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Nuclear Chemistry: Atomic Number (Z)

In this article we will discuss the basics of nuclear chemistry such as atomic number (Z), mass number (A), isotopes, along with nuclear reactions and its benefits.

Nuclear chemistry involves the scientific study of how changes in the architecture of the elementary particle affect the physicochemical characteristics of atoms. It also covers the radiation generated by nuclear processes and their applications. It is also known as radiochemistry, and it is concerned with the synthesis of elements in the cosmos and the development of radioactive medications for diagnostic purposes.

Nuclear Reactions and Radiations

Rutherford distinguished three forms of radioactivity in 1902 by transferring electrons through positively and negatively charged surfaces.

  • Alpha rays bend toward the negative electrode and have a positive electrical charge.
  • Beta rays bend towards the positive electrode and have a negative electrical charge.
  • Gamma rays are uncharged and travel right through the electromagnetic field.

Types of Radiations

Unlike traditional chemical changes, nuclear processes lead to significant changes of one substance into some other. This feature of nuclear processes collects nuclear radiation in nuclear power plants. Here are descriptions of the 3 most frequent kinds of radioactivity.

Alpha Radiation

That’s the proportion of an alpha subatomic particle discharge from the atom’s nucleus. The nucleus is comparable to the Helium (He) nucleus as it has two sets of protons and neutrons. The atomic energy of an element reduces by 4 units whenever it releases particles.

Beta Radiation

When compared to alpha particles, electrons and positrons are smaller, more invasive, and capable of travelling a few metres into the atmosphere in case of beta particles. These particles are what are classified as comparatively light particles and are the source of beta radiation. Common beta emitters include strontium 90, technetium 99, caesium 137, carbon-14, sulfur-35, and tritium. Although beta radiation has a greater ability to penetrate than alpha radiation, it still has difficulty passing through materials like our garments.

Gamma Radiation

It includes the atomic nuclei emitting electrostatic radiation. Because no electrons or atoms are released by gamma radiation, it doesn’t induce elements to transmute.

Nuclear Chemistry Basic Terminologies 

Atomic Number (Z)

The protons and neutrons or electrons in an element are their atomic numbers (Z) (for the same atom, the number of elements and protons are the same).

Eg: Carbon (C) = 6, Sulphur (S) = 16, Oxygen (O) = 8

Mass Number (A)

The total of neutrons and protons inside an element would be the mass numbers (and the sum of protons and neutrons present in an element).

Eg: Carbon (C) = 12, Sulphur (S) = 32, Oxygen (O) = 16


Isotopes include substances with identical atomic numbers with differing mass values.

Eg: Protium, Deuterium, Tritium.


Isobars are substances with identical mass numbers with different atomic numbers.

Eg: 40S, 40Cl, 40Ar, 40K, and 40Ca.


Allotropes are various versions of the same component.

Diamond & graphite, for example, are different allotropes of organic carbon, which are purest representations of the same elements with different crystalline structures.

Other allotropes of carbon include carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, etc. 

Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear reactions can be divided into two categories:

  1. Nuclear fission:

The atomic nucleus divides into tiny pieces, generating tremendous power. This is often accomplished by “firing” one electron at protons and neutrons. The electron “bullet’s” power enables the targeted atom to split into 2 (or even more) positive ions than that of the nucleus.

  1. Nuclear fusion:

2 or more particles “fuse” together to produce a single bigger particle, generating massive amounts of energy. The combustion of two “heavy” hydrogen isotopes (deuterium: H2 and tritium: H3) to the atom of helium is an excellent example.

Benefits and Applications of Nuclear Chemistry 

  1. Space Exploration

Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) are responsible for much of what scientists know regarding outer space. Tiny nuclear energy reactors are used to operate spacecraft in the harsh conditions of outer space. Throughout generations of space exploration, RPSs have shown to be robust, dependable, and repair-free.

  1. Nuclear Energy

Within the United States, nuclear power generates roughly 20% of its energy. It is a source of the country’s leading renewable energy resource, accounting for roughly 60% of all emissions-free power.

  1. Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

Atomic content or radioactive substances are used to treat and cure illnesses like cancer. Nuclear diagnostic surveillance, which blends the safe delivery of radioactive isotopes with digital image analysis, aids doctors in detecting tumours, size abnormalities, and other issues.

  1. Criminal Investigation

Police investigators routinely use radioisotopes to gather tangible evidence tying a culprit to a criminal charge. They may be used to detect trace substances in paints, glassware, adhesive, ammunition, arsenic metals, and toxins, among other items.

  1. Agriculture

Eventually, farmers may employ radiopharmaceuticals instead of conventional pesticides to eliminate insects that ruin crops. Adult mites are made sterile through this method, and pest levels are significantly reduced, if not exterminated entirely.


Nuclear chemistry applications will be much broader than you think. Nuclear chemistry offers a wide range of uses, including fire alarms to healthcare, food sterilisation to historical and archaeological analyses. Nuclear power is a low-carbon renewable resource because, unlike coal, oil, or gas power stations, nuclear power plants create virtually no CO2 throughout production. Nuclear reactors produce over a quarter of the world’s carbon-free power and are critical to achieving emission reduction goals.


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