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Overview Of PH Scale Properties

pH is something that can measure the amount of acidic or basic tendency of water or liquid substance. Basically, the pH range varies from 0 to 14 and in this range 7 is the neutral one.

pH Scale is a very important part of not just chemistry. pH has the ability to measure the acidic or basic tendency of water or any liquid substance. Each and every liquid substance has a pH value and this value can be depicted with the help of pH paper. The pH paper consists of a range through which it can be identified that the substance is acidic or basic in nature. The pH range varies from 0 to 14 in which 7 is considered to be neutral which means if a substance’s pH value is identified and it comes as 7 then that substance is neutral neither acidic nor basic. 

Importance Of pH Scale 

Usually, the pH scale is considered to be a very important part of chemical studies. The pH scale is a very important part of chemistry as it recognises the properties of a chemical solution or liquid. The pH scale basically determines the acidic, basic or neutral condition of a chemical solution or a liquid. The range of the pH scale is from 0 to 14 where seven stands at neutral and the pH range below seven would be considered acidic and the pH range above seven would be considered basic. This level of the pH of chemical solution or liquid solution could be determined with the help of a pH paper. The actual full form of pH is the potential of hydrogen. It is known as the potential of hydrogen because this can measure the rate of acidity or alkalinity of a water-soluble substance. 

Importance of pH in the following fields

  • Importance of pH Scale in Agriculture – With the help of pH tools it is quite easy to recognize the PH value of soil. On the basis of the pH range of the soil, it could be easily encountered that soil is acidic or basic in nature. On the basis of this statement, it will be easier to determine the types of fertilizers or types of crops to sow in the field. 

  • Importance of pH Scale in Biological Process:- If the pH value is known then the biological process such as fermentation, sterilization, enzyme hydrolysis, etc. could be adjusted accordingly. 

  • Importance of pH Scale in Corrosion Research: – Measuring the PH level of seawater, the effect of alkaline on seawater is studied as it will be used further for building submarines and ships.

Properties of Neutral pH Scale 

As discussed before, the pH range at which a chemical solution is considered neutral is 7. Solutions like pure water which has a pH level of 7 are considered neutral in nature. The property of a neutral pH Scale could be that if an indicator is put under a neutral solution that indicator will not change its color and will remain constant. 

pH Scale Acids and Bases 

Generally, the pH scale in acids and bases is not the same. If the pH range is below 7 then the solution will be considered acidic and if the pH range is above seven then it would be considered a basic solution. There is a specific tool to identify the basic and acidic tendency of a solution and the name of this tool is litmus paper or pH indicator. Basically, an acidic solution consists of hydrogen ions, and other side bases solutions are completely opposite; they consist of hydroxide ions.


In this article, the properties of an ideal neutral pH scale, the importance of the PH scale, and the pH scale in acidic and basic solutions all these concepts are explained in detail with appropriate examples in this article. pH is nothing but the ability to determine whether a solution is acidic or basic and this could be determined with the help of litmus paper. There are two types of litmus paper, one is red and the other is blue. The Red One is Used to Determine the acidic solution and the blue one is used to determine the basic solution. 


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