials manufactured in these processes. The material’s durability is dependent on the average degree of polymerization. The higher the polymerization de­gree, the more viscous, durable, and long-lasting the ma­te­ri­al will be. The raw material’s flexibility is reduced.

 However, if genuinely dense poly­mers are required, the process temperature must be raised to evaporate the solvent (long-term polymerization in a solution) and boost the monomer concentration. This indicator is choosing raw materials to manufacture the final products with the decision.


Not only is it vital to have a fundamental grasp of polymerization processes since they affect the structure and thus characteristics, but some processing pathways can convert monomers directly to a completed shape.

They provide significant cost savings to the manufacturing industry, both directly and indirectly. The possibility of copolymerization, in which two or more distinct monomers are polymerized, adds another dimension to the polymer structure.


Frequently asked questions

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Is the process of polymerization reversible?

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Is water required for polymerization?

Ans. The polymerization process requires the presence of water molecules called comonomers.  ...Read full

What is the purpose of polymerization?

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Is it true that polymerization is a chemical change?

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